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13.5k · May 2019
She Loved
Jon G M May 2019
Not understood she dreamed the impossible
Seeked the unknown

She wanted to be loved
Like art she was not perfect
But she touched you deeply
Being herself

Times could be difficult
Could make you scream
But she matured

She could touch you deeply
Parts of your soul that had not been explored

She loved desperately
All she wanted was to be wanted
To be no doubt who she belong to
3.8k · May 2014
Jon G M May 2014
Hey  you
Do you know what's ****?
A real conversation
2.8k · Jul 2014
Leap of Faith
Jon G M Jul 2014
Take my hand
Trust me
Leap across and follow
Take that risk
Be adventurous
Let's get closer
Live more
Love more
Let our hearts feel
Feel the passion
Let it blossom

Leap to what can be
2.7k · Feb 2015
Love Wears a Blindfold
Jon G M Feb 2015
Wearing a blindfold
Inspiring fascination and lust
A thrilling sensation of fear
The fantasy providing an escape
Daring and unconventional
****** taste that's intriguing and *****
The pursuit of ones own pleasure
Given into the desires of the lover
1.9k · Jun 2014
Jon G M Jun 2014
A teardrop drops in a pond
An instinct reaction
Nobody there to see it
1.8k · Mar 2015
Aching Desire
Jon G M Mar 2015
Give me this one night
Together alone again
We will listen to the words
The words our body's sing
And dance beyond
Our past temptation and salvation
The realization of
A new dimension
will be stamped in our soul  
Past promises and torments
Have no meaning
Be calm as our intoxicated body
Paint a new masterpiece
Consumed by that uncontrollable fire
Within our of passion of desire
Stay the night
as I lead you to the edge
The desire becomes stronger
As we become prisoners in our dance
Prisoners of our temptation
The darkness we no longer fear
It beckons us deeper
As we become one
1.8k · Mar 2015
Molten Desire
Jon G M Mar 2015
Craving that sweet taste
Of nectar from thy lips
As morning dew flows from your garden
1.6k · Feb 2015
Elegant Woman
Jon G M Feb 2015
Be my elegant celebration
Be myf life pleasures
Be my true love
1.6k · Jun 2014
Jon G M Jun 2014
thought we had a connection
don't know how the dating rules work
just letting you know
1.5k · Jun 2014
Cold Feet
Jon G M Jun 2014
Staind Horseshoe Concert
You bumping me
On purpose
Turned around
You smiling  
Wish I'd done something
Pretty lady
Can't get you out of my head
Jon G M Aug 2014
She recalls her early connection
To the sensuality
Also her fear and doubt
The resulting of alienation
She the most sensual dancer
She is gripping and toggling
Between dread and desire
Her sweet face incredibly expressive
She's absolute
Her movements conjure a storm
Expressed in her rhythmic steps
1.4k · Jun 2014
Triangle of Love
Jon G M Jun 2014
It is poetry
It is poetry of a love
A love desired
A love that was once

Now it is a love triangle
A triangle of love that cannot be
A triangle of love that once was all
Now that love is just words reaching
Reaching for what was, but cannot be

Should you read my the words
You will know it is I
For you knows my words
It is now just a triangle of love

For we both have moved on
Now it is a triangle of love,
memories, and desire
A triangle of love because we've  chosen different paths

Now they are words, poetry, of desire of what could have been
Now they are words from the heart

Love is so special and sometimes you don't realize it until it's to late
Now they are just words of poetry from the heart for you and all to read
1.3k · Jul 2014
Touching You
Jon G M Jul 2014
Close your eyes
Feel my words tracing
Your skin throughout
1.2k · Jun 2014
Reaching Out
Jon G M Jun 2014
I write to you
I ask I ask
Do you read my poems
Will I ever know
If you read my poems
I write to you

Yes!!! I write to you  
Will you reply
Its just my way of reaching out
To say I'm thinking of you

