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John Marcus Jun 2014
A few days of school,
thats all it took
for me to fall
fall in love with a girl
her name was Teemaeh
she was always sweet
she was pretty
she was smart
she likes this boy
and this boy I hate
but I never forget
that might not be true fate
  Jun 2014 John Marcus
Terry Collett
I miss your smile,
your laughter,
the chuckle you had,
the way your whole body
colluded with the laugh.

I miss your step,
the way you walked,
the soft spoken talk,
the humour, the dry jokes,
that I miss deeply,
the memory chokes.

I miss your look,
that gaze,
the big eyed stare,
that look
that seemed to say:
I care.

I miss you
for not being here,
miss your presence
in a room,
the chair vacant
where you once sat,
the photographs of you
looking back,
saying nothing,
looking far away,
nothing more to say.

I miss the whole of you,
not just bits and pieces,
not just this or that,
not just your tee shirts
or black hat.

I miss you
and wait for answers
that may never come,
never find the real reason why
someone ****** up
or why you had to die.
John Marcus Jun 2014
I like to wonder, crazy things
When i am bored
Moles climbing trees
and more absurd things
Like cookies coming out of boards
I also think
When u broke my heart…
I don't think i'm bored anymore
  Jun 2014 John Marcus
A broken swing set.
Dust carpeting the fractured terrain.
Lost, in forgotten memories.
I dreamt a very strange dream yesterday. It consisted of a broken swing set. That is all I can remember and I woke up today feeling, an unbearable sadness.
  Jun 2014 John Marcus
I think I made a mistake
I think, I let Him go
  Jun 2014 John Marcus
The sun was shining,
The birds were chirping,
A bomb exploded.
Well THAT escalated quickly.
Nishad :)
  Jun 2014 John Marcus
David Barr
Take caution, my friend, about joining any club that would extend the courtesy of membership, because
etchings upon our archaeological memory may reap undesirable pronouncements.
If your wings have not yet been clipped, then I implore you to turn the key that abides in the Iron Gate.
Liberty is truly to be found in banishment, and captivity embraces those who are presumed to be socially elite.
The Northern Command has our number written upon the electronic village of global deception, even though undertones are without doubt, seductive.
So, blow your whistles on this day of grey sky.
Your voice has now been heard.
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