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2.1k · May 2014
Sugarcane and shrapnel
Gavin May 2014
So proud to live in Queensland, for all it has to share
For anywhere else, in this great land I really just don't care.
I love the smell of burning cane
The ash flying through the air.
This sunburnt state was my home before I went away.
My wife and kids I left behind, hoping to see another day
I answered this great nations call when I was just nineteen.
That didn't stop the enthusiasm, boy I was so keen.
Timor, Iraq, Afghanistan, before I turned twenty five.
On return home to this state my life then took a dive.
The friend left first, the social life. No more did that exist.
The nightmares and the drinking took their place, to this day they do persist.
My family suffered most of all, my moods went bad to worse.
I went through stages where i almost gave up on everything in my life that had any worth.
I got some help in Hospital to help mend my tormented ways.
That way I can spend the rest of my life spending all my days,
In this sunburnt state of ours, at the family home
Now I only feel normal, when I am alone
I now spend all my time on the family farm raising sheep pigs chooks and cows.They can at least be trusted, I can spend hours and hours
This state is more than just a loc, a place you say you live, Queensland is the only place that has given so much, but still continues to give.
I love this state, ill never move. Till the day I die
Even if they said to me, it's easy if you try
But when I go remember that, I have been tormented, torn and broken,
but at least i lived in paradise the truest words ever spoken
Gavin H
20 May 2014
1.2k · Jun 2014
A widows cry
Gavin Jun 2014
Widows cry
Have you ever buried a brother?
By blood or by choice, a brother all the same.
one of the worst days in my life.....
Clean and shiny in ceremonial dress, Marching to that sombre beat, flowers of the forest playing on pipes.
Even though he was not a big man, he was so much heavier being carried upon our shoulders.
Fighting back the tears, trying to be tough, tipped over the edge by one sound, a widows cry. over the drums and pipes cutting through the air like it was nothing.
Till i draw my last breath on this earth, i will never forget the sound of a widows cry.
Never forgive, never forget, brothers by choice.
390 · May 2014
To stand against a tree
Gavin May 2014
Your endurance and strength are powerful, you are the reason I go on
I am the luckiest man in the world, you have not yet gone
You taught me well, to ensure decisions are the right ones to make
But, there is only so much a man like me can ultimately take
I have stood at the base of the tree looking up towards the sky
I wonder and I fret over the reasons why
I look into the distance, past the leaves, looking at something far
the thought of you crosses my mind like a shooting star
It seems I don't have the courage to do this evil act
I remember when we were talking and I made that little pact
I will never take my life, by my own hand
I pledge today, to fight on through, I'm going to make a stand

Gavin H
21 May 2014
385 · May 2014
The only man
Gavin May 2014
He was the first man to see me, full of pride, strength and power.
He taught me things no one else ever could. Was there at any hour.
As I got older, you helped me get past things I couldn't see through.
There are not many men to get into my group of trusted few.
I consider him more a friend, than I ever will to you
The bond I have with him, I doubt you have a clue
Time goes on and he has aged forever in a day
I wanna take this opportunity to say I love you dad, if thats okay.
I know your getting older dad, our time is running out fast.
But the bond between a father and son is one that will always last.
Gavin H
21 May 2014.
375 · May 2014
Are we the same?
Gavin May 2014
We are the same.
Same hair, Same eyes,
Same everything.
Give us each a flag, with subtle changes and see how different we become.

Gavin H
21 May 2014

— The End —