You know
You know my words

You Know Who
1.2k · Mar 2015
Intoxicating Kiss
Jon G M Mar 2015
The kisses from your lips
For they are the wine
That have left me intoxicated
1.2k · Aug 2014
Lost Soul
Jon G M Aug 2014
Hanging on by a thread
Used to be happy
Feeling so hollow inside now
Remembering what once was
To live carefree
Believed could make a difference
People cared
It's begun to to dry up
Soul is lost
Just a wasteland
Dying an empty essence
So much taken for granted
Darkness has consumed
The heart
Like valley of death
1.2k · Jan 2015
Jon G M Jan 2015
You invited me in
T-shirt and *******
So ****

you tease

You said shower
I said, I'm there
I stripped
On the way
To the shower

You're beautiful
1.1k · Jun 2014
Bikini Girl
Jon G M Jun 2014
Driving down 35
Dark haired beauty
Jamming in a bikini

Ugly tan 4 door car
Windows down
You are mesmerizing
But you were jamming
1.1k · Apr 2019
Jon G M Apr 2019
He ignites feelings
With such vigor
She exhales unexplained flames
999 · Feb 2015
Gems of Sensibilities
Jon G M Feb 2015
Beautiful woman snaking downtown Sixth St.
You the one with the carwash hem
With slit cuts up to the "yikes" territory
Revealing a body
As if soliciting ideas
That everything is waiting for you
960 · May 2014
She Devil
Jon G M May 2014
You are my she devil
The one that makes me wanna sin
Every time you knock on my door
I can't help but let you in
Without you
Life would be nothing
896 · Aug 2014
Love Is In The Air
Jon G M Aug 2014
Under the lit sky
Your naked body
Surrendered and bound
To your own desire

Your heart beating wildly
Body laxed and spent
Your breast tender to the touch
Of my temptations
Each breath sculpting a new rise and fall of your essence

Your sparkling body
Twisted in the white linens
Whispering the sounds of your spirit
You recover and say “Yes”

Surveying you as you recover from your giving
Breathing in your ****** scent of your spent body
My lips thirsting for you
For the friction of our bodies
841 · Feb 2015
Sensual Woman
Jon G M Feb 2015
I want to savor
The taste of your kiss
Sensual woman
793 · May 2014
Jon G M May 2014
Light skin tone
pretty Latin lady
tattoos, brown hair
curvy, with pretty eyes

close to the Texas coast
A discreet approach
older Latin guy

starting talking
friendly, but cautious
looked into your blue eyes
like the same weird music

sipped on bulleit bourbon
talked surprisingly deep stuff
we walked back through fireflys

curiosity, genuine attraction
exchanged some hot words
your interest further peaked
You even told me your wants
757 · Jul 2016
Here for You
Jon G M Jul 2016
I'm here to listen
Even when you don't say a word
I still hear you
738 · May 2014
Rainy Day
Jon G M May 2014
This rainy day
Did you think of me
Just before the sky opened up

How wish I could
I could spend it with you
You could
You could cause me so much trouble
I don't mind
680 · Jul 2014
Forbidden Love
Jon G M Jul 2014
You walked into my life
Changing everything
We were not suppose to happen

Fate brought us together
A forbidden love
We pushed each other away
Not out of desire
Things shifted in our favor
We were not suppose to happen

Innocent hug, bodies touching
Forbidden feelings growing
Can't no longer suppress them
You are my sanctuary
This forbidden love
Can't be denied no longer

The words you say drive me crazy
Crazy to kiss those lips from which they come
Your affection
Your body
Is my addiction
For now I'll stop writing
Only to express my feelings to the universe
For we are not suppose to happen
673 · Jun 2014
Jon G M Jun 2014
We met
One night in Monterrey
Drove miles to see each other
I haven't forgotten
Do you remember me, My name?
The things we did
You still in Austin?
I'm here
I'd like to see you
I'm still single
671 · May 2014
You're Beautiful
Jon G M May 2014
Walking sixth street
Your beautiful  smile
Was stunning
You looked as you walked by
We stopped and said hi
You were with your girlfriend
Had the same Beauty

We stopped
Didn't interrupt your night
Maybe will reach you
Worth a shot
Your amazing
As your smile
652 · Jun 2014
Jon G M Jun 2014
An overwhelmed burning desire
Locked deep within
Which cannot be concealed any longer
635 · Jul 2016
I Need You
Jon G M Jul 2016
Listen to my words
the hidden silence
The secrets that are concealed
Tonight my soul sings to you "I need you" as you close your eyes.

