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Feel the guitar
Pulse through your body
The rhythm that makes
You tap your feet
The       S
Sound of the bass is the back
Making you close your eyes and sway
The calm that music makes us feel
When we can count on nothing
But the nice slow thump
of the drums
At first I wanted to just be friends
You were a shy girl
Not many friends
You tried to hide from the world
In that dark desolate corner you called home
I ended up getting too close
And falling in love with you
I couldn't help it
Your eyes sang a million songs
That made my heart beat to the rhythm of
Your smile aroused billions of butterflies
That fluttered in my stomach
Your laugh created chills
That crawled down my spine
You became the very essence of my poetry
Every line a curve of your body
Every stanza a feature elegantly placed on your body
Every metaphor a slight over exaggeration of your intense beauty
And every thing I wanted to do to you
I thought of every time I glanced in your direction
I wanted to tear the shirt from your chest
Kiss the pulsating veins in your neck
I wanted to feel the curves I wrote about
I wanted to taste every feature
I wanted to smell your perfume
That always seemed to arouse me
I wanted to hear the late night moans
Of your pure pleasure and enjoyment
I wanted to see that intense flame of ****** desire in your eyes
I wanted to embrace you when we were done
I wanted to stay and watch the sun kiss you good morning
I wanted to listen to your breathing slow as you slept
I wanted to love you in more ways than this
I wanted to please your every desire
I wanted to bring you out of the desolate lands of oblivion
I tried my best to love you
But when things got too serious
You abandon everything we ever had
You must of lied to me every time you said "I love you"
You must not have meant it
You used me for the pure desire of self happiness
You got high off my love
You almost over dosed on my *******
Yet you still had the audacity to walk away from it all
Everything I wanted to do to you
I told you
From taking you to watch the sunset in Arizona
To watching the sun rise on the great Pacific Ocean
I made you happy all the time
Yet you only found happiness in sulking in misery
You never wanted love
And you ran from it
Every time it kissed you
I built an empire for you
I built walls impenetrable by foreign enemies
When in all actuality your reason for allowing me to do so
Was to lock me out when you decided to flee
Yet you still find it hard to attend to the walls
As they start crumbling and eroding
Every time I smile
Every time I laugh
And it's not with you
You want me to pretend nothing ever even happened
Yet everything I wanted to do to you
I never hid from you
I was blunt and straightforward
I wanted you to be exited and surprised
When you saw the bill
When you saw how much happiness cost
It cost our love and friendship
So I hope your happy now
I hope your smile is real now
I wanted to be the reason for them
Now all I want to do to you
Is rip your throat out
For leaving my heart
Broken, bleeding, drunk off love, and at my feet
Everything I wanted to do to you
Went from romantic to homicidal
But I just can't find that level of hatred
To even pull it off
Simply because I still love you
Still not done with this piece
Does anyone else feel the moon follows just to mock
with that waxing crescent pearly white smile?
The necessary light of my nocturnal path;
regardless of which corner I turn she's comfortably watching.
If only she spoke of the sorrows she felt
so to stop her nightly lamentations.
She holds that smile as merely a facade
one we all know but brush off as odd.
Oh night denizen, your monthly repose
makes me wish I were a star whose light you sang woes.
I have been lost for one day too many
it wasn't until now that I realized.

On that day I woke up with a stranger's eyes,
and what I saw I knew was new.
I left my home after taking a while
to try and recognize the face and smile
All the features staring back were me
but in reality couldn't be true

Walking now I feel the shoes
in which this day chose me to fill.  
My downcast eyes-- by my feet mesmerized--
had hardly familiarized themselves with the world.
The spectral haze crept on the horizon,
the fog's clearly opaque clouds drew around me too.

I now knew each moment was a lifetime lived before,
as each day was a new life that starts the same.
She loved art
And she breathed
And ate
And slept art
And she radiated art
And art was her life

And we
All loved her
One hundred percent
And every
Was her
Best friend

And the priest
Doing the funeral
Hadn't met her.
But her parents
Paid him like he had.

And they told the priest
"She loved art
And she breathed
And ate
And slept art.
And she radiated art.
And art was her life."

And so that was what he
Told the

But when
A quiet person like her
No one ever finds out
That she
Hated art
In fact
She loved Forensic Science.
Go look at all of my other poems please!!! I'm trying to get to 10,000 views!!! :)
 Mar 2013 Hayley Neininger
Anon C
Unto another galaxy
weaving a space-time continuum
black holes that never meet
yet always consume
forever alone
lost in the vacuum of Hell
where time meets time
and the end never ends
I saw her there
and stood amazed

Her beauty pierced me soul
and could not cease

My only fear-
I cannot tell Birds from Bees
'Nother quick write. Writer's block dissappears and I reappear, though only for a short time.
 Mar 2013 Hayley Neininger
I remember the last time we talked
My voice trembled like a violin string
As always my mouth was numb and locked
And the phrases I couldn't utter seemed to boil and sting
I watched distraught words float by on the breeze
As I desperately tried explaining to you,
With embarrassment and unease
All we could and should be, all I dreamed and knew
Tried weaving a future from a tangled past.
I saw you through curtains of heavy fog
Your eyes bleary and glassed
I stuttered and muttered and wept and I couldn't
And I knew that I wouldn't
Give words to the ineffable mess in my brain.
I looked up, the mist breathed slowly
You walked away like a slow and silent midnight train
The sun was shining through the clouds, golden and holy
As the white haze of things unsaid weighed upon the rolling hills
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