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I want to be buried
beside the river
that drowns you.


The way the sky sits.
Our sleeves
wrapped in wind.
I kiss your lips.
You are my end.


Sequins and swans
on the dress of
the universe.
I want to be warmed
by the galaxy's grasp.


You are my water:
You move beside
and against me.
No one has Time: Time has us.

Make Time
or it will pass you by.
 Apr 2015 DarkDepriment
 Apr 2015 DarkDepriment
and I have lost many things, but I have also gained more of myself than I ever could have imagined.
Lost her, lost the election, and I've lost some other things... But in all honesty, maybe it was just time for me to lose the things that I thought mattered the most. I'm starting to realize what really matters in this world, and it's most certainly not worrying about things like that.
 Apr 2015 DarkDepriment
heartbeat racing, face flushing, core frozen,
fingers tracing, thoughts binding and lost,
eyes meddling, feet tapping, leg shaking,
knee bending, muscles stretching, brain working,
emotions zooming, horizon closing,
frantically thinking, decidedly acting to
sitting back and lazing, forgetting, unwinding
numbing and breaking, glancing and gliding.
the stars are out tonight
trying to call out your name
trying to get you to notice them
do you feel small?
take into consideration
the same God that made millions of stars
also made you
perfect in his image
you are exactly who you are
supposed to be

don't take that for granted
 Apr 2015 DarkDepriment
listen and feel, don't see
it's like I'm there again on that bus,
screaming and looking into the eyes
of people who shoot my veins with electricity,
we told each other that at that moment we would be happy to die
banging on the seats, bare hands and bare feet
crying and laughing and bursting through windows in tiny sprays
I never knew I could be loved in so many different ways.
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