Come in
The door is unlocked
Opened it
It is you who must choose to walk through it
Surrender to what you can become
Walking into another dimension

Take my hand
If you have the strength
Follow and you will become
A woman that does not need a man
But a woman that a man needs

My lips desire to kiss you
Kiss you with that lost passion
The one you so desire

I will strip you down with my eyes
I will ****** your skin
I will pierce you down with my eyes
I will to ****** your skin
I will make you mine

Let me hold you tight
I want to taste you
I want to learn your secrets
I want to learn your birthmarks
I want to learn your flaws
But most of all
I want to know you
For who you are
I want to know you
632 · Jun 2014
Just Can't
Jon G M Jun 2014
Is it attraction
Don't even know
Something's wrong
It's probably just me
My attention is focused on you
Is it me
Is it you
I'm lost
Don't understand
Can't keep going
Help me understand
Is it love
629 · Jul 2014
From Two Worlds
Jon G M Jul 2014
She was poised and quiet
Framed in the morning daylight
crashing waves
A fragile heartbeat
A gentle breeze
Behind her sadden eyes
The unfathomable depth of the
Torn and broken
Cast aside and abandoned
She put herself back together
Time and time again
She gave and she gave
While they only took and took
Not realizing the pain  
Yet she still gave
Still loved
Each time picking up her fragile body
harder and harder than the last

Then the day came upon her
When he saw her
Framed body against the setting sun
Hair tangled
Tears staining her pink cheeks
Walked to her
Kneeling beside her
As she gathered her shattered body

He helped to pick her up
Words never spoken
As they weren't needed
Took her hand
Helping her up
Wiped her tears from her cheeks

No longer would she need to reconstruct herself
No longer would she have tears
He was not one to break her
Nor take from her
He help her piece herself together
Protected her forever
Never to be hurt again
She would be loved and free to love
Her spirit is aglow
By the moon and stars at night
By the sun during the day

She is the one for me
621 · May 2014
A Rainy Morning
Jon G M May 2014
Watching the rain fall this morning
Each drop awakened beautiful memories
They were moments to be relived
As the rain fell harder
The recollections grew stronger
As the feelings rose to the sky
Remembering how we danced
Like the water in the ocean
We lost ourself in the moment
Like the waves we meshed
We felt the desire
The thunderstorm grew strong
The desire even stronger
The desire of two becoming one
Wanting to be whole again
As the rain passed
Left is the love fragrance
The fragrance from our dance
I felt your inner beauty
Let it rest upon my heart
Forever in my heart
Never fear it will always be here
605 · Apr 2019
I’ve Lost Myself
Jon G M Apr 2019
Adrift in her storm
Lightening in her Soul
Thunder in her heart
Chaos in her bones
Chaos in her vast depth
A place of danger
Love and lost
All wrapped in her skin
593 · Feb 2015
Undesired Tomb
Jon G M Feb 2015
Stop stop
Can't breathe
It's getting dark
I'm buried in black dirt
Why did I perish
In this violence
I was to young
I had so much to live for
591 · Jun 2014
Jon G M Jun 2014
Feel the cold ice on your hot skin
Feel my touch over you
Feel your boundaries pushed to new limits
578 · May 2019
I am Lost
Jon G M May 2019
I am lost

Who am I, it's 3 a.m. and I feel so alone

Now so many people walking by

Where am I, it’s 11 a.m.

