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Vic Dec 2019
Just because it didn't last forever,
Doesn't mean it was a mistake.
That goes for a lot of things
Vic Dec 2018
Just keep
Telling myself that
Things will get better
Vic Nov 2019
I keep telling myself that things will get better soon
If you know, you know.
Vic May 2019
For tearing you apart,
And not comming back to stick you together.
For betraying you endless times.
For lying and running.
And telling the truth and hurting.
For scaring you and pushing you away.
And letting the monster inside of me go.
No apologies will be enough,
I really ****** it up.
I'm not the worst person in this story.
But I'm still the bad guy.
And I'm really, really sorry.
For not staying away.
I love you
You know it's for you.
Vic Jun 2019
And for apologising
But I just know you don't care
A little bit
Vic Aug 2019
It's not pubished yet,
It's still being written.
It'll be published anonymous,
By me.
And it's about you.
And me.
Yup. I know.
It's really messed up.
I've written an entire book about you.
And all the ******* things I feel.
The worst part is,
That you don't even know.
No one knows it's about you,
Or that I'm writing it,
And that maybe It'll be published someday.
But until then,
I'll keep writing my book.
And let the poetry fill the once blank pages,
With you, and all my in-love words.
So I've kinda written a book. A poetry book. It's gonna be called: "All the things I wanted to tell you but never did." And it's exactly what the title is. Maybe I'll post a part of it later. I've written a lot of thoughts, poems and stuff. for every "thing" that I've written, there will be a new page. It's just a collection of "poety," all directed to the same person. The idea is to publish it anonimously, and not get any money for it. I'll put the links to my *anonymous* social meda and stuff. My Hellopoetry, Tumblr etc. It'll be hella emotional and personal. It'll be full of love confessions and depressed things I think daily. Idk how to explain, but hopefully it makes sense. If you have an idea, opinion or anything else, just comment or message me. ily all m=so much <3
Vic Dec 2018
I Wonder
Is There Enough space
To Hold Us
To Stop Us
To Encourage Us
I Wonder
Is There Enough space
To Keep Us
To Help Us
To Make Us
Is There Enough space
I Wonder
Vic Feb 2019
Wanting to be the one to speak her name as mine.
It's like a stare off,
All alone.
It's like a competition,
On your own.
It's like getting stuck,
In open space.
Why do i enjoy this one-sided love?
If it burns.
If it is away.
If i am lost,
I do not seek for shelter,
I seek for pain.
Vic May 2019
I might have changed,
And I might be who I was again,
But I'm still me.
I'm still the girl you loved.
It's for you,
Vic Jan 2019
Started not that big.
Thought of you when i was with her.
Or in boring classes.
It got more,
Just like the feelings for you that i am not supposed to feel.
No one knew about this.
They think i am in love with her
Even she does.
Even i do.
All i wanted,
To be the one to speak her name as mine.
Now you're always in my mind.
Even if i don't realise.
So please,
For once.
Could you stop taking over my mind?
Vic Jan 2020
There are a lot of metaphors including sunshine.
Some of them are good,

But never good enough.

Dreams don't ever come true,
I've learned that in the past months.

Maybe wishing will do.

I could use a little sunshine now.
I'm sick, and cold, and lone.

That little sunshine used to be you.

I'm ******* lost, and for the first time
I don't actually know what to do.
Ray is a pretty name. It suits you.
Vic Jan 2019
Some people
Make you feel like home
In their arms
You can pretend you don't have
Those feelings
For that person
With that eyes
And that face
And that voice
That feels good

Even if you barely know them
It doesn't matter what they do
They are safe
They are every good feeling in this world
They are love
In their arms
You can escape
Escape reality
For a few seconds
Because you are
Even if you can't
Can't love them
If you aren't supposed to

But it's something about
That one person
Those eyes
Hiding everything i want
Like nothing else
Those lips
Have that thing that just
Makes me want to kiss them
Like nobody else
That hair
And the way it flicks around her pretty face
In a messy ponytail

You can act like it isn't there
And make everyone believe it
Yoú can believe it, convince yourself
But still
I just want
Those eyes staring in mine
Those lips making out with me
That hair to be played with by my fingers
That i was the one to touch her cheekbones
To be the one to speak her name as mine

