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Satyam bhandari Sep 2017
I'm standing in the balcony,
watching a girl,
She's dragging the piece of cucumber
on the railing of her garden,
Licking the dust
and eating the rest
As jalebi is dipped in the syrup,
And here I am drenched in nostalgia.
And our meeting is so eloquent
that we can sit together for hours,
felicitously mute.
Cyclone bet
All the desert,
even the sky swept.
What they fuss ?
"I" is not separate from "us",
"I" is separating the "us".
Satyam bhandari Jun 2017
In the season of perspiration,
Where demerits of summer are in trend,

Few flowers and leafs are getting dried and shriveled,
Craving for shower.

As the Weather Department announced thunderstorm,

The Sun is on leave,

Flight of birds achieving new heights,

Dark clouds are rolling up in the sky blue

Swiftly there's a fragrance in the air,

nodding of the trees,

chattering of the birds,

Posts and tweets of the humans,

Are the evidence of celebration,
A most welcome to the rain.

— The End —