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 Nov 2013 Harvey Spector
Thinking of you
Makes me feel really sick.
I changed my mind.
So don't, baby, don't.
A best friend
Be's the best he
Can ever be
Don't take it for granted that
Everything goodll come if
Fate allows it
To fourth and search
Hither until
It knocks your head
Just about right
Know your enemies
Love your friends
Many are lost through
Naysaying and slandering
Obviously those types of
People will realise
Queens and Kings will be
Recrowned, killed and
Sanctioned against
Through hatred and anger
Unless a person who
Verbs his way through
Wards of hospitals where
Xenophobia is lost while
You sit like a caged animal in a
Just a poem about friendship and then I went off track... At least I never had writers block...
Cars are red,
Buckets are blue,
A face like yours,
Belongs in the zoo,
But don't worry,
I'll be there too,
Not in a cage,
But laughing at you!
I'll sit and wait
Another day
Where I'll cry
Cry my eyes dry
A place where everyone
Avoids all the time
A place where no one
Comes to see the crime

There's times when
The silence is the sound
I can't comprehend
When the beat is loud

You make me fly way
Will see your heart
I will go places
Where I'm all alone
On my own
Can't you see
Me standing here
My own feet
Holds me up
My own friends
Keeps me up

There are times
When the sky has no clouds
There are times
When there are hoards of clouds

I just wanna fly away

Flying away would make me
Happy to see
Their smiles
Happy to hear
Their voices

All i wish to ask
For you to let me go
Break the shackles
May i go home

Don't keep me
Don't hold me
Don't touch me
Just leave
And let me go
Let me fly away
Higher every day
On my own

She had a box
Filled with all the things
She was told not to open
For the destruction it brings

Ignorance is blissful
Innocence lost
  She should’ve known better
Than to open the box

But what was left in the box
Was happiness, joy , hope and love
To fight off all the other things
To bring peace like a white dove

And today the terrors are still here
But thanks to happiness, joy , hope and love we have no need to fear
why Pandora, why?

— The End —