Just for
All i ever wanted
You have felt the same
Haven't you

Vic Feb 2019
"I'll go to bed early, I have a busy day tomorrow."
When I lie in bed,
After 9PM,
The world changes.
Night is the worst time of the day.
When you overthink what you're overthinking.
My thoughts go to you.
No, I don't sleep well.
I dream nightmares,
When it's day.
Always on my mind,'
Never on my lips.
When will I surrender?
Vic Feb 2019
I didn't know
I've been doing this for so long
I met you online
We had only one chat
About an hour
But you changed my life
In a bad way
In a way I can't describe
At that exact moment
The lies started
And have never stopped since
Vic Jan 2019
It's been happening a lot lately
Think you know me
Think I know myself
But we all know
The me that is terrible
The me that does not lie about it
The me that is a little badass
But no
That is just starting to become the real version of this roleplay
Nobody knows
The me behind the scars that are not from my knife but from you because i told you to do it and it would be better for you
The actual person behind here
In the corner
The me that lies about even this
The me that makes everyone cry
The me that makes life a game
The Only person who can say 'i love you' without care
And it has gone too far
So please believe me
No one will ever know
But how can i get out of this lie
If i am the lie myself
So here is a list
No not "the list"
But things i need to say sorry for;
Wanting to be the one
To speak her name as mine
Destroying all
Making sure you'll never find out
Saying 'i love you' while i don't
It's so easy over text
But it gets harder in real life
How long are we able to go on with this lie
You know it isn't true
But who will be the first to realise
You or me
Vic May 2019
I don't think there's something like life after death.
Isn't life and death just a lightswitch? It'll take a little time to install the lightswitch and then your body is here. When you turn on the light your soul is here and when you die the lightswitch goes off. And Only your body is left, the extinguished lightbulb.


It's 2AM, get some sleep.
~ Note to self

If you want to talk about this "theory" or anything else feel free to mail me on hellopoetry.
Vic Apr 2019
I realize how fruitless any words of mine, a stranger on the internet, must be to you. though I am not able to say that I know what you're going through, I am able to say that I understand, and that, maybe, one day, in the forseeable future, you're gonna look back at all of your poems and smile a smile of relief and joy.
Thank you so much.
Vic Nov 2019
I would give you the entire world,
But you are my world.

There's nothing more to say
Vic Apr 2019
But I just wanted to say I love you
Vic Nov 2018
The sky is crying,
So am I,
The anger and the tears,
Burried deep inside me,
Like rain, in a beautiful cloud.

Well you see the thing with rain is,
once it starts it also stops,
mostly quick after,
Luckily for us.

In that respect,
Humans are just like clouds,
We cry,
And repeat.

But when you're finished raining,
The worst is yet to come.

They say that after rain,
There's a ray of sunshine.

But what if the sunshine never came,
If the clouds decide to stay.

If there is only anger,
And the clouds won't go away
Then you get only thunder,
The anger of the sky.
just a little something, a feedback would be appreciated!
Vic Oct 2019
So that was a month already, huh?
A month of just being able to love you.
A month of being able to stare into those perfect eyes,
that are filled with love and sparkle blue.

So it's been a month, it sounds so long.
It really does feel like forever.
Yet I still remember it like yesterday.
I didn't know your pronouns, thinking "If only I could have her."

A month is a long time when you love someone,
And I'm really thankful I spent that month loving you every day.
Because now I don't have to worry anymore,
If I lose you, or if you'll stay.

It still feels like we got together moments ago,
And it feels like it's been like this all along.
And for the first time in a long while,
I feel like this won't end in wrong.

I love you, and I can't say anything else, but thank you.
Thank you, for loving me too.
Happy anniversary mon amour.
Vic Jan 2019
Why can't i just sleep without dreams
And not dream about you for a night
I don't want to die
Nor do we want to live
Live for those scarse seconds
Of absolute happiness
But I feel nothing
And When This feels
I feel you
And i'm still not supposed to
so tired of this constant well-being
Vic Sep 2019
There I was, at the edge of the bridge,
Begging for the water to take me away.
To somewhere far from this cruel world,
Where there's only tomorrow, no today.

