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Jimmy Hegan Oct 2015
Amazing grace how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now I see,

Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear,
The  hour I first believed !
Through many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come;
Tis  grace  that brought me safe thus far ,
And grace will lead me home.

The Lord has promised good to me,
His word my hope secures;
He will my shield   and portion be,
As  long as life endures.

When we 've  been  there ten thousand years,
Bright shining as the sun,
We've no less days to sing  God's praise,
Than  when  we  first begun.
Jimmy Hegan Oct 2015
Tenderly  now  He's calling,
Weary  one, hear Him say,
"Why will you doubt and falter,
Why will you cease to pray?"
Aching with pain and restless,
Life be a burden too,
Look there's a fount of healing
Out of His heart  for you.
Jimmy Hegan Oct 2015
No values of human life but more values of currency and gold,
No values of old cultures but more vaues of modern cultures,
No values of old ethics but more values of kitty parties and pub parties,
No values of marriage but more values of live in relationships,
No values of love and faith but more values of betrayal and hatreness,
No values of truth but more values of making other fool ,
No values of binding relationship but more vaues of separating relationship.
No  values of humanity but more values of individual personal,
No values of poor and medium locality but more values of  VIP,VVIP personals.
Very sad feelings of inequality created by humans towards humans.
Lost the World, Universe and Lost everything.
  Oct 2015 Jimmy Hegan
Dhaye Margaux

I may not get **** before your eyes
But I am totally naked before your soul
Sharing one heart, one beat under one sky
Love is the naked truth, our one common goal

If a person truly loves you, he will see you even if his eyes are closed.

Inspired by a quote I have read from FB.
  Oct 2015 Jimmy Hegan
Dhaye Margaux

We are two different people, I know
But we have common feeling to show
One soul, one spirit, we grow
We dance as one heart, one shadow

A photo-prompted poem I posted at G+.
Jimmy Hegan Oct 2015
Remember the Old Era
New Era exists due to Old Era
Old Era is platform of Old Tradition ,Culture and Human Values
New Things is built to renovate the Old Things
But function of Old Things does not destroy's
Even though it becomes New Things
New Things gives new feature to Old One.
Similarly Old Era prefer it own values and rules ,it does not destroy it function.
New Era gives new edition and new values to human kinds
But it does not affects the Old Era
We should remember the both Era
The Old One & The New One
World depends and leaves  with both the Era
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