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427 · Jul 2014
Beauty of a Rose
Jon G M Jul 2014
Morning bloom
Silky petals with droplets
From morning dew

Beautiful moment
Savor the sweetness
From the beauty of freedom
A fully blossomed rose

Sweet fragrance
Releasing natures way of love
Whispering love through out
427 · May 2014
Lady of My Desire
Jon G M May 2014
Lady of my desire
You have aroused my passion
You are not just an illusion
I have seen your face
Far beyond the stars
Such beauty, Such beauty
I long to taste a kiss
A kiss from those sweet lips
I want to kiss your neck
Lose myself in your soft rising breast
I long for your fire
As we become the sky and the earth
My body feels your flame from within
Come to me
416 · Mar 2015
A Connection
Jon G M Mar 2015
Make it happen
Fine your passion
As you open yourself
Unlocking your heart
Exposed and bare
Feel the connection
Don't resist
In silence tempting the passion
Silence your mind
Let it go
You hunger to please and serve
Know what you want
Wanting more and more
Cast is the spell
Revealing yourself inside and outside
For I hold the key to your heart
Share whats never been exposed
The depth of your devotion
414 · Jun 2014
Need Me
Jon G M Jun 2014
Come...sit by my side
Hold me close
I need your warmth
I need your strength
I need your passion
Make me whole
Wrap your arms around me
Secure my place in your heart
Need me as I need you
411 · Jun 2014
Miss Connection
Jon G M Jun 2014
**** lady
Saw you on the street
Didn't even wave
408 · Jun 2014
Too Much Whiskey
Jon G M Jun 2014
Walked the city street
to much whiskey
never said a word
all this time

I had to be the one to speak
wanted to know if you were okay
wouldn't try to hurt you
so many words said
never meant any harm

Where are you
I should know
do you ever think of me
in the quiet
In the crowds

You knew I wouldn't stay
where I'm not wanted

To much whiskey
to pretend
I forgot you

Strange I still miss you
I was always a little strange
don't understand why
you couldn't say goodbye
397 · Feb 2015
Creatures of the Wind
Jon G M Feb 2015
Walking strong
Casting models complied
Stalking the runway
With your scissor like stride
Girls invited to walk once more
They are young hopefuls
Strutting their stuff
New faces
It's the energy that's desire
Each moment exhilarating
At last the search done
A vision of beauty found
391 · Aug 2014
Let Me Unlock Your Body
Jon G M Aug 2014
Shhh!!!! It's OK
I'll give you what your afraid to ask for

Let me trace the unspoken words on your body

Take my hand
Don't hold back

There isn't a single part of your body woman that isn't worth kissing
387 · Aug 2014
Help Shattered Dreams
Jon G M Aug 2014
Need to be stronger
I'm tired
Too sad
Too lonely

Needing someone
Tell me straight up

No sympathy

Make changes
Get a grip
Keep moving

Prone to depression
Someone reaffirm
It's all in my head
Tell me to get up
Do something about it

Think you can handle it?

387 · Jun 2014
Last Love
Jon G M Jun 2014
You my last love
You're were the one
The one I'd been looking for
Yet I let you go

Now lonely and lost
Thy heart aches in its darkness
Slowly dyeing
From the self inflected wound
A broken heart
384 · Aug 2014
Be Mine
Jon G M Aug 2014
Take my heart
Be Mine
I will take the time
Break down your walls
Inch by inch
Ill learn you
know you ocean-deep


Your moods
Your soul
Will be learned
Every bit of you learned
Not been allowed to others

When hard times occur
When you stumble
Feel alone in the dark
It'll be an honor to hold you
Not out of obligation
Not because something is wanted


