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Sometimes I can't sleep as horrors unforgotten slip their way through the thin veneer I have strung across a dark corner of my mind to hide these thoughts from the light of day.
On these nights,
On these nights I smoke a cigarette in shadows unbroken by the dim city lights and listen to a lonely cricket chirp and know at least we stand together in this midnight rendezvous.
In that I find peace.
Sometimes I find myself unwilling to rise from my cold bed and face another strife filled day in a world full of challenge and misery that I was not asked but forced into.
Sometimes I find my mind consumed by fear and hatred and anxiety inspired by a lifetime of bad decisions and worse luck in a seemingly never ending spiral of **** ups and shame.
But other times,
other times I find the smallest moments of bliss can rekindle the spirit and remember that goodness put forth will return if in nothing more than clear conscience and a light heart.
In the little things, I find peace.
You miss and miss and it will never stop
because the worst thing about never seeing them again is
that the feeling of their presence becomes a distant memory to you
a feeling that you can never recall no matter how hard you try

Fingers locked
     in female hands
a riddle
   like legs     free of clothes
   crumpled jumpers
     in a corner
resembling a salad
of what-the-hell-went-on
last night   greeny-reds.

   Dolled up
bees' knees
     next time
not a person to     impress
or   dazzle   with a fedora
   top-shelf aftershave
charcoal-black shoes
gobbling     this week's wages.

Miss your     mouth
see if you   tick
the thirty-one boxes
     know nail polish
better than second-hand
lips   and teeth   and tongues
   and lips
stash wit in a drawer
humour   under the bed.

Spot the odd   one   out
like finding a disease
     in a bloodstream
always observe
     an   owl   in the room
   watch others hurl feelings
I miss   you's   about
resort to stories
     only your pillow knows
they want the     fire
not a                           lonely snowman.
Written: August 2014.
Explanation: A poem written in my own time, somewhat personal. For the record, '******' is my least favourite word, and I despise it when used as an insult. This poem could be a little stronger, so edits are possible. Feedback welcome as always.
i still leave you love poems on crumbling walls
     like rust-stains on canvas yet to be stretched

there isn't a message yet

but in my dreams
you somehow see it all for what it means
following the commas and line-breaks
right back to where you left me
     and we finally allow ourselves
     to share the light necessary for life to grow

i awake in the morning with whiskey breath
and aerosol stained fingertips

     *can't you hear me slinging siren songs
     across the distances we keep
          while fast asleep?
lips of amaranth
dripped decadent language
through weakened teeth
she gave all she had
to get there
& she's forgotten where she
left her pieces

fear of fate follows
her around as
vines held tightly to
her wrists,
waiting to prepare it's most
nefarious dish
so that she may be
to break loose
& put a pen to her
but seldom does the
ink flow
for the fear makes its
bed in the nest
of all she doesn't want
to lose
settled in the leaves
of ivy
a prisoner she remains

would you declare
Stockholm Syndrome
if you truly
Atmospheric rage,
Luminous obscurity.
Discharged sky barrage,
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