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  May 2016 aysha
You've made a mockery of our beliefs,
And our prophet you defame.
I think and think and think,
From this, what is your gain?

We stand for peace and mercy,
We always have and will.
The actions of some may scar us,
While they remain sinful.

I will condemn their actions,
As every human should.
But apologies I will not,
For its not under Islam's hood.

I can't claim responsibility,
For something I've not done.
Neither can I say sorry,
For its not part of my religion.

Anyone can say 'Allah',
And do atrocities in His name.
But what of those 1.6 billion Muslims,
Who His name they rightly claim?

I have only one request,
That I'd kindly wish you do,
Look beyond the hate and hurt,
And see Muslims are just like you.
Peaceful. Loving. Caring.
We have families too.
Islam is a religion of peace,
Peace be on to you.
The world needs to know, we stand for peace alongside it. We are one with you on this, as we are one with you on every life that is taken in cold blood.
  May 2016 aysha
a perfect half hour drive
with a perfect sunset keeping me high
and a perfect soundtrack buzzing
in my perfect battered car
down a perfect country lane
lined with green waves
and soft bluebells
smudging the hard lines of winter away
the air is still cold
but this evening is too perfect
to notice
or care
and i realise i have been driving
with a smile greeting stranger's stares.

— The End —