There is nothing in your life
I will not accept
Nothing will make me
Turn my back on you
There's nothing
Nothing you can do
Nothing to make me not want you You will be Mine
376 · Feb 2015
Jon G M Feb 2015
A Good night
Descending upon you
like angel
Is a kiss
To the mother to be
375 · Mar 2015
One Heart Two Lives
Jon G M Mar 2015
Live in my heart
Let us bend the rules
Push the limits
Listen to us beat as one
369 · Mar 2019
Broken Soul
Jon G M Mar 2019
Allow me to enter
Your soul
For I have the key
To your locked broken soul

I will take all of you
For who you are more
More then what they see

I in turn will give all of me
To you

Allow me to be your safety
Your protector
367 · Aug 2014
Morning Love
Jon G M Aug 2014
Like it best
In the morning
First rose blossom
Tumble out of bed
Into the shower
We christen a new day
We become one
365 · Jun 2014
Walking In
Jon G M Jun 2014
Walked in
A smile lit the room
352 · Jun 2014
The Thought of You
Jon G M Jun 2014
Stop my thoughts from wondering
You played with my feelings
You stopped being honest
You asked me to be vulnerable
So you could break my heart
Congratulations!!! We both lose
349 · May 2019
Happy Mothers Day
Jon G M May 2019
Happy Mother’s Day.... “The loveliest masterpiece of the heart of God is the heart of a mother.” - - St. Therese of Lisieux
346 · Jun 2014
First Sunset
Jon G M Jun 2014
The sunset sets the stage
A beautiful night
The sky painted in red & blue
Let our bodies indulge
Your heart close to mine to enjoy this amazing sight
344 · Jul 2014
Jon G M Jul 2014
Been laying here
All lone
Don't know why

I feel so cold
So many friends
Yet so lonely

Why are they crying
Why am I six feet under
I still have so much to live for
344 · Mar 2019
Forbidden Fruit
Jon G M Mar 2019
Laying in darkness
Touching your soft skin
Demons torment our desire
Magnifying life
Craving skin on skin
Your physical affection
Is the fruit
The fruit I crave
Kisses on your lips
On your neck
I crave all of you
Feel the fire within us
I want to make you mine
Tonight, tomorrow night
Be mine for a lifetime
341 · Jun 2014
Take my Hand
Jon G M Jun 2014
You willing to surrender
What you are
For what you could become
Take my hand
Let me uncover who you are
Let me feed you
Let my kisses ****** your body
You will be mine
As I will be yours

Woman unveil your beauty  
That which makes women beautiful
Allow my control to explore
An experience of fulfillment
In your anticipation
As you bare your soul
To my illusions

Feed my hunger
For I desire to taste your body
Your smell
Touch my heart
Let me be deep within you
Let our souls dance
The dance of submission
337 · Nov 2016
Desired Woman
Jon G M Nov 2016
Don't be afraid of the dark
Allow me to draw you out
Let go of your inhibitions
Drawn from those memories of desire
That you long for
Quiet your mind
And sooth your soul
Take my hand and follow
I recollect your softness
Your scent, your giggles
Your flesh between my teeth
Grinding our desires
Remember our secret moments
We create our fire
A fire that brings light
Immortalize in our world
323 · May 2014
Jon G M May 2014
I was lost and alone
From the heavens an angel
Quietly drifted through the Night
Your eyes have brought the Light
You've Collected my scattered dreams
****** me with your silent screams
Ever since you came to me my angel
I've wanted to hold you
Close to my heart
Now the miles between us
My desires never fades waiting for you to come to me
Embrace, Touch and Feed me tonight
Light this idle fire
Take me on your flight
Take my soul that's my desire
What a lovely Angel
Descended Upon me
Today is now tomorrow
Whisper to me of possibilities
Corrupt me with your kiss
From your lips
We both know it's a desired thirst of Possibilities
322 · Jun 2014
Lonely Passenger
Jon G M Jun 2014
I a lonely passenger
Lay a wake and grieves
I watch a spider spin it's web
As it builds flowers of silk
I dream of waking at your side
It's a bright full moon
See the mountains shadow upon the lake
I dream of us walking hand in hand
In the days when we were two
Yet we felt as one
318 · Jun 2014
Thinking of You
Jon G M Jun 2014
Get speechless
See you almost every day
Still haven't said a word  
Could mean something
I no idea your situation
Makes me nervous
Not always accurate
Assume you are happy
Whatever your situation
Your a beauty with out a question Caught my attention
Chance there's a connection
I could ask
Maybe one day
I'll have the courage to talk to you
Even if rejection occurs
318 · Jul 2016
Jon G M Jul 2016
Love is beautiful
Love is painful
Beauty overcomes the pain
Making love awesome
312 · Apr 2019
Live in The Darkness
Jon G M Apr 2019
Know the darkness before you can appreciate the light

