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 Feb 2018 Samantha
(the truth)
 Feb 2018 Samantha
I’m happy
(I’m depressed)

I love myself
(I hate myself)

I can’t wait to live my life
(I can’t wait to die)

I am lucky to have my friends
(why do they even like me?)

I have a family who loves me
(and I continue to disappoint them)

I am an excellent student
(I can’t focus in school)

I want to travel the world
(will I even live to do that?)

I’m fine
(I’m not fine)

I’m perfectly okay
(please help me)
 Feb 2018 Samantha
You still live inside my eyes
I see everything through you
At the end of the day I guess
That explains why I see the world
Crumbling to ash or
Bathing in blood

All along you were something
Not of this place
Physical or hyper-realistic
You were a tar pit I fell into
Now I deal with the ramifications
Mending my scorched flesh back together

Little girls fear the monsters
Hiding under their beds
Waiting in horror for the moment
It decides to strike
Rather, she should be waiting
For the daunting moment
nascent womanhood takes hold
And the monster under her bed
Becomes the man laying in bed
Next to her

You are the reason I fear I never
Give birth to a daughter
Your fingers reach far and dig deep
Souls like yours spawn from
The coldest flames
and the hottest anger
Therefore nearly eternal
Set forth to bring the end

When I think of the pain I felt
I try to think of all of the others
you will eventually trick
Much like what you did
to me
And I pick a religion
Then pray, and pray, and pray
And when I'm done
When I rise from my bruised and tired knees

I pick a new religion and I pray again
For all of those before me
And the ones to come after
I pray for the girls
Laying in bed and terrified of the things
All girls should be afraid of
Still ignorant to what men like you do
I pray they be preserved and find love
Only where love should be found
I pray for myself last,
because I have already survived you I ever pray for you?
In a moment of pride and strength
I will tell you I do-
in times of my weakness
I fall to my knees and I prayed
*You would be fixed
 Feb 2018 Samantha
 Feb 2018 Samantha
my life has just been waiting
waiting to be done with elementary
waiting for a boyfriend
waiting to grow up
waiting to get to high school
waiting for the pain to go away
waiting to just get past this year
waiting for people to love me
waiting for him to make a move
waiting for him to come back
waiting to graduate high school
I don't want to wait anymore
I want to enjoy my life and not be waiting for the next part
I want to love this part.
I don't know how to stop waiting
Buried deep within memory
fragments of thoughts once whole
like unfinished sentences trying to tell you story
broken as they pass from experience into remembrance
A recordplayer that will only play
a few half songs of your favourite album

Colours, fragrances and light
ambience and feelings come and leave in an instant
and are all that remain
of the fugacious past of your fleeting life
they are only yours and will always be yours
only to be doused
by eternal slumber

— The End —