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Feb 2018 · 140
Perry Feb 2018
rain jumps from the branch
like a steady flow of tears
cold, damp, alone

the noise of dripping
drop by drop
i forget myself

breathe on a window
blurriness clouding the glass
clouding my mind

numbness takes over my fingertips
cold and unfeeling
like my thoughts

a sudden crack
the branch has snapped
the weight was too much
i have snapped
the result of staying up waaaay to late
Feb 2018 · 155
Perry Feb 2018
everything hurts
you ruined me
you ruined the three words
that are the most powerful

you ruined me
because now i can’t
say those three words
without thinking of you

how am i supposed
those three words
to anyone
ever again.

you ruined me
but still,
i love you
Feb 2018 · 163
i am sorry
Perry Feb 2018
a crow screams
words of sorrow
pouring its thoughts
into one screech
interpreted as violence

you scream
words of hate
your voice
echoing in my head
like a drop of blood
into still water

don’t go
this is nothing this is meant to be nothing this is madness and anger and regret and frustration and i’m sorry blake
Feb 2018 · 122
Perry Feb 2018
you planted words like seeds in my brain
it was great at first
they grew into flowers
bright and beautiful
welcoming spring

spring came and the flowers still grew
it was great. at first.
it became clear
that the flowers
were too big for their ***

spring left but the flowers didn’t stop
i wished they did
it was crowding my mind
consuming any thoughts
that were left

i tried to pull the flowers out but the roots were too deep
my mind was no longer
strictly “mine”
the flowers needed room
they didn’t have what they needed

it was too much, the flowers needed to get out
so they found the best way
through my mouth
my words
the flowers changed everything

Feb 2018 · 241
Perry Feb 2018
you are a metaphor
you are made up
you are like something
but you are not real

you are my life
but of course you’re not really
because how can something
that doesn’t exist
be my life
Feb 2018 · 260
Perry Feb 2018
i know it’s hard to believe, love
you are so precious to me
i would give up everything for you
i’d give up my eyes
even if it meant
i’d never be able to see you
i’d give up my lips
even if it meant
they’d never touch yours
i’d give up summer days
and chocolate spread
and soft kisses
and warm baths
and sunrises
and milk and cookies
i’d give you everything
if only to make you smile
Feb 2018 · 255
Perry Feb 2018
I feel as though my mind
Is a dark cave
Thoughts like inky black spikes
Growing longer with each day

It's as if there is a cage
Hanging by an iron wire
With me trapped inside it
I sit there
Curled up in a ball

As the cage swings steadily
And fourth
Some spikes growing long enough to
Scrape the edges
And yet their blackness
Makes them impossible to anticipate
Feb 2018 · 193
Perry Feb 2018
You were my everything,
My ray of sunlight
My beacon of hope
The light at the end of my tunnel

Little did I know,
That that sunlight burnt
That beacon blinded
And that light,
It was just fire

You hurt me
I thought you would make me better
I thought you would help
Fire was a symbol of passion
Fire is a
symbol of hate and Destruction

I am the ashes
Left behind

— The End —