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Remember the first time that you told me hello?
It was an awkward moment that I will always know
I remember us laughing in that simple, little moment
A time when we lived solely for our own enjoyment

Remember the first time that you held my hand?
A moment filled with confusion that I didn't understand
I had felt warmth and a tingling in my heart
A memory in my mind that will never depart

Remember the first time you held me in your embrace?
An action filled with love and done with such grace
My own heart started beating like an endless melody
A song that never stopped in our own little fantasy

Remember the first time that our lips finally met?
A beautiful moment I will never forget
It was like an explosion of love that I cannot truly explain
A metallic wine or the sweetest tasting champagne

Remember the first time that you told me goodbye?
The only moment we had that I wanted to die
You were gonna leave me because you needed to be free
I let you go because I knew your lover was something I could never be

Do I regret my decision?
I regret it every second that passes by
Because you will always be my first love
And my love for you will never die...
THE SEA is large.
The sea hold on a leg of land in the Chesapeake hugs an early sunset and a last morning star over the oyster beds and the late clam boats of lonely men.
Five white houses on a half-mile strip of land ... five white dice rolled from a tube.

Not so long ago ... the sea was large...
And to-day the sea has lost nothing ... it keeps all.

I am a loon about the sea.
I make so many sea songs, I cry so many sea cries, I forget so many sea songs and sea cries.

I am a loon about the sea.
So are five men I had a fish fry with once in a tar-paper shack trembling in a sand storm.

The sea knows more about them than they know themselves.
They know only how the sea hugs and will not let go.

The sea is large.
The sea must know more than any of us.

— The End —