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 Sep 2015 Joe Cole
 Sep 2015 Joe Cole
A hole inside my heart
Big; hollow; dark;
Has always been there
Never thought I should care

Covers up over time
Naive were the thoughts of mine
To think about a better place
With hope and love no pain and sorrows

Things I can not achieve
No matter how hard I try; imagine and believe
Still a hole inside my heart
Big, hollow and dark

We are trying to overcome
Our problems and flaws
We think they hold us strong within their claws
Wishing we could change ourselves
Knowing we will fail trying
This is my very first poem I've ever written. It also is one of my favorites. It can be interpretated in different ways. It is about trying to change the world for a better and seeing oneself failing in the process to do so. It is also about trying to change the very own personality to a better but finding oneself unable to do so and proceeding in falling into old habits that were thought to be overcome. Pain is playing an important role in this poem, which can sometimes knock you down. However even in the darkest moments one should not give up.
Share your heartache
Share your strife
Share your poems
Share your life

Be a witness
In the night
And be a light

You'll be blessed!
What's to lose?
If no one shares
How can I choose?

Another's pain
You may relieve
It matters not
What you believe

Share your work
So we can see
How with strength

We can be FREE!

♥ Catherine
Write an uplifting work
which describes how you feel
and how you have overcome
your difficult times.

I want to see positive poetry!

I will "shine" EVERY POEM ENTERED!

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I will shine the poems after
October third
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