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 Mar 2017 Geetha Jayakumar
 Mar 2017 Geetha Jayakumar
a severe Earthquake
he died  in office
she died at home..
his soul came out
and waiting
for a vehicle
to reach her..
She beckons Earth underfoot
Time for Seasons to reset
Goddess of Egyptian Spring, Renpet
Palmshoot reaching, curving, sprouting
Desires let

To fertility of world She sings
Commanding what nature must
Warmth of fresh sun dewed lust
Birth and growth She informs
Of equal trust

Datenut ***** are running slim
Provisions of winter running out
Time for Spring pea planting, no doubt
For Renpet knows and ends
A knowledge drought

Her reign is rain
And this wetness is welcome
Sprouting what just, shall come
Amending reason and truth
She'll come
I pledge devotion to all women's rights, on this International Women's Day.
 Mar 2017 Geetha Jayakumar
Sine wave knuckles working the

cab interior of an elevator, thunderous

blows  story-ing up, down.

Cramming all those voices in a voice box,

a moral imperative to release them.

Exorcising a city riding a dungeonesque

shaft, all those broken by bread, crawl

my lungs as if trying to pry open a chasm.

No feet to my name, animal space for an angel's


Thoughts like bypassed gut-checks of rats

crossing a third rail, vivid as Buddhist visualization...

modicum of composure, the elevator doors open.

People press in, as if finalizing the final frontier.

minutes tick away the hours leading to long days and years
and she grows older without a father as witness
no strong hands to help her up or
ever to push her on a merry-go-round
instead they hold my head as I try to push you out   again

a five year old babe on a swing in a park in the sun
moment of memory that I wonder if we share
miniature impersonator of my father and myself
a daughter with sandy highlights plays in my mind’s eye

twice I chose to walk away
and leave you to the world’s device
once as a newborn when ****** ruled my days
and again just after your sixth year

six months until you turn eighteen
a date in the middle of August as important to me
as any moon landing or planned  invasion
when I will give you the chance to decide
if my extended hand could ever fill
the roll of your father  /
I need to be left alone for a while
That's what we all say
If I could dream even for a moment
That storm won’t break my mast
And the wind won’t blow for long

I need someone who has a life
And doesn’t hate anybody
She’ll read the news like everybody
But she won’t have the heart to judge
‘Cause she knows that’d be wrong

That’s her at the end of the bar
She might be drinking whiskey
She might be drinking wine
I’m gonna’ think about her heart
Just like I want her to think about mine

It’s a crying shame
Somebody trying to care
I can’t figure out why I’m always here
And she’s over there

I need someone like me
I’m not going to think about the past
It’s how I’m gonna’ make love last
I’m not going to compare you to nobody
I’m gonna’ pretend I’m really that strong

That’s her at the end of the bar
She was drinking whiskey
Now she’s drinking wine
I’m gonna’ think about her life
I hope she's thinking about mine
Country song lyrics
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