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Trapped inside a life
I can find no escape
Consumed with misery and self loathing
Lacking beauty and love and inspiration
Cornered into a little world of sadness
Lonely beyond belief
Isolated to the max
This is the anthem of the poet
As he writes his last
Forgive me, but i dont love you
the way you wish
the fear of breaking your heart
is far to strong to
make it more than a secret
my heart is still weak from my last
...and bringing up love causes me to shy away
Believe me you are kind
but i cant satisfy what your  asking of me.
i can not make my heart feel something it wont
even though i wish i could...
if only i could forget my feelings
as easy as forgetting other things
i wish my feelings for him would just fade
like a bruise..
i'm driving myself insane trying to convince
myself that he is easy to get over,
if only it could be as easy as they tell it in the books i read..
please don't run away..
forgive me
And my dad wanted us to hurry.
He worked the night shift.
Sweat on his forehead evidenced his
displeasure with rising sun.
35 mm in his hands. Steel-toed boots on pavers.
My mother stuffed another box of Kleenex in my
backpack. Gritted the metal teeth. Ready?

Ready. Her hands on my shoulders.

Take another one. Josh wasn't smiling.
Dad winded the film.

I don't want to smile.

My mother stuck her fingers into my mouth
pulling opposite and up.
And her fingers tasted like
the musty pages in the books without pictures.
so we undressed
and I didn't finish
and you felt self-conscious
and refused to read to me
like you did the night before
so I didn't sleep
but you did
and your brow was a shelf
and I wiped it off
like I did the night before
so the morning would feel clean
yet I missed a spot
and you said no one loved like me
and that wasn't a good thing
like a songbird that was more showboat
so I'm sorry lukewarm newspapers
and two wine glasses
and too empty
and you bit my lower lip until blood was drawn
like a misery, like a static radio song
so I bit your lower lip until blood was drawn
but that wasn't an anchor
but that wasn't a tether
but that wasn't criminal
like the soap operas and the 51st shade of grey
so we undressed
and turned on the history channel
and it didn't go anywhere
and you said history was for the historians
like ******* was for lovers
so we dressed
and you were a child in my clothes
and I talked down to you
and you took one last drink of my cologne
like a closing hymn collapsing on a dime
Where to begin
I think to myself as I submerge
my thoughts
In you and what it is that
Gives the tick to your tock.
I think of your eyes
And the depth
That lies
Folded within
Green and brown
And smiling.
Lost glasses
And lager
That comes in pints
Accompanied by
Action and statement
Your energy blasts
Fast and furious
I sense more to you
Than what meets my eye.
And in that thought
I lie
Here now
Creased brow
In anticipation of knowing you more.
I think of your nails
And the way they touch
Me deeper than
The welts
That are kissed
Crimson stain
Onto my skin.
Your essence
Seeps inside
And bleeds out of my body
Through my lips
As I savour
The flavour
That makes
You taste
So simply
You have this way
Of ceasing time
And pausing
The beat of my heart.
Just a smile
Is all it takes
And your laugh,
The way your eyes
Drop low,
The dip of your neck and
The way you glance up
And out from
Under your
You unhinge
The door
That stands
Shut and heavy
My eyes
Wide open
As you storm
Into my soul
And take whole
My delight
And spin its
Into gold.
I am sold
On you
And your cold hands
Warm heart.

— The End —