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In fact, it was about you. It always is; it always was, always will be.
I told you that it wasn't about you. I lied, it was about you; it always was, it always will be.
The rotting walls,
The warped floors,
The cracked wood that makes up all of the doors.

Do you remember when this place used to be so bright?
When we still ate dinner at the table most nights?

Blanket forts and puzzle glue,
I always said my best friend was you.
I was your checker queen,
You were my everything.

We took rides to the liquor store,
The smell now will always remind me
Of my childhood.
These types of field trips never ended the way I wished they would,
With your nose pressed against a cut straw in your friends ***** apartment,
Maybe you hoped that I would never remember it.

I used to pray to a God I was too young to believe in that you wouldn't crash the car when you were high on oxy.

Whispering to myself
"Oh god, please."

You would get so close to the cars on the side of the road and I would just keep praying that we would make it home.

Then, after mom died i picked up your bad habits.
I would drink and drive in hopes that I would die.

Id get to close to the cars on the side of the road while praying to a God I still don't believe in that I wouldn't make it home.

But I did.
Every time.

To the rotting walls,
The warped floors,
The cracked wood that makes up all of the doors.

Why is it so hard to remember when this place used to be bright?
I cant even imagine a dinner at the table most nights.
Fish and fowl abide  .  .  .
Currents racing to the sea,
  .  .  .  Playful otters pluck.
River stories told,
Marsh reeds, chapters of otters,
Fish tails left on rocks.
of all the blues and reds and yellows, your hue is my favorite
the tie dye of your soul reflects a rainbow kite
flying so high, sailing the shore of good vibes
down below, the sea otters gaze
at your marvelous beauty
and hair, that matches the sandy shores
that flowers wish to be upon
like a halo of daisys and roses
angelically arrayed, happily.
 Nov 2014 Jacquelyn Morgan
I once knew a kid who tried to fly
He grew some wings and went to go try
I saw him take flight
which was quite the sight
splat! went the kid who wanted to fly
 Nov 2014 Jacquelyn Morgan
I'm growing weary
of finding ways
to make myself
Because ten words poems are neat.
My buddy Todd set us up.
Her name, I knew her name:
Isabel Fienne.
I met her outside of Byron's,
drinking a 40 out of a brown bag.
She wore black, black spaghetti strap,
black Memphis skirt, black stockings.
I told her I liked the color of her eyes.
She said her dad just died.
And asked me, "What was your name again?"
I asked her, "How about a little of that drink?"
We spent the night throwing rocks at passing cars,
dodging police, and talking about how
we liked the anonymity of night.

We woke up in an alley.

I whispered the word stockings.
She bit my lip.
We get married the first of June.
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