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365 · Sep 2019
Misty Rose
The lips which I once kissed,
lying still and cold beneath the damp ground,
those which inflamed mine,
far beyond passion, sound and fury--
having lifted my soul from the muddle of
sheer emptiness--a breathing fire sharply

While lonely flowers lay upon the grave,
the tomb of our anguished goodbyes--
The swells of my heart like a misty rose,
its petals shedding icy tears,
in the twilight hours of frozen air--
turning solemn and bleak as they kiss
My beloved's cheek.
362 · Nov 2021
Look to the heavenly skies above,
and follow your heart to the world of love;
Where night and day are always sure,
to lighten our moods in miraculous cure.

Follow the dreams of your desire,
don't let strangers put out the fire;
Family and friends will stay by your side,
while you enjoy this emotional ride.

Elegant movements among the clouds,
speak to the folks that gather in crowds;
To share the time we have on this earth,
each loving hour of bliss and mirth.

And when you're old and memory dims,
your mind will be filled right to the brim;
With glances of years that meant so much,
easily reached again through a sacred touch.

Saying goodbye to all you've known,
can cause frightening moments--overblown;
But grab onto those memories that rise within,
and follow the pathway--you're bound to win !
I wrote this several years ago, trying to inspire love and peace within our hearts, and encouragement to follow our dreams ! FM
359 · May 2023
If I Didn't Care
A lowly dawn exposes feelings of regret,
in angst filled notions of hollowness;
I try to conform to what is expected,
but somehow I shut the door to openness.

As the sunlight caresses my weary self,
I still cannot move to today's rhythms;
A daunting task it is to walk the halls,
of a daily life created by cryptic prisms.

If I didn't care I wouldn't be so solemn,
the words seem to tumble from my sorry brain;
Love--a catharsis for many but not for me,
It's a language which can bring such sorrow and pain.

Yet somehow the wounds of the past retreat,
and I'm able to breathe deeply without remorse;
Your tearful face appears briefly before my eyes,
and in salvation I'll avoid this treacherous course.
358 · Jul 2021
On My Own
The naked world defines my sorrow,
and leaves me hungry for more;
Of cherished moments under the sun,
with salt-sea kisses from a distant shore.

While lapis light shoots from the sky,
my heartbreak trends toward the stars;
Which hold my thoughts in shining array,
creating images that carry my scars.

Still wounded and faint I walk alone,
seeking solace from the nightly echoes;
Which color my sadness and regret,
leaving me cold as the winter's snow.

If this is the time I fade away,
then perhaps it's only a dream;
A phantom notion that plagues my soul,
reaches its heights--finally peaceful and serene.
When basking in the early light,
and closing off all doors of night;
Thoughts generate a mighty grasp,
on wondrous imagery of the past.

Enriched by nature's sounds and sights,
we lie in evening's waning light;
The day has come and gone too fast,
and memories break away like glass.

To signify the worth of days,
and nights when angels are at play;
Eternal truth retains its power,
in honest souls from hour to hour.

And rising from a lily pond,
are moments chaste in earnest bond;
No longer lost in illusive rhymes,
reprieved from weariness of our minds.

Time moves along in harmony,
each beat commands a symphony;
Which signifies each valued life,
relieving hearts' intensive strife.

And standing at the water's edge,
self-esteem becomes our pledge;
To honor all that's gone before,
as we enter heaven's open door.
340 · Aug 2021
Somewhere in the Night
A backwards glance into infinity,
where remnants of memory fill the pages;
Of nightly whistling from trains at the station,
worn and tired yet oddly engaging.

Time seems to move on so slowly,
rearranged but distinct and intense;
We turn over in our bedtime ritual,
as each witching hour eerily descends.

Long ago we could hear in a whisper,
that fearless wraiths send us nightly stories;
And dawn brings us sleepless sunshine,
casting its beams searching for eternity.

Somewhere in the night we closed our eyes,
while spirits provoked by myths and legends;
Were sainted souls projecting cosmic signs,
which swirled 'round about toward the heavens.

Ethereal notions then crossed into darkness,
where nothing can be easily explained;
But in the night our whispers still linger,
along with the screeching of infinity's trains.
339 · Dec 2018
December Love
The days are shorter but eerily bright,
perhaps because of one Silent Night--
When the Lord was delivered upon this earth,
with kings and shepherds gathered at His birth.

'Tis the season for loving one's neighbor well,
signs of beauty magically casting their spell--
With family and food at the top of our list,
and lovers under mistletoe about to be kissed !

The snow piled high while winds blow free,
we soon carry home our Christmas tree--
All green and fresh it's welcomed within,
decorating each branch wearing hearty grins.

And oh, how we enjoy the lake,
the ice glazed over for us to make--
Our figure eights with our Christmas skates,
which Jolly St. Nick left for us to take !

Yes, these are the many blessings of,
the month of December we've always loved--
While Christ holds our hands we kneel with thanks,
as His star glistens above the snowy banks.
333 · Apr 2019
Staggering through the ancient doors,
of unknown warriors' repent;
Bravely abiding signals ahead,
despite the shroud of deep descent.

Wondering now what's truly at stake,
when crisscross patterns reject;
The straight and narrow walk ahead,
in the shields' protective ascent.

Crowds which curry fearsome thought,
will soon shrivel up and die;
As slings and arrows pierce the night,
of corrupting phantoms' lies.

