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Jeffrey Stelling Nov 2015
In a dream I was a soldier
Rolling dice in the shadow of Christ
My head twisted, contorted, out of control
Away from my game to meet His Holy eyes
A heroic gaze staring purposefully into mine
He spoke with no words and thus unto me delivered
An enchanting message, One sent my spine to shiver.
'Twas of no average man, the soul with which I spoke
And as I understood him, I heard his corpse choke
up a gasp that sent the blood fleeing from my face,
And upon his magical message my soul seemed to shake.
"Of that you have done unto the least of thine brethren,
Thou hast done unto thee, thy lord, in heaven."
Jeffrey Stelling Nov 2015
No matter circumstance. Circumstance doesn't create your reality. Your mind does. Circumstance is not the boss of you. You can refute circumstance.
Jeffrey Stelling Nov 2015
We made Love with our eyes from across
The Golden Room in the sky.
And when she sat across from me I could
Feel Both Hearts heavy beat.
She managed to brush my leg, with tapping feet.
A blush Rose in her face as she herself introduced
Unto me, My Heart began to race and I said
"You're made of something that I've held before."
And now, well of course,
Here we are; Once More.
  Nov 2015 Jeffrey Stelling
K Alexys
in this generation what happened here?
we got blood and drugs in the atmosphere
we got hatred in our hearts and lust in our wants
kids killing each other and no one gives a ****
the ones that do are in a corner
no one listens so no one bothers
adults giving up like its a profession
students in school aint there for the lessons

im scared of the future but the past is cursed
i dont even know which half is worse
we no longer wanna be doctors and moon walkers
we just wanna be dope dealers and street talkers

always trying to get away from the problems instead of tryna fix it
we dont even care any more we just living
and im afraid for what goes on from here
im afraid to breathe in this atmosphere
  Nov 2015 Jeffrey Stelling
John Keats
O solitude! if I must with thee dwell,
     Let it not be among the jumbled heap
     Of murky buildings; climb with me the steep,—
Nature's observatory—whence the dell,
Its flowery slopes, its river's crystal swell,
     May seem a span; let me thy vigils keep
     'Mongst boughs pavillion'd, where the deer's swift leap
Startles the wild bee from the fox-glove bell.
But though I'll gladly trace these scenes with thee,
     Yet the sweet converse of an innocent mind,
Whose words are images of thoughts refin'd,
     Is my soul's pleasure; and it sure must be
Almost the highest bliss of human-kind,
     When to thy haunts two kindred spirits flee.
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