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 Nov 2014 Jennifer Thorsen
You know she won't leave me
Know she won't leave me
She won't leave me
Won't leave me
Leave me
Leave me
Won't leave me
He won't leave me
Know he won't leave me
You know he won't leave me
What goes around comes back around
She watches over the affairs of her family
Lays them like a seal over her heart
She sits at the door of her house
On a seat at the highest point
Ill gotten treasures are of no value to her
She knows that charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting
He is both hero and warrior
As fire consumes the forest, so goes his love for her
He is revered as a leader of men
But knows that his days vanish like smoke
On his lips rest words of wisdom
He calls his wife his Crown
Their lips spread knowledge
Their tongues bring healing
They have taken refuge in a Rose
Their hearts find rest within a star
The hourglass of life is an open door
From skepticism to belief they press on
Searching for a book
To find their names written inside
Many lives many pasts
Many girls many romances

Many broken hearts
Many broken dreams
Many broken promises flowing down with the stream

Many fake people
Many fake smiles
Fly with me let's reach the sweet paradise

Do you think you know what life is about?
Please help me understand

Because a long time ago i chose to close my eyes and wait for my death

Life is an illusion though it seems real

All what really matters is our dreams and fantasies

Words Of Harfouchism
 Nov 2014 Jennifer Thorsen
they must not sleep
now they talk about their broken dreams
now one of them screams
they are turning violent!
can they not survive the gas stimulant?
his vocal cords are torn!
God forbid,  if one of them becomes his clone!
The others don't react
They know they are getting monitored,  they don't wanna go back
We don't want to be freed, they said
On their own skins they fed
they killed soldiers six
the doctors do not have a fix
All 5 of them seemed pleasured by the pain
For this mystery,  who was to be blamed?
few of them died on the operation table
they were all our monsters
covered by the illusion
inspired by a creepypasta i read today,  its called Russian Sleep Experiment
I am too terrified to post the link to that D:
Also, leave your comments below as this is my first horror piece, ever.
Let the illusion of loving take me
I am stronger than the oak
Let the stranglehold of hatred tempt me
I am slipping from it's grasp
Let mortality escape with those around me
I am understanding of life
Let misery abduct the heart of hearts
I am quick to recover
Let their lust rip the soul of the inner child
I am spotless resilience
Let life play keep away with my dreams
I am tenacious
Let enduring sleep try for me
I am chosen
Let the contention of family destroy the man
I am the phoenix
Let the struggles be many
I am not dissuaded
Let the enemy fill my heart with lies
I am believing
I am myself
I am all that I am become
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