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I want to erase that ugly line.
It’s not seen but it’s there
Between you and me
Day and night
Deep down
And I
And allowed
That line to grow
And build between us
A rift that makes us enemies
Drifting away as two islands!
  Jun 2019 Jim Davis
Andrew Guzaldo c
“Greater than the acquisition of poetry I cannot envisage,
Poetry enters ones heart and soul brings life to one’s melancholy,
It can come into your life leaving you with a promise of future,  
So that one will be clutched to affiance of poetic peroration
I am now that which is clutched to such an affiance,
As that of a nest in the tree clenched to sapling twigs,
And so I shall vow to accept this affiance for all perpetuity”
By Andrew Guzaldo © 1/29/2018 #154 Posted HP
By Andrew Guzaldo © 1/29/2018 #154 Posted HP
  Jun 2019 Jim Davis
Edmund black
Be Happy
Unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you honor the truth that the situation is over, you cannot move forward.
  Jun 2019 Jim Davis
Jayne E
When is karma
as anger rises
or we become

When is karma
when we fail the test
or is it when
we stand on one
to be higher than the rest

When is karma
as we tread with care
to not hurt another
or oblivious succumb
to the snake charmer

When is karma
when others look and jeer
or when happiness calls
we find our dearest dear
then they all draw near

When is karma
is it as I close last time
your beautiful eyes
or alone in the cold bed
at night I lie

When is karma
is it the perfect dawn
of a perfect cold day
as I wake all safe and warm
when new true love is in play

J.C. honey-tiger 03/06/2019
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