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 Dec 2014 Heliza Rose
I quickly tap my screen to respond to your message
"I'm absolute garbage and I love you."

Your fingers softly brush against the keys as you type out your reply,
"You're absolutely beautiful garbage and I love you more."

I thought that things would be different with you; you were so much more compassionate
"I think I'm in love with you."

You hesitate as you read my message, unaware of the stars that were forming in my mind at the mere thought of you
"I'm not in love with you."

I read the message with my brimming eyes and soon enough, I hear the explosions in my ear of the galaxies that once formed when you told me I was an unexplainable force of nature that everyone was wary of.
I also hear the slow thudding of my heart in my ears before everything fades away and becomes numb.

You sit there, quiet and in deep thought
You heard the planets imploding all the way from your bedroom
But all you did was shrug, shake your head and turn up your music.
 Dec 2014 Heliza Rose
When I begin thinking
About the
Nights we will talk about our
Desire to travel
Everywhere, just wanting to
Relax with you and I,
Longing for
Us to be
Something again when
T**he right time comes, so we can begin our journey
 Dec 2014 Heliza Rose
Do you know how depressing it is to realize you will never see them in real life no matter how much you dream about it? Or how you will never feel their touch, never be wrapped up in their arms in real life?

come fly with me
by frank sinatra
 Dec 2014 Heliza Rose
Lilian Mike
I want to take back all the smiles I put on your face, all those memories I wish I could just erase. I don't wanna miss you or the look in your eyes cause every time I reminisce I remember the lies.
You can't see everything through a telescope
you got for 15 bucks at Talbots.
But I know what that's like,
to be 21, 24, 36,
or 49 years old,
being expected to understand the universe
through the lens of a plastic toy.
I can hardly see Jupiter from here,
or the girl in the house across the street,
taking off her bra.
I want my money back. There is no use for this.
 Dec 2014 Heliza Rose
If money could talk, the one dollar bill would tell us about shaky hands & white powder, about long thick fingernails & hopeless desperation. He would laugh when he remembered all of the tight waist bands, oily skin, & how the men would cheer as he danced in circles.

If money could talk, The ten dollar bill would shed a tear when he recalled the single mother of four, who handed him over for a cheap, too greasy, dinner in a bag. He would slam his fist on the counter as he begged the troubled boy, too young to be this sad, to put down that needle, it's not over yet.

If money could talk, the penny would tell stories between tears. Stories that he observed from the floor, a story for young girls too blinded by what they "need to look like" to take a look in the ******* mirror, for every boy, who drags sharp metal across his skin just to feel like he's wanted, for every father, who has scraped the bottom of the coffee can for enough coins to buy that bottle, for mothers, who no longer know what to say.

If money could talk, the penny would also smile. He would smile for better days, for long nights sitting in a dark box soon to be donated to those in need. He would smile for every scratch off ticket he has ever won, he would smile, as he shook his head at those who think it's over. He would smile at you, at me.
this is meant to be read outloud like a slam poem & is obviously about american currency.
 Dec 2014 Heliza Rose
 Dec 2014 Heliza Rose
imagine what it feels
like finding out that every heavy
breath you take is
wasted on feeding
someone else's breathless
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