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A rugged sidewalk cried hard by the way-side;
Its fissures could not hold their tears anymore.
A puny man pushed a red cart in the tide
Down a darkling, narrow street in Salammbô.*
He mumbled to the waves on his way to the market
As he gasped behind his laden chariot.

His merkabah bore many a lost things
Which he had found buried in the quicksand.
Among them a fountain pen and a helmet,
A pair of eyeglasses, and a trumpet.
I wondered, gazing at the old man’s washed face:
"Will this worn-out scene ever reach the marketplace?"
© LazharBouazzi
*Salammbô is a neighborhood in Carthage, TUN.
He was intoxicated
by the scent of coffee
dancing in the morning
to his mother’s humming.
Then a blacksmith - his father -
taught him how to hammer
form out of chaos
in the muddle of force
and a sweaty anvil.
Now if he wished to see
the sunness of the sun
and the greenness of the tree
he would summon the image
of Fatma - an Arab maiden
who was once Berber,
to come write on his face
with her soothing finger:
“Salam, my anguished lover.”
When green-eyed Fatma comes
the wreaths of coffee
Would come with her,
writing in the air;
and all the songs of history
would come marching too,
in battle array,
like an army dressed
in civilian clothing
for a dance in Rio.
Fatma’s hair –
a still cascade
of light goldness,
a tide of watery fire,
a flight motionless
of a millon birds who
sing in tongues
and laugh
to the stone unlettered
of his fidgety cenotaph.

© LazharBouazzi, Carthage, TUN
A lone tree stands out
Against the stormy sky

On the far side of
The lawn in our garden

Surrounded by snowdrops
Quite a pretty picture!

Keith Wilson March 2017
Thanks  for  supporting  Snowdrops.
I  only  did  a  short  one.
Because  I was  feeling  off  color.
Many  thanks  again.

Keith  Wilson. .  Windermere.  UK  2017.
I have etched 'no' everywhere on my skin
So the next time you come near
When you touch me and the bumps rise
It can scream what I have never had the strength to say
Copyright under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah bla blah
I was once aching flesh
On worn down bones
Encaging a restless heart

You were the cure
The ailment
You were everything
Copyright under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah blah blah
Please remember to break me gently
Take your sharp tongue and slice me tenderly
With your offenses destroy me lovingly
Never allow yourself to confuse abuse with love. Love yourself above all

Copyright under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah blah blah
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