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  Jan 2016 Francis T
I should be touching the stars still
Because I have you, holding me in your arms
But I'm slowly falling again
About to hit the ocean's roaring surface
About to shatter, then sink
So hold me close, and never let go,
promise me
If I break, you'll piece me back together
Promise me
If I wander away, you'll follow me
You'll find me and bring me home
Promise me,
promise me,
promise me
You'll only ever tighten your grip
but don't smother me, no
Help me breathe
Just promise you won't give up on me
When I am falling, you'll catch me
promise me,
promise me,
oh, please, promise me
you won't leave me to fade away
  Dec 2015 Francis T
we were working with line break today... :/
  Dec 2015 Francis T
Samuel Hesed
As I woke from my living nightmare,
My eyes were blinded by shining gold.

My hands touched the misty waters,
The chill shivered my weakened bones.

I started to think,
Is this the end?
Have I reach the finish line.

The boat began to shake,
My heart skipped a beat.

Then, a voice arose from the creaking floor.
"Next stop, Heavens Gates."

Blood rushed inside of my veins,
A race was made with fate,
And all I could do was wait.

The boat stopped.
My eyes were freed,
Oh, what I feared to see.

I saw,
Calm white waters.
I saw,
Lost souls underneath my feet.
I saw,
A man standing in the distance,
With Golden gates at his back.

He called me by name.
His voice felt like a whisper.
He said, "Do not be afraid."

I started to walk on still waters,
Following the pure blood stains-
Towards the Man in front of Heaven Gates.

The water started to stand above my eyes.
With each climb it made,
My faith was slayed.

I began to sink.
My foot was trapped by Satan's grasp.
I started to scream,
But my voice was taken,
by Hell's Kraken.

Before my faith was lost,
To death's masterpiece,
The man spoke again,
“Peace! Be still!”

The rising waves,
Which was my grave,
became the slave.

He reached out his hand for mine.
He lift me out of Satan's care,
And said the words I'll never forget.
“Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?”

I looked upon his face,
For this is what I feared to see,
The Son of Man standing in front of me.

I tried to speak,
But my lips were shut.
I tried to weep,
But my heart was a sleep.

He spoke again,
And he said to me.

"I am the way,
And the truth,
And the life.
No one comes to the Father-
except through me."

When I felt my doom was near,
He uttered the words,
"I forgive you."

At last,
My fear was destroyed.
My heart was filled with Joy.

Then, the last words he said to me,
"Welcome to Heavens Gates."
Copyright © 2015 Paul Forbes All Rights Reserved
Francis T Dec 2015
Hanging on the edge of the cliff
Waiting to be pulled up
As you hang your just about to fall
You close your eyes
You let go after countless screams of desperation
Into starless night sky
That moment you think its all over
But something graps your hand
Opening your eyes slowly
Still not able to see as your eyes are full of tears and pure aggression
Being pulled up thinking who and why
Now standing you rub your eyes
Thinking who ever it was saved your life
The one you've given up on
Looking into there eyes as your pulled toward them
Being squeezed feeling like your backs going to snap
You hug them back still not knowing who it is
Finally pulling back only to find out it's you
"Look into yourself and find happiness"
It told me as it vanished from my grip
You go down the cliff
Not by jumping
But climbing down to live life
Sorry if it's out of place and makes no sense
And sorry if there we're and spelling error
Francis T Dec 2015
You are someone whose head hurts from all the loud music blasting into your ears, who turns off the lights and listens to music in an empty bedroom.
All you can think about is love…  the love that you share with a special someone. It makes you feel happy, makes you joyful... but it also makes you sad…because she’s not here, she’s not listening with you...
She’s not here, and you miss her so much.
As you lay your head on your cold pillow to sleep, all you can hear is the echo of your weeping in the empty room that used to be owned by two. The room is full of memories; she used to always be right by your side.
Now all that’s left
are tears and a broken heart.
You remember it so clearly, too clearly. You remember her dropping your love
like a bird shot right out of the sky.
She walked away so slowly; it was an eternity watching her walk out the door.
It’s so clear… Like it was just yesterday…
You fall asleep drenched in your own tears, and you dream of her, reliving the days you spent together, the days when you were both so happy…
Now there's nothing left.  Nothing to push you to keep going…Nothing left to live for. As you pull yourself from your bed, you mumble to yourself,
“How could I forget when she gave me so much to remember…?”
You stare at the thing that you want so desperately, you look it in the eye.
You ready yourself for eternal hell, and
you say your last words.
“I miss her… I love her… Why did it have to be me?”
The last word slips softly out of your mouth as you slowly slide the rope over your head and settle it around your neck.
Just before you kick the chair away, you use your last breath to say
“I love you.”
You feel the cord tighten around your neck, and your hear a sharp snap as blackness clouds the edges of your vision.
Somehow, the tears are still rolling down your cheeks.
If you listen closely you can hear my screams… the screams that I’ve wanted to let out for so long, but could never find the voice for. My tears will never stop, and the memories keep me from letting go.
Hear the sound of a rope being pulled with full force, straining as it gets tighter and tighter.
No matter how tight it gets, it could never stop my suffering.
If you listen even closer you can hear the endless tears, dripping on the floor like rain. “I am forever restless…”

By: Francis Tolentino
Edited by: Sky Gray

— The End —