Often the sweetest angels take you to hell
311 · May 2014
Love and Possibilities
Jon G M May 2014
I want the adventure of love
I want the adventure of us
I want to know your beauty from the inside.
I want to satisfy that undisclosed desire within your heart
Let's explore life and possibilities
Let's explore that dance skin to skin
Let's explore the possibilities
of our love
304 · Jan 2015
Your Fire, Touch Me
Jon G M Jan 2015
Your touch is fire
Branding my heart
It's invisible to all
It hurts
Yet I want more

Ignite my fire  
That's been dormant
Far to long
Make feel alive again
Be my addiction
303 · Jul 2014
Loving You
Jon G M Jul 2014
captured by you
totally possessed
it's a perfect life
302 · Feb 2015
Jon G M Feb 2015
Believe in the extreme
Be a vain creature
Try to defy age
Something you can't control

Believe in the scent
The scent of desire
The scent of ***
The scent of the woman
The scent of my desire
301 · Jun 2014
Alone Again
Jon G M Jun 2014
Love somebody at their worst
They get better
They leave
Proud of who you become
Hate not enjoying the new you
Want to stay friends
So bad

Seeing you out with new friends
Smiling and enjoying life
Only want what's best for you
Wanting to be there
Can't be your friend
For fear
You'd  break my heart
Once again

Always want the best for you
Wish I could be included
Unfortunate as it is
There will be no else for me
Hope you find who you need
There's that little part of me
That wishes
So hard....
That you'd still want me

Me there and be able to tell me
300 · Jan 2015
Jon G M Jan 2015
I looked deep into your eyes
I see the tears
See the loneliness
See the pain
Your heart is fragile
You've been hurt
To an extreme darkness

Shed no more tears
For you are not alone
I am here for you

Let me in
Open your heart
Let me hold you
Allow me to nourish you
Let me be the light
That guides you back to life
Let it be I
That brings you tears of joy
296 · Sep 2014
Last Night
Jon G M Sep 2014
One last night
Naked she was thy passion
Unleashed was the storm
Blanketing the spirit and will
Felt that somber chill
Woman's charcoal body swaying
Swaying in the the moonlight clouds
With each breath
So deep the breast rise
Leading towards the heavens
Scent and sound become one
Musk that excite
This last night brings the moans
Long lived for
Lovely as a dream
294 · May 2014
To The possibilities
Jon G M May 2014
A leap of faith
To the possibilities
The faith to one another
The possibility of us
The possibilities are limitless
The limits to be set by our hunger
Hunger for one another

With each passing day
I look forward to meeting you
Meeting soon
As time nears
Your limits will be set
My dream will come true
Your are that girl
That has won me over
You are that girl
That I want
You are that girl
That I awake to in my dreams
You are that girl
Who makes my passion burn with desire
You are that girl
With those beautiful blue eyes
Come to me and kneel up on me
You are that girl that gives herself to me
You are that girl that I will take care
Let me be that man that you can trust
Place your faith in me
As I place my faith and trust in you
Let us grow to be one
Let our veins intertwine
Let our hearts dance naked
Let me smile with my eyes as I look at you
Let me give you chocolate
Let me give you flowers
Let me hold your secret desires
As you hold my secret desires
Read my words for they are for you
My words reaching from my heart to your heart
Let my passion feed your desires
As your passion will feed my desires
Let us dance with the stars
Lets us dance in our secret world
Let us dance in our secret world
Give us the faith, trust, and passion
To the possibilities
292 · Jun 2014
Jon G M Jun 2014
Caught me looking
Starbucks... 15-minute closing
You left looking back in
291 · Aug 2014
Wanting More
Jon G M Aug 2014
Moonlight beach
Crashing waves

