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 Dec 2015 Banana
Anthony Walters
Today I had a dream,
I was in my father's house,
He told me to burn the money,
And something else...

Then I woke up hard and fast,
Nervous about what he had said.
Was it his ghost I spoke to last?
Then I realized he wasn't actually dead,

Just in a hospital bed.
 Dec 2015 Banana
The uniVerse
No one will ever win
because no one gives in
sometimes its better to concede
then forever bleed
my shirt soaked red
from the heart on my sleeve
a battle of words cast
the sting that lasts
like venom that seeps
through our veins
the pleasure that's reaped
from our brains
knowing that we cause pain
sowing seeds
no flowers grow
only weeds.

A flip of a coin
is what decides
to face the ruin
or run and hide
if only we used a note
so we could simply float
past every decision
because whatever the choice
it always brings collisions
so listen to the voice
not in your mind
but in your heart
then you will find
what was, has past.
Originally Written: 03/10/2014
 Dec 2015 Banana
A pretty face can carry you far
But when the beauty is gone
They will move on

And even though your heart is made of gold
They will see no value
Because they are always looking for the next best you.
Thought this was relevant to the corporate world and also in relationships sometimes.
 Dec 2015 Banana
Ryan Galloway
The color of her hair
The way in which her eyes search the air
For the invisible cogs of the galaxies
Moving in sync
With the machinery within
She shares a heartbeat with me
And the movement of the stars
The intermingling between the bodies of the seas
Parallels ours
Oh how your eyes mirror
Such magnificent things
And how I desire to see
Your world through these lenses
For eternity, or today,
Whichever comes first
How she shines mischevious bright
Lighting a way almost
Her light touches me, but I cannot remain
Heavenly body in the dark of night
Outshines the stars
But spoilt by this day
Cool elegance to the eye
Yet burns bright to my soul
Transient, but ever there
Dependable as the tide
Ephemeral as the night
Mysterious universe so close at hand
Written for a woman
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