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  Dec 2015 Jimmy Hegan
Francie Lynch
My heart is a boiling cauldron stewing with
A pinch of kindness,
A sprinkling of hope,
A dash of hate,
A gram of generosity,
A dram of charity,
A tablespoon of despair,
A measure of temperance,
A teaspoon of patience,
And a shake of faith.
Now, simmering on the element,
I can ladle out bowls of love.
Love is complicated and mixed. And "something wicked this way comes."
Jimmy Hegan Nov 2015
When  we  reach  the holy  mountain , beyond the crystal sea,
Then we'll sing the songs of Zion , of highest themes they be,
There we see the Holy Father , unseen by other men,
The unsearchable  riches in Zion are within our ken.

I long to be ready to meet Him when He comes,
I long for the rapture to meet Him in the air,
Oh, I want to see the glory and hear Him say "Well done",
For I long to be ready to meet Him , When He appears.
My persona would be red clay along the river shoreline .  My hair , the green grass infused field . My body is akin to tall Pines , Mountain Chestnut , awe inspiring Oak and Pecan Trees..
The salt of my physical being , the child of histories shed tears anchored within the very blood that flows through my circuitry .
Her waters are my soul revealed , Appalachia begat a grateful son of Georgia that seeks the shoreline .. Called across the surface of the sea to the waiting arms of my Creator .. Sky blue eyes on watch forever* .
Copyright November 27 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Cooper's Hawk soars across the Northern breeze , shadowed against Hill Country's midday Sun , gaining altitude effortlessly ..
I implore , are you of troubled mind ? Preferably alone like me or ascending with great celebrity for all to see ?
Ne'er a more noble raptor did grace and dignify Georgia's cobalt blue skies , with steel countenance , the voice of a Delilah befitting the very Choir's of Heaven ..
Copyright November 27 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Suffering in silence
I always think,
Why my poems seem so painful?
It doesn't mean i am bad, but
My heart filled with tears.
I like to scribble smiley verses but,
I can't blend such expressions.
Now i am trying to make the throng cheer,
By scratching anew rhymes about,
Love and blue fish.
Think positively.. And change our life
Jimmy Hegan Nov 2015
In watchfulness and praise,
His  holy mount is reached,
He cometh sure to take His Bride,
As the sanctified have preached .

The Christ of the saints will return to the earth,
Rejoice, singing all day,
How good the Lord how great His work,
Rejoice singing all day.

There's harmony and peace
When holiness our aim,
No doubting then when truth we Know,
And all righteousness shun fame.

It's only through His grace,
Redemption  we attain,
No dark'ning  clouds can  mar our sight,
When the kingdom is obtained.

Christ satisfies our hearts,
In trails He gives strength,
With inward might we brave the storms,
And His gentleness our wealth.

Restoreth  He the sick,
His scourgings heal our pains,
All Satan's might He crushed for e'er.
Lo! His faithfulness remains.
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