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 Mar 2016 Jamie F Nugent
We’re painting the roses red
Because the white isn’t good enough
It’s too innocent, too pure
It’s petals not yet touched by the crimson dripping from our hearts
What hearts?
Hearts we build out of plastic
So that bullets shot at us leave no drastic wounds
Only indents
Nobody says anything
We wrap lace around our rotten cores
Hopeful that beautiful will one day mean forgotten
And our mistakes won’t haunt us like stairwell ghosts
They’re band aids we place on each lesion
Doing whatever it takes to create shield of armour for our castle
Can’t you see you’re a castle?
A castle built on top of the ground you were pushed down upon
Where the white roses grow
Words are like arrows aimed at your throat
And you can’t breathe so you close your eyes
Covering your ears like a worried toddler
You hide and inside you build treehouses
With signs that read “No Trespassing”
Throwing stones at a fleeting reality that begs to be let in
But you’re terrified of what you’ll find waiting
Because you’re still just a child
Aren’t we all children?
Children left timid and quivering
Who pity themselves as lesser beings
Two halves in two worlds
Built only on broken roads that wish to bring harm
And their arms feel weak from reaching both distances
Somewhere along the way their compass was smashed
One hand pointing north, the other south
So they call themselves worthless and keep their mouth shut
But why does that make them the lamb and you the lion?
A lamb that counts their scars as they grow
And notice they all look like people
Snakes in mankind’s clothing
Who asked you to love them but their fangs sank too deep
They couldn’t see your innocence bloom in each petal
They assume that your heart is as damaged as them
Admiring the view of rose covered gardens all painted red
Where everyone wants to be different or dead
submitted this for a contest lemme know what u think
 Mar 2016 Jamie F Nugent
let us walk these empty streets
fill it with our presence
let's spill secrets in the dark
spread laughter all around
let's leave a mark
with our colors imprinted
at each step that we take
let's fill in the lonely
forget that it was once empty
****** tho
A kiss is just a kiss
they say,

but your bones shudder
against mine

as your tongue guts out
the trenches of my mouth

counting the cavities of my
sugar wrecked teeth

I want to believe them
(I think)

as I wear your shirts, long and hanging by my hungry thighs

love notes carved into my flesh

scars that stretch, like rubber

and the bitter aftertaste of

leaves me shaking into your

the edges where I end and you
 Mar 2016 Jamie F Nugent
When Mr. Toad
returned, his
world was quite


Princely praises
words no longer heard

Musing karma,
Guidelines for the

No lover
No meaning
No money

With the others
calling out into the night
calling for salvation
calling out for a princess,
a princess who never seems to come.
I can't fly without feathers
So why are you putting me in tethers
I can't swim without fins
And still your sticking in the pins
And pulling off that little dolls limbs
Like right out of the fairytale grimms'

Your vicious as hell with that voodoo doll of twine
You made in my image so it would be mine
I constantly feel the shivers run down my spine

I don't understand why you keep me here entrapped
And leave all of our potential so untapped
Instead you think I must be kidnapped

It's trust that you're so desperately lacking
Wish you would just relize it's not me that's been slacking
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