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Jan 2015 · 979
Long Embrace
JayVeeThePrince Jan 2015
The best part about this hug is we both needed it.. This moment is everything we wanted and it exceeded it. With this embrace we can face the world and defeat it... It's hard to let go of those hugs when you need it... These days can become troublesome. And you're that missing piece to this puzzled one. I used to think that I could take it on on my own. But let's be honest I'm no good when I'm alone. I just want to hold on to each problem you bear. Lay your charm in my arms with the issues you share... It's hard to avoid the hugs when there's a void... The best part about this hug is we both needed it. Long Embrace..
Jan 2015 · 23.3k
One Love
JayVeeThePrince Jan 2015
It's a **** shame.. These girls are so different yet they are the same.. A figment of imagination .. To draw a line in the divine pigment and foundation.. 2 Queens in the same race.. In the same race.. Can't get along because of the tone on their face... Whatever the case I wish you all could get first place.. Don't let the color of your skin have you unfit within... I wish I could undraw that a line with the pen.. Of self hate that they handed us.. We didn't wanna hate eachother they demanded us... These skin tones... They tore us apart from the field to the kitchen.. Enough of the ******* & *******.. QUEENS PRAISE QUEENS!!!!! And that final.. Instead of making enemies.. Make yourself someone's idol... Don't let this world segregate a segregated being.. I'm dedicating this to you.. Every dark skinned & light skinned Queen... ONE LOVE...
Jan 2015 · 514
She's Just Broken
JayVeeThePrince Jan 2015
Look at her... Broken.. Shattered inside from the words never spoken. Implosion... Self Destruct.. Vacate the premises or you'll be blown up... So much hurt built inside... With a mixture pride. With all of the things she hides.. A smile is hard to provide.. All the pieces still there.. Just hard to put back.. Some pieces still good.. Some barely intact.. But she's here... Existing... Her body still here.. Her mind somewhere missing.. Her heart somewhere hidden.. Her soul out in the open.. Just hoping.. Wishing. Look at her... Trying to hold her composure... Life is nothing like these people told her.. She's broken.. Not malfunctioning... Not out order she's working.. Not a robot she bleeds from a puncture... She's Just Broken..
Jan 2015 · 533
JayVeeThePrince Jan 2015
Neither one of us is brand new. We both been dropped, broken, and shattered a time or 2wo. But what gives me hope the most is the fact that I stick to you. Just a reflection of loveless neglection... figured you stick it through.. But then you found then you found your glue. And i found my heart... You found out it was in pieces and it was missing a part. The irony of it all is yours heart's in worst condition. That's when i learned my mission. You mend a broken heart and your healing has just begun. So it's best to love love and crackle under the sun. But all in all im glad i found you. Im glad you found me and im you had glue... Adhesion...
Jan 2015 · 822
Show Me Your Bones
JayVeeThePrince Jan 2015
All them ****** played with her. A little piece of every ***** that laid with her stayed with her. What's crazier.. She pretends its not phasing her. Such an amazing worth... Those skeletons aren't in her closet they're under her shirt. She's petrified by the thought of getting denied. Put her pride to the side and let the wrong ***** inside. Empties cavities in her heart provide a nice place for them to hide. They never really show their face.. Just take up space. A cold hearted individual is what takes place. Man eater... Man eater. She can control a womanizer.  Look at her when you're laying beside her. Barely living but full of life. Outside super calm.. The inside is full of fights. I just wanna take place where you thought you had no room. I'm ready for those skeletons under your blouse even if its not much room.. Show Me Your Bones...
Jan 2015 · 885
Love YourSELF
JayVeeThePrince Jan 2015
Queen... Have you learned the importance of the word SELF? Realizing that once you love you... You don't need nobody else. The mirror is more than a mirror.. It's reflector of power and to whom it is delivered.. I love you.. But if you don't love you.. How can I ever hug you.. If you never embrace yourself. How do you ever expect to replace you with anyone else. Every morning a different battle. Everday the same horse with a different saddle. In a boat of self pity it gets hard to paddle... I love the love that you love yourself with... I understand that a man can't really give you ****.. But you'll take it anyway.. Never needed the mirror you could break it any day... But I see you Queen.. I truly, truly do.. So just go to the mirror grab yourself.. And pull yourself through.. Love YourSELF...
Jan 2015 · 1.5k
King, A Queens Servant
JayVeeThePrince Jan 2015
My Queen.. Any requests before bed? Massage your feet or help wrap your head? Move the moon closer make the stars brighter? A lighter couldn't stop the fire in you you're a fighter... Shall I oil your body after I bathe you clean? Would you like a snack before you go visit your dreams? Conqueror of all things that move... Anything is there anything you need me to do? Would you like silence I'll sit here in peace. You name it I'll claim it that's just to say the least. My Queen... Is there something you need before entering slumber. Just give me a list I'll try not to miss I'll recheck every number. The kitchen is clean our clothes are ironed I've prepared a couple of meals... We're both busy trying to run this city I know sometimes you can't deal... With the small things of all things so I'll cater to you... My Queen.. Is there anything you need me to do? King, A Queens Servant...
Jan 2015 · 2.0k
The Cuddle
JayVeeThePrince Jan 2015
I just wanna hold you closer than close... It's appeasing when I'm squeezing you when I need it the most. I would tell you about my day and how things aren't going my way. But none of that matters as long as you're here to stay... I've encountered the sweetest things on God's green earth. But nothing's as sweet as a woman who knows her worth... Can I hold you? Can I let go of everything else like I'm supposed to? Holding you may make my day better... You make my issues as light as a feather.. Everything is better when we are together... Just lay here in my arms.. When the weather is fair or even in a storm.. Just lay here.. If it's alright with you I'd rather you stay here... The Cuddle..

— The End —