Some are crying

Why are they throwing dirt on me

If I am dead

Just look up at the sky

And say good bye

Yes I was bad but I was not a devil

Yes I was good and not an angel

Just look up at the sky

And say good bye
Jon G M May 2014
Never mind the fact that
you invade my thoughts and dreams on a daily basis.
since the first email
you ever sent me
even an afternoon nap is not safe from your memory
when I start craving
Pop Tarts & Root Beer.
Two things I normally don't care for I stocked up on them today
a tear rolled down my cheek
when I tasted them
it reminded me of tasting your lips, your kiss,
back when we were happy
in love
Back when we were together nothing was impossible except for me and you
538 · Jul 2016
Have no Fear
Jon G M Jul 2016
Leave your fears behind
I just want to kiss your lips
533 · Jul 2016
Solitude to Possibilities
Jon G M Jul 2016
I see your pain
I see the solitude hidden in your eyes
The pain that no one noticed
Let me in
Let your thoughts dream
The dreams of possibilities that can come true
That's what makes life so intriguing
524 · Dec 2014
Sail Away
Jon G M Dec 2014
Let me sail way
To the beach bars
Let me drink ***
It shall be my painkiller
Forget what's left behind
Out of my element
Let me roll
Roll with the crowd
Let me just be one
Amongst the crowd
Drinking my painkiller
Let me experience time
It will be a moment
Of my lifetime
Just another day
As life passes me up
505 · Mar 2015
Virtual Reality
Jon G M Mar 2015
Deep thoughts
Simple  touch
Heart pounding
Pulling you closer
Igniting nerves
Losing my mind
Body quivering
Giving in
You are amazing
Doing things your own way
490 · Jun 2014
Stamped in my Heart
Jon G M Jun 2014
You ask if I have tattoos
I say yes
They are stamped in my heart
From story's past
Things close to my soul
Where I've been
What I've done
Whom I've hurt
Just like the tattoos on your body
I to am proud of mine
And some, I wish I'd not done
They are my untold story
Words cannot describe my being

Through the mountain winds
Should you hear your calling
Past your fears
Our world will be incomplete
Until we uncover what moves our passion

A light touch turns a dormant fire
Into a blazing wildfire
Your silky cream white body
Screams the songs
Pleading words of submission
To uncover of who you are to the possibilities
Revealing an unknown world to you
Lose your fears
Be my final story
Stamped on my heart
488 · Jun 2014
Jon G M Jun 2014
Let our passion portray the intensity of our shared desire. Let us capture the beauty and intensity of our magic. As we explore those desires pleading to be released deep inside.
487 · Jun 2014
Looking at You
Jon G M Jun 2014
Sea green eyes
Dark blue dress
Coral red lips
So tempting
Perfect curves
A smile in your eyes
How I'd love a taste
From those tempting perfect lips
Lets explore places
You don't know exist
Within our souls and heart
484 · Apr 2019
Jon G M Apr 2019
The sexist thing you can wear is
your own skin
That is what make you you
482 · Jun 2014
Sad Girl... My Fear
Jon G M Jun 2014
Sad girl can't help but notice you
Walking aimlessly
Walking across Congress Bridge
Today you look different
Sad girl your walking in black
Sad girl I see a tear
A tear running down your cheek

Can't help that I want talk to you
Can't help that I am shy
Can't help that I want to hug you
Can't help that I want to wipe
Your tear  

Sad girl girl tomorrow's another day
Maybe tomorrow I lose my fear
453 · Jan 2015
Feeling Brews
Jon G M Jan 2015
You've awaken a fascination  
Loveliest woman
Body style so intensely affecting
Sparking and dashing
Brilliantly attuned
Your manner is winsomely charming
Radiant and Flamboyant
Yet guarded
Never lacking force
Believed her prime task is just to be sweetly pretty
She'd been hungry to greet it's return
450 · Jul 2014
Waited for You
Jon G M Jul 2014
Not sure where you exist
Waiting in the dark
Through the rain
In the snow
Waited kneeling
Heart yearning that
The ocean breeze
Would fine you
Waited for you

The mind in a haze
Slowly slipping farther and farther
Hear the voice, gently pulling
Words saying you are close
Listen to the tune
Let them be your guide

Exhausted eyes shut down
Body shuts down
Sinking deep into the ocean depth
Waiting for you
Hearing the voice
Commanding you
Pulling you back

The voice says
"Focus, Focus on Me"
Let the heart open to that desire
Let us be one
It's a dream
Yet the realty is in the mind
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