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Aug 2016 · 304
Hayley Ann Aug 2016
I will stop giving people the power to hurt me
I will make my own happiness it does not depend on others
I will stop hoping therefore I will not be disappointed when it does not happen
I will focus on my myself and making myself happy not others
I will stop letting myself get played by other people no matter who
I will be as heartless as everyone thinks I am
Aug 2016 · 490
Hayley Ann Aug 2016
My life is a constant state of paranoia
The fear of always letting other people down
The fear of never having the love I once had
The fear of never accomplishing anything in life
The fear of never fulfilling my hopes and dreams
The fear of always being second best
The fear of always being compared to others
The fear of never being loved
The fear of being dismissed by the the people I care about
May 2016 · 208
Hayley Ann May 2016
Pain does not go away
it lingers in the back of your mind
you will always be reminded of it
but there are these special moments
in your life with people you love
or just where you are by yourself
doing something you enjoy and
it feels like the pain is completely gone
May 2016 · 370
Hayley Ann May 2016
She is losing the person who means the absolute most to her
The one who was there for her first words
The one who was there for her first steps
The one who was there for her first day of school
The one who was there for her first fight with a best friend
The one who was was there for her first day of high school
The one who has always been there to pick up the pieces of her heart
Who is going to be there to help repair her heart when its been shattered into a million pieces after losing her mother?

~ 02/17/2015

— The End —