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I allways try to care, at the wrong time
I'm trying to be there, but you're stopping me

I'm just trying to help

I will offer you hugs to make you feel a little bit better, but you don't pay attention

I'm just trying to help

Why should I even bother anymore
All you do is push me down
All you do is push me aside

I'm just trying to help
it's midnight
the air is still
the stars are bright, they reflect in your eyes
i cant take mine off you
your gazed face at the big blue moon
my gazed face at you
my heart is beating so fast
beause im here
with my love at midnight
Because i'm just another
Old poem to you, i'll let your mind
Rest, there is no hidden meaning
Inside this dull poem
Not a single one, but i have
Got a bunch of words that dont mean anything to you or me

In fact i find poems quite
i got bored in a science lesson and wrote this
Why do I feel like you are slowly letting go of what we have?
Why do I feel like you're giving up us on us?
Why do I feel so ignored by you?
Why do I feel like I have to compete with her?
why do I feel like you are loosing the strong feelings you once had?
Why do I feel like our connection is failing?
Why do I feel like you're done with me?
Why do I feel like this?
Why do I feel so insecure?
Why do I feel so alone?
Why do I feel so empty with out you?

— The End —