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Tom McCone
Wellington    writes from dreams and sorrows, predominantly.;=PLJVQPU_oFOwuG6HEaoVOQenGicQScx1yw ^me
Gift of life, eternal. Living on through each other, An endless, fractal.
Lebanon    If you think words could explain humans...than you belittle the value of our minds and kill our ambition of being who we are.... contact info: ...
November 19th 12:37 2014
22/M/....    A home for all my adventures,experiences and memories
Luminosity Cat
United States    ♥ "T h e s w e e t e s t s m i l e s h o l d t h e ...
The Masked Sleepyz
Honolulu, HI    I really hate bio's...youll know me better by what I write, but if you really want to know...a small town kid that wants to find ...
Marco Batista
moonlight as an astronaut
If I haven't posted in a while don't think of me as gone. I remain here waiting for my inspiration to hit me in the ...
Samuel Alexander
Australia    I'll quit when I'm dead
Michael Ryan
29/United States    Passions are philosophy/psychology/horror. I'll get a Master's degree one day. I hope you find something you enjoy in life.
...displaced into being    Merely some words here... If upon reflection they become something more...all the better.
25/F/Lebanon    I'm Ghenwa, a hopeless romantic. I see beauty in everything, and find inspiration in the most uncommon places.
Sean Fitzpatrick
But nature is a stranger yet; The ones that cite her most Have never passed her haunted house, Nor simplified her ghost. To pity those ...
Arizona    to be human is mortal but our written word speaks through out eternity
Mathieu Desrochers
Virginia, USA    18 y/o college freshman. Archaeology, Ancient Greek, and Classics major. Latin and Women's Studies minor. Communist. My heart's set on a house in England with ...
Mhmd elHalwani
The Noose
32/F/Standing on the gallows    Words are all I have. All original content ©2013-2024 The Noose
Misadventures of Crow
40/Gresham    I am that I am not.
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