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Dear you,


Si­ncerely, Josh
poems dont have to rhyme
it takes too much time
it can be fun
but i am done!
my love for you could never fade away
could never wash away
could never be forgotten
my heart wont let me forget you
wont let me forget what we once had
everything you done for me
everything i done for you
as time goes on we grow older
second by second
minute my minute
hour by hour
day by day
and yet we still take time for granted
with friends and family and we dont quite realise

people can just dissapear...forever
school is a prison
the teachers are the guards
class rooms are the cells
homework is the punishment
and i just a lonley prisoner tring to *escape
#school #prison #hell
why do we care too much
about the way we look
about the way we talk
about the way we live

why do we bother
to help those who push us aside
to try our hardest when it isnt enough
to try and be some one we are not

we are too focused on trying to help
trying to change ourselfs
trying to be someone we are not

society has pushed people beyond the line of caring
we are now obsesing about the way we look
about how people may judge us

i hate society
I'm just me, and you're like a god
You're popular, I am an outcast,

A shadow.

I could never let you know my true feelings
You would just laugh in my face

So for now, I'll stay in my room wondering why A guy like you would ever go for a girl like me
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