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I'm not haunted by horrifying nightmares
I'm reminded of eerie memories that whisper in my sleep

I'm not driven mad by screaming voices in my head
I'm stalked by vivid images that corrupt my past

I'm not demented by the will to die
I'm torn apart by the death of my spirit

I'm not insane
I'm broken
I'm still here so life can't be that bad (written in December of 2015).
I care, too much, about people who always care too little
I accept more than I can take and I’m running out of fuel
They say your body is a temple, but all I seem to do is dismantle myself and give away the pieces.
I have ripped my own soul apart in attempts to mend the souls of others
I am broken, and I only have myself to blame.
I wanted to love everybody
I wanted everybody to love themselves
And I never stopped to wonder if I fully loved myself.

— The End —