I fell deeper and deeper into the abyss,
There was nothing I could do or say.
But now I have arrived anywhere else.
I'm not sure if it's better, but I'll stay.
Vic Sep 2019
I can't seem to focus.
I fall asleep with my eyes wide open.
I can't see it happening now, but I just keep hoping
That tomorrow will be a better day
Just a quick thing-y I wrote.
Vic Sep 2019
{ "Here, take this test I made for you." }


{ "Step/Question one: How do you really feel?" }

"I guess I feel... numb? I'm not supposed to, there's no reason, but I feel so, so empty. I mean, I can write about a lot of obvious things I feel. You know, everything you see in my poetry. And people think: Oh, this is just a little part, She must be so sad. But in reality, everything I write, is everything I feel. If you take away [name] and all my feelings for [pronouns] I feel nothing. I'm just dark inside. Dark, empty and numb.
Vic Oct 2019
The darkest black wasn't dark enough,
So he decided blood red would be better.
Vic Sep 2019
I don't think words are quite able to capture the beauty my eyes see, every time I look at you.
Vic Feb 2020
"I guess it hurts most knowing that it never actually hurt. I needed to feel something, and hurt was easiest."
Vic Feb 2020
I keep reading your poems as a coping mechanism
You bet it makes me feel even worse

I love you
Vic Sep 2019
"He's either a madman or a poet."

"Can't I be both?"

"You already are."
Late night conversations are weird yee yee
Vic Oct 2019
I just apologise for everything I guess.
They call it "the result of trauma"
I like to think I'm just a very out-of-myself person
Vic Oct 2019
"I want to give so much to you,
How much can you give go me?"

"You are a crowd,
all on your own."

"You left me lonely, with nothing
But your flower crown."

"Sometimes I wish I could drown into my own eyes, until I looked into yours."

"I heard you laughing,
And I wished I was a part of it."

I'm trying to be better, but this world won't let me. The real change is you, and what you do to me."

"When my time comes, will you go to hell with me, or will you wait patiently for heaven?"

"When I look into your eyes, I see a lot of things. But mostly, the endless possibility of love."

"It's always quiet in my head,
Except when I'm with you."

"With you I'm the most vunerable.
But I will never break when you're with me."

"I've looked into your eyes a lot of times,
But I already knew I was ******* the first time."

"If the end of the world was here. Of we had five more minutes. Would you panic, hide? Run for you life? Or stand here and spend them with me?"

"The world is slowly fading, but I can see you becomming clearer and brighter every day."

"You're the song stuck in my head,
And it's a **** sad song baby."

"I'm broken. I'm a person in a thousand pieces. And you are the one who puts them all together."

"I love you. I don't understand how, but it's the only way I know."

"Your world is darker than mine,
And I'll try to light it up with every piece that I have."

"You make me realise a little bit more every day that love can be a good thing."
I love you *******.
Love yourself too, a little bit.
Vic Sep 2019
I've put so much of myself into my poetry,

That I became whatever DARKNESS I shaped with   p e n   a  n  d  ~   i  n k.
A part of another, very long letter.
Vic Sep 2019
I can write poems, essays, paragraphs,
Fill the entire world with all of you.
But I don't really want that sadness,
I just want to write our love story.
Even  if   it    isn't     true.
Even if it isn't true.
Vic Aug 2019
The loneliness lever left me, I always carried it with me, But I can put it down in the pleasure of my company

- Florence Welsh
Vic Sep 2019
Fifty-one lines exactly,
Counted on my arm,
As always.
Kind of ironic,
Since I was clean.
For fifty-*******-one days.
Vic Sep 2019
You have all the right to not believe me,
It really wasn't your fault baby.
But I know that I want to keep you in my life.
Who knows what the future will bring, maybe?
Vic Jul 2019
To all my active followers:
Thank you so much for being here,
And just existing in general.
If you're an active follower of mine,
I'll recognise your username,
And/or your profile icon.
It makes me happy to see you liked a poem,
Or commented something funny, or comforting.
It makes me happy to realise, and think about the fact that there are people out there, god knows where, that enjoy reading my writings.
And that there are people out there, god knows who, that will always listen if there's something off.
I love you all, and please, please take good care of yourselves.
Bye :) <3
Thank you
Vic Sep 2019
To all the kids from 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and all the others who were told they're to young to be a poet.

To all the theatre kids who can't sing but do it anyway

To all the people who post vines, memes and jokes on here.

To all the people who post poems while they're in class, or in the middle of the night.

To all the people who are open and proud about their sexuality and gender.

To all the closeted people who still post poetry about it.

To all the people who quote songs, movies and musicals.

To all the people who post the conversations they have with their friends.

To all the people who were told they're bad at writing, bur do it anyway because they like to.

To all the people who are unsure about their writing.

To all the people who support all these kind strangers online.

To all the people who support all poetry, no matter what gender/age/sexuality the person has that wrote it.

To all the artists that wanted to try something new.

To all the people who have known this site for years.

To all the people who are new here.

