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 Apr 2015 Gisele
As we lie dying
the little death,
pull me close
beneath your chin
and hold me tight.
Breathe me in,
feel my heat,
wear me warm
like a well worn blanket.
I will weave you a dream
of dyed wool, desert moons
and a Paiute wind.
I'll dream us through
this long night.
Wrap yourself in me
and rest easy.
Breathe me in,
sleep in me, wear me
like you need to.
And when you awake
I'll still be here
like the desert moon
in a Paiute wind.

r 7/15/14
  |     Paiute wind
/ \
She misses his delicious kisses;
relishes his teasing touches,
and wishes his seductive whispers
said in secrecy beneath sheets and covers
while limbs twist and spasm,
axis spring and swivel,
and torso arches and collapses
during shared soft and salacious caresses,
shall soon return in such sweetness
to serenade streams of heightened senses
causing erupting screams of
was going to end it - he wishes his mistresses kisses are as delicious as his is---but that was too much
 Apr 2015 Gisele
Jonny Angel
Lying in repose,
you are gorgeous,
a beautiful sight to behold.
I long to place
wet kisses
upon your nice
while all the while,
strumming your harp
with my delicate fingers
& curling your toes.
 Apr 2015 Gisele
Michael Czech
Heat of our bodies...ignites flames of such passion...
as we hold each other so close....kisses so deep....
fingers explore skin....heightening our desire...
Oh how the hunger grows...
to play in the flames of carnal desire.....
taste of her skin....intoxicates the soul...
yearning for so much more....sharing the hearts affactions....
The sloping smooth skin of her bossom...
my hands gently ****** so shivers under my touch....
souls and hearts open to each other.....
fingers and lips indulge in such pleasure.....upon this night....
We join as one...limbs locked around each other....
moving in synchronicty to our beating hearts....passion surging....
feel me the garden of your ***.....
friction between us....building an inferno of love's fire.....
succumb to our desires....we share our love....
our hearts explore desire's boundaries....
we serenade each the sweet ecstasy of our love making....
forever bound in this love...forever cherishing each other.
 Apr 2015 Gisele
 Apr 2015 Gisele
Dancing beneath the stars,



more than we were

this morning.



the world

if only in our heads.

Hands clasped together

holding on


dear life.

Erupting giggles

breaking through the silence of night


cricket songs.

Holding tight as we


the earth

under it’s hazy blanket

of darkness.


each other

tearing off layers of


Bed of grass

laying still wrapped in

each other.

Gold and orange burst into the sky


through the dark.

Contended smiles

as you drive me home


I fall asleep

in the passenger seat.
 Apr 2015 Gisele
The eyes always a window to the soul.......

Beautiful eyes
Begging me to stay
Sultry kisses
Take me away

Strong arms
Around my waist
Feeling their way
Without haste

Fingers explore
Soft and slow
Turning the heat up
As desire grows

Skin to skin
Falling to the floor
Lips to lips
Wanting more

Devouring each other
As carnal delight
Soft moans heard
All through the night

No one else exists
Just you and me
Bodies entwined
In pure ecstasy
This was written for a contest.
 Apr 2015 Gisele
 Apr 2015 Gisele
I will hold your hand to wherever

place you may bring me

explore the unexplored,

discover the undiscovered

May the void within me

be filled as it can be

As passion and desire

maybe unraveled

Hold my hand, lead the way

and take it slow

For now knowing each other

is what we will do

For trust and affection

in time will grow

May it will give us inspiration,

I do hope so.
 Mar 2015 Gisele
Book keeper
 Mar 2015 Gisele
So many pages on the floor,
which are mine and which are yours?
You once said,
I am a book with large font.
Sometimes I wonder
if I am just a book that speaks out loud.
That does the reading for you.
An audiobook?
You're a heavier book,
filled with calculated text
and silence-
but never any blank pages.
I hold you up to the light
to read while laying
and fall asleep
until I feel the weight escape my hands
and slam down
on my face.
Keeps me awake.
Keeps me in pain.
The only way I can read you right,
is from above.
But these torn pages read of only love.
 Mar 2015 Gisele
Dev A
Tell me why I’m so attracted to you
When you’re like just a cliff hanger
At the end of a book one.

You tell me I’m special.
Text and call me all day long.
Then you just leave me hanging,
Wanting to know what happens next.

One moment you’re here with me
Holding my hand tight.
Then I find myself waiting for the next book
Wanting to find out what happens.

I keep imagining different scenes
Running through my mind
But I won’t know how everything plays out
Until I read the next book and see you.

Tell me why I’m so attracted to you
When you’re just like a cliff hanger
At the end of book one.
 Mar 2015 Gisele
you're a book that has been locked shut and the writer has swallowed the key. and i heard he's ripped out a few pages because they were tearing him apart knowing he wrote them, and because the thought of creating such a thing could drive any man insane. and legend says he doesn't remember when he wrote you, or what crawled into his head to make him want to write down what he did. but if somebody took the time to look at his handwriting, the way he dotted his "i's" and messed up on his "h's" because his hands were cramping from getting lost in you for so long and if you let somebody read every page, take the time to read everything that makes up you, dog ear your pages when they find something interesting and then go back and read the same sentence over and over again, and silently apologize when they have to put you down for the night, i think you could learn to understand that not everybody absorbs insanity quite like you.
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