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Sitting alone in the dark,
Watching you from afar

Your shining eyes
Made a glimpse of light

Seeing you from afar
Writing a letter for you

When will I touch you?
When will I be near you?

Sitting alone in the dark,
Making a comparison of you and the moon

You light up my dark world.
You light up my night.

You are really like the moon
You are so beautiful

Yet so far.
  Mar 2017 Jamie L Cantore
Have you ever wanted to cry?
Cry a cry that would heal
A cleansing cry

A cry no one would understand
A cry which would make others weep alongside you
A cry which hollowed everything out

A cry that left you empty
A cry that washed away a thousand tears before this one
Have you ever wanted everything to be okay?

That you were willing to cry every tear that your body could produce even if it claimed the last heartbeat of your heart

A cry of pain
A cry of hunger
A cry for love

A cry for acceptance
A cry
My cry.
  Mar 2017 Jamie L Cantore
Samantha Lee
Quick thoughts
the stem of worry
planted in
uncertain soil
leaves of growth
in no hurry
sprouting vines
start to coil
as buds blossom
a certain sweat
settlement hosed
watered roots wet
sunshine dances
photosynthesis fuels
where butterflies
are imposed
Jamie L Cantore Mar 2017
I walk into class.
I am alone there...
Because I like
To get to places
Early. I wait for
Group to begin.
People start
Rolling in.

We all all say
Hi and Hello
How are you
And you and
You? All is
Well we each
Say out of
But really,
None of
Us are.
That is why
We attend

Each of us
Are damaged
In some way,
Or just have
A void in our
Lives. We each
Have a diagnosis,
Or two, or so.

So class begins
Late every day
Like clockwork,
And then it
Takes the entire
Session for one
Person to say
A few things
About themselves,
And we have
A few moments
To make comments
If the counselor
Allows any
Opinion but
Her own be

And then it's
Break time
And we all
Smoke our
Poison because
It is scientifically
Proven that most
People with say,
Or Schizoaffective
Disorder or Bipolar
Disorder, (any type,)
Are addicted to nicotine
Because our nicotinic
Receptors are out of

Then it's back to class,
Which starts late again
And another person
Gets a moment to share
Their uncertainty about
Their lives. And I have
To sit there with the
Answer in my head,
Because I am not
Allowed to speak
Anymore. I was
Told one too many
Times by the
Class that I
Make too
Much sense
To be a group
Member, and
Should teach
The class.

The counselors
Always hate
That sort of
Thing. They really
Hate it when you
Them. Group
Is helpful, despite
It's many short-
Comings. Well,
I guess I better
Continue going,
Because I don't
Want to miss
Out on Jack's
Repeated *******'
About how Jill
Won't listen,
Or how Humpty
Can't lose weight
Despite a balanced
Diet. You know the
Type... A Diet Coke
In one hand, and a
Snickers bar in the
Other. We are all        
Jamie L Cantore Mar 2017
What tastes better than it smells?
*Hint: The answer is not corn chips.
Jamie L Cantore Mar 2017
32 × 21=?

First digit of first #
Multiplied by first
Digit of last number= 6

2nd digit of 1st #
Multiplied by last
Digit of last number = 2

Now multiply 1st digit
3 by ( last digit) 1 & it =3
2nd digit of 1st # which
Is 2 × 1st digit of 2nd #
Which is 2 & you get 4
Add 3 +4
Insert 7 between the 6 and 2
You get 672
Kid stuff.
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