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Amitav Radiance
Welcome to my world of poetry. My writings are a simple way to express my thoughts and ideas, which emanates from the journey of life. …
Sharina Saad
Malaysia    Poetry is about love Poetry is about life Poetry is about experience Poetry is about memory Share a line or two words from the hearts …
Fallen Rebel of Eden
Honolulu Hawaii    Writer of variety of styles and feel and not only one, .. depending on the mood. R.I.L. daddy. You gave birth to my passion. Poetry …
stéphane noir
Richard Riddle
Allen, Texas -USA..    I write for relaxation, and recreation, not for profit, in the monetary sense anyway. I enjoy entertaining, or try to, my peers on the site. …
The Messiah Complex
48/M/Washington D.C    "This is how they survive. You must know this. You're too smart not to know this. They paint the world full of shadows... and then …
Poetic T
On Oblivions Doorstep    I am that which was once many stars but faded reborn under a different name Darkness is my tether enjoy my many shades.. Once the …
ig: ohmyink
MaryJane Doe
Colorado    Hello Hello I like to rhyme You'll find a lot of that in my poetry Born and raised on green eggs and ham I am …
Canada    Crappy vocab, crappy writer
Alyanne Cooper
I'm a wandering writer who hides behind a name not my own but I'll still claim All-rights reserved. © 2017 Alyanne Cooper I've posted a …
The Burgh    “Every word is like an unnecessary stain on silence” SB
SG Holter
Fenstad, Norway.    Norwegian. Construction worker at daytime. Poet, musician and artist at night. All poems are the original works and property of © S.G. Holter, unless otherwise …
Marshall Gass
Auckland New Zealand    Businessman, Teacher,Poet,Novelist,Dreamer,Researcher,Management Consultant. Have 2 Masters Degrees. 2 PG Diplomas and an incomplete PhD. Have published widely in Technology, TechEd, Science, Poetry, Journals, Opinions, Philosophy,Business …
Marcus Fowler
The Unspoken
Nairobi- Kenya    ...till My Happily Ever After Arrives.
A B Perales
San Pedro Ca.    I wrote my first Poem in 2007. I write only about the things I know,the things I've seen. Copyright 2007-2015 all rights reserved.
purple orchid
South Africa    (not) in the swing of things
New Jersey    "And everything was beautiful and nothing hurt"
Katrina Wendt
I write what I feel- it's how I'm most comfortable expressing myself because there are always the right words. I have a blog at …
A writer and an artist. A musician as well. In need of a Savior, I was just a shell. I was a heavy drinker. Alcoholic, …
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