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Before I lay myself to rest
there are mountains I must climb.
Before I go, I must construct
the perfect paradigm.
There are bridges that I have to cross
and rivers I must ford;
and metaphorically at last
cut the umbilical cord.

Those things that I have left undone
from my long bucket list
must rapidly be tackled before
they can be dismissed.
And superficially at least
are tasks that need to be addressed,
and any sins remaining
that need to be confessed.

I will not go gentle.
I will shout and scream
and beat my breast,
withstand all mental
pressures that would seem
to put me to the test.
It will suffice just to resist
the forces that will persecute,
and, knowing I have done my best,
shall raise my fist
into a victory salute
and stay defiant to the last.
 Aug 2017 Geetha Jayakumar
Nemo W
in this empty bed i lay
lost in my thoughts
all in disarray
as i look up to the ceiling
my mind begins reeling
what is this feeling?
all the mistakes
all the hate
all for me
how can it be?
Have you ever felt like your barley treading water
Or maybe that your body is being consumed by the ground you once stood on
The cocoon that your being wrapped up in is your defense mechanism to fight off your insecurities
Once you emerge like a butterfly does when it's ready
You will spread your wings, show your beautiful and vibrant colors and show the world your transformation into something new
Never doubt the crossroads of life and the fractured walkways your come across
In the end you will become a bigger and better person as you soar to your own destiny
Voices cradled
             in hollow cribs.

Loitering whispers are
            ingested haphazardly.  

Comatose I linger awaiting
my voice to blossom again.

I will again be myself
                in an empty room..
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
Without others
   I am

Without you
   I am
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