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Taylor Hill Feb 2015
Take Me.*
For those hours take all the pain away.
Look at me and say
"I Love You."
I never believe it anymore.
Just make my body sore.
Let me breath you in.
Fill me with your toxins.
I'll itch and itch,
Until I get my fix.
If only this could last forever,
But that wouldn't help whatsoever.
I guess I'll get clean,
And be happy- or seem to be.
Then when you get her high
I'll just sit back a sigh.
Reminisce of our times.
  Feb 2015 Taylor Hill
Audrey Maday
Maybe seeing you in those
over and over again
Is supposed to mean something
But I don't think
It would mean anything
to you
So, I guess I'll
Just stay quiet.
Taylor Hill Feb 2015
What's been missing in my life is you...
But being me I was too afraid to swoon.
'If I fall will he catch me?' And if he doesn't where would I fall?
But if he does, my God, if he does, I could quite possibly be the happiest woman alive.
Instead of falling I ran
Into another guy's arms
His aren't as warm, his voice isn't as soft, and his word doesn't really mean anything anymore...
I could've, should've, would've done
A million other things. And if I could go back I would...
But our love is forever baby, always has been.

Always will be.

— The End —