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George Maris Jun 2015
My window is open and all I can hear are those birds.
Chirping, chirping away.
It never stops.
I find myself mimicking their sounds.
Like a broken record, stuck in my head.
I turn the window fan on to drown out their noise.
I still hear them, chirping.
They are stuck in my head.
I close the window of my smoke filled room.
Puffing another cigarette in quite.
Until I open the window again,
I can't get them out of my head.
So, I smoke and the fan drowns out their noise.
My room is clear of smoke, but filled with birds.
Charles Bukowski style
George Maris Jun 2015
Yesterday passed.
We can't take it back.
Should it be questioned
what favor was gained or lost.
It's in some dark corner of the room
hiding. in its arms are the things we did.
Mothering it.
keeping it safe from those who want it back.
It's safety is among the crowded space of other days.
The day's that were lost.
Behind, clothed in shrouds,
It only wants to be left alone.
Free from being jailed.
It shivers in fear from escaping the hangman.
The subpoena for testimony.
Being called as a witness.
Yesterday has become a fugitive on the run.
George Maris Jun 2014
I am bound by every bone.
By blood.
Captured in my mind, is your beauty.
You are loved more than love itself.
More than life.
The peace I feel when I'm with you suffocates all my fears.
No one can replace your touch.
Your smile,
You I love.
I've watched you for a lifetime.
I've felt your pain and suffering.
I've shared in your laughter.
I watched when you mourned.
laugh with me.
Cry with me,
Bring me to my knees.
I beg you.
I love you.
If only I loved you as I love you now.
For you are me.
Self love.
Self love courage happiness recognition George Maris poem
George Maris Apr 2014
I have no memory of its companionship.
Solace and gloom surrounds me.
Slipping away in the distance.
Lost forever,
Never to find it.
Only a faint memory of what was.
Words never to be spoken again.
The silence,
Choking me while being romanced.
As a bride who lost her husband on the wedding day.
Empty bottles
Covered in dust.
Never to be filled.
Searching for happiness,
Without being close.
Never to be found.
George Maris Apr 2014
I've been away from home so long.
I remember people as they were.
I speak to them quite often.
It seems the same.
When I gaze at them now
I don't recognize them anymore.
I still see them as they were.
I'd like to keep it that way.
The future's not sure.
I ask anyway.
Can I keep it that way?
facing older age and reality of life.
George Maris Apr 2014
A Goliath I created.
Magnified, tripling it's size.
My wounds are already afflicted before I charge.
Grief has caused me not to rise.
My heart is heavy with such despair,
A burden heavy and large.
I lay down my sword because of the weight,
It is the very means of my defeat.
It's time to rise from my knees
Stand strong and straight.
My courage is not in my hands but in my heart.
It's time to play my part,
Face that giant and really see.
He's much smaller than me.
Cast him down
I can pass
Continue on my journey.
At last
George Maris Apr 2014
When I lay upon my bed, I pray.
When I awaken in the dawn, I pray.
My comfort is found in my prayer.
When my time has come and my days are ended,
then, and only then, I will stop praying.
For my prayer has finally been answered.
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