A ghost lives on beneath the earth,
its wisdom rules the force;
Which cuddles up to man or beast,
in competition for discourse.

Let others call the crisscross game,
the worst its ever known;
But legal eagles crack the code,
reflected in steel and stone.

And everyone should rue the day,
when miracles have succumbed;
To raging wars that still survive,
in a world that's lost and numb.
331 · Jul 2018
The Whirlwind
A fountain sits at the center of town,
with crystal waters falling like tears;
Folks wandering before an impending storm,
searching for answers to their wayward years.

Slate-gray skies appear ominous above,
with streaks of claret edging each cloud;
Lightning flashes strike the earth with force,
in a whirlwind of furious sights and sounds.

Is there nowhere to run and hide away ?
While fears cut deeply like sharpened knives;
Immense sorrow suspends the hope for relief,
as desperation rules each person's life.

Then a child climbs up the tallest tree,
gently singing among the wild torment;
Branches snap off tumbling to the ground,
as the child continues his sad lament.

From the heavens a sudden jolt is felt,
which sends this child a magic wand;
Each leaf of the tree turns to solid gold,
and harmony returns to this anguished land.
Never underestimate a child's faith !
329 · May 2018
By Lamplight
In the purple depths of evening,
when the moon and stars fade away;
And the air is filled with mystery,
as the spirits come out to play...

There's an inspiration growing within,
a mind that's filled with gloom;
To tackle all the demons which,
have lived forever in this room.

Grabbing pen and ink I start,
to describe my inner thoughts;
The lamplight glows before me,
bringing comfort to my heart.

Yet still the motion of my mind,
spins like a twirling windmill;
As each word I write is garbled,
quite distorted and unfulfilled.

The lamplight starts to flicker,
and suddenly I'm aware;
This notion of pouring out my soul,
has given me such a scare !

The wretched night moves into day,
before I have the chance;
To recover from this episode,
then from the desk I glance...

Outside into a perfect dawn,
a springtime gift from up above;
The cobwebs cleared I close my eyes,
seeing the face of my true love.

He's softly whispering his feelings,
of sweet devotion through the hours;
Which calms the storm within me,
and restores the lamplight's powers.
329 · Sep 2017
Pain and hurt beyond the scale,
hearts that linger cold and bare;
Tendencies to grasp the chance,
to seal our fate without a glance.

We can't revive the soul's true will,
by wandering off among the chill;
Which clears emotions from the shelf,
in frozen thoughts of nature's wealth.

When we can't see what lies ahead,
still humbled by our daily bread;
We find a place where fiery stands,
can take the horror from our hands.

God bless the sad and lonely child,
whose face reflects the meek and mild;
When glorious spirits break the ties,
those afflicted fade away and die.
328 · Aug 2016
The Last Goodbye
Walking the path of the Northern Lights,
I photographed the arc of the sky;
Seeming brighter than I'd ever known,
as a glowing stream of stars whisked by.

Today I sat in the church alone,
as many others passed by my sight;
I lit a candle in the corner row,
and felt a wave of silent night.

Where can I go to ease this loss?
the best of my friends is gone;
The loneliness engulfs my soul,
fearing never to see the dawn.  

If only she were by my side,
the Northern Lights would shine for us;
And picture-perfect we would be,
like kindred spirits in outer space.
316 · Oct 2017
Gone now are those we leaned upon,
for wisdom and care throughout our lives;
They've reached their heavenly home above,
where answers are honest and never contrived.

They were the wonders of our souls,
the stars which burned brightly each day;
Everyone sharing compassion and insight,
carving out paths to help find our way.

Now they rest, those thoughtful folks,
those who shared our visions of light;
Sweet memories stir deep emotions when,
we pray and bid them a fond goodnight.

Always look up to those golden skies,
and you'll feel their spirits among us;
The past and present merge together as one,
while hearts are filled with honor and trust.
for my beloved 'elders' who've passed onto a new world.
thank you !
299 · Sep 2018
The Final Sigh
While September heaves its final sigh,
its sweet song of dahlias says goodbye;
The notes that play are fading fast,
as October rises within our grasp.

Awakening to a much different tune,
we hail October's extravagant moon;
Our emotions stir with Autumn's pleasures,
with open hearts to its countless treasures.

It's a time of ending yet starting anew,
when leaves display their russet hues;
The brightening scene caresses the sky,
with a topaz glint which catches our eye.

October's wealth cannot be measured,
unless one includes its golden weather;
The crackling fires lit in crisp clean air,
with tangerine streaks flying everywhere.

One must concede its magical powers,
to convert the summer's blazing hours;
As each day arrives in mystical show,
through jack'o' lanterns' wondrous glow !
Having been born in October, that glorious month holds a special place in my heart !
296 · Oct 2021
The Soul of Equity
Looking to turn the page of indifference,
spiraling out of control in our world;
Folks gather to share their misgivings,
about whether this will ever be cured.

In equity there's the soul of humankind,
we struggle to meet the expectations;
Of freedom to be who we are and accepted,
to some folks these feelings are just flirtations.

Yet it's important to realize we all have to gain,
the promise of love deep within our spheres;
And touching one another's hearts with understanding,
is the way to create a world without tears.

Without setting goals to be more compassionate,
to use the God-given sense of empathy within;
We're lost in a world that will soon crumble,
and be buried by the neglectful notions and sins.
295 · Nov 2016
Kindred Souls
When troubles brew inside our minds,
thoughts twisted