Warm breeze
In a daze

Birds flying
Necks swaying

Ocean tide
Toes playing

Holding hands
Wanting more

A look, a touch
A trembling core
280 · May 2019
Jon G M May 2019
She was like
A far away star  
Busy being who she was
A starlight to all
Never realizing
The beauty to the universe that she was
275 · Mar 2015
Jon G M Mar 2015
You are the art
That creates the masterpiece
In my heart
268 · Jun 2014
A Broken Heart
Jon G M Jun 2014
Thy hearts broken
Like a glass when it breaks
It breaks into manny pieces
In a glass, some slivers are too tiny
Some get lost, never the same again
Thy heart never heals back the same
The heart ceases to function as before
The glass leaks out
The heart bleeds outs
A heart is shattered
265 · May 2014
True Love
Jon G M May 2014
I asked the old man
How long have you been married
He answered
60 years, but it only feels like 1 day

60 years of marriage
Growing old
That's true love
265 · Jun 2014
Jon G M Jun 2014
All I wanted was
Feel wanted for me
Went all that way
For something

Something else
Had your attention
Couldn't help feel


The mood changed
All was quiet
Obviously had better things
You don't even like me
You want a PERSON around
Take care of things
Take care of yourself
264 · Jun 2014
Fear or Fate
Jon G M Jun 2014
Was it the final time?

You left
Been so much


Been pure radiating joy
Fulfillment never experience


We think
What we feel
It defines our reality

Do we let fear
Do we tempt
You and I must
263 · Aug 2014
Jon G M Aug 2014
Union of two minds
Soul mates sharing
Love and devotion
256 · Jun 2014
Untouched Secrets
Jon G M Jun 2014
Lets explore places you didn't know existed within our souls and heart
253 · Jun 2014
A poem for you my dear
Jon G M Jun 2014
Slowly, slowly, my dear
Everything happens slowly
A gardener may pour hundreds of gallons of water on his roses
But they only blossom when they are in season
Let us enjoy the moment
As we feed our passion
Each touch sparks our desire
into a blazing wildfire

Wake up my treasure
Wake up lovely lady
My amorous flute player
Night has fled us
It is dawn
You came seeking refuge upon my heart last night
Wake up, I've saved you
Allow me me to eat once again
From thy fruit tree before you leave
Promise to come back
For it is I who will need to be saved
For as you leave my heart  
My heart seeks to be with you again
Don't be long for I don't wish to be alone

You Know Who
252 · Aug 2014
Journey Into The Unknown
Jon G M Aug 2014
He and her
an empty room
her eyes searching for direction
his hand touched her face
his thumb stroked away her
he leaned in
so that she could feel his heat

Strip for me
except for your heels
those stay on
he stood observing
hesitatingly she did as told
you've become shy with me


She had no words
he had taken them along with her clothing
shhhhh!!! my love
settle your thoughts
do as I say

I will guide you
along this journey
filled with unconditional love

I will take you to a another universe
that you've never dreamed of
filled with unknown heights

A love unbeknown to you
take my hand
let me be the one
251 · Jun 2014
Jon G M Jun 2014
Romance is so special
The whole world wants it
Yet not everybody can be romantic
249 · May 2019
Lonely Journey
Jon G M May 2019
You are the art in my memory from yesteryear

You are the words in my heart that I write

We were two that became one

Now I walk this journey alone

Seeking seeking what once was
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