To every poet I haven't called out,

You make this community even better. I love you.
Y'all are amazing and valid, I love you.
Vic Feb 2020
Mijn school is als een eerste thuis
Het tweede komt er nog niet bij
Zodra ik door de deur heen loop
Voel ik me bijna geketend vrij

De zon schijnt langzaam door de ramen
Ik heb uitzicht op de lucht
In de klas heerst er een vage stilte
Met alleen af en toe een zucht

Ik ben omringd door zo veel mensen
En ik kan nergens meer naartoe
Maar daar staan mijn vrienden weer
En dan is de rest van de wereld taboe

En als ik langzaam door de gangen loop
In stilte ongestoord
Dan voel ik me veilig hier
En niet alleen, zoals het hoort
me? writing in dutch? ew?
Vic Jul 2021
i want to be loved
and ******, and touched
just to be reminded
i am not dead

i need to be held
and kissed, and craved
i want to pray and never lose faith
but the temple is my bed

i have to forget time
eternity in your arms
i'll be alright in the morning
when the blue meets the red
Vic Feb 2019
Can you name feelings,
A piece of someone's soul,
With a title?
Vic Feb 2019
Too much poems
Too much stories
Too much love
Too much Hate
Too much desire
When will it be?
Vic Feb 2019
I am the victim
Of my own abuse
Vic Oct 2019
My Theodosia,

Love                                                                                       Life­


Between the
and the



and it

and it

And we keep

loving                                                       ­                living

a n y w a y s


Laugh and we cry                                                           Rise and we fall


And we make our mistakes.

And If there's a reason I'm still alive, when everyone who loves me has died, then I'm willing to wait for it.

wait for it                                                           

wait for it

                                                            ­                    wait for it


When they died, they left no instructions,
just a
to protect.

(What is a legacy?)

Hamilton's pace is relentless,
But some day he'll be tired.
And the only thing the world will hear,
Is a gunshot being fired.



If I waited just a bit longer, I'd seen the world was wide enough, for both Hamilton and me.
Vic May 2019
Wake me up
At the cracks of dawn
Because you had
A nightmare

Wake me up
In the middle of the night
Because you need a hug
And you want some cuddles

Wake me up
When I'm not asleep
From the daily nightmare
That's called me

Wake me up
When you're thirsty
And need someone to walk you down the stairs
Because you're scared alone in the dark

Wake me up
Whenever you need me
4 AM, 6 PM
I'll always be there

Wake me up
And make me
Stand up with tangles in my hair
To dance with you at midnight

Wake me up
Before you leave to work
So I can wake up next to you
Like we've always wanted

Wake me up
To make love
I wish you would want me
To be your passion
Will you ever?
Vic Jan 2019
That was different
Then i expected it to be
You walk away
And return to my back
How long will it take
Was almost There
For you to keep on walking
In the opposite way
Maybe it will be now
Or never
Who knows
But before I can love you
I first have to get rid of you
Lost in a relation that is not a relationship
Vic Jun 2019
How much do you see me standing?
How much "I'll be by your side" is left?
You only gave me your heart for once,
Now I'm being accused of theft.

You always smile for other people,
But I know what you're really thinking.
A knife for you was not enough,
You're another reason keep drinking
If you know, you don't understand.
Vic Sep 2019
"Are you really sure you'll do it?"

"Yes. I've wanted to do it for so long now."


"But then what?"

"And then, me?"

And, that moment, when we stared into each other's eyes, I knew it was meant to be.
The literal definition of; "break up with your girlfriend, I'm bored." God, I don't even like that song.
Vic Jan 2019
It's kinda weird actually
How it's always about me
Tried to make you understand
it was about you
Ya didn't quite catch up
Told you to just hate me
I Hurt you, And hurt our friends
And you didn't left
Hurt you just a little more
It hurt me too
And finally
You cut me off
It's not what i wanted
Not what i intended
Not what i meant to do
I'm sorry
That i hurt you
And that i hurt me
You said
That i acted like trash to you
So it would be simple
To let me go if i was gone
Turned into a lifeless body
It Was not what i meant
And i regret
Letting you go
When i still had the chance
To keep you
It's Only now that I realise
I'm never getting you back
You blocked me out of your life
In just a few simple hours
And now it kicks in
The feeling
The love
The hate
The anger
The sadness
The thought of never getting you back
And it's true
I'm sorry
For breaking you
I know that you're not giving me
Another chance
And fix things
But you thought the thing i wanted
Was to die
I still do
No one knew
That all i ever wanted was you
To be the one to speak your name
As mine
And i had it,
Now you're gone
And i didn't even have a chance
To say

"I love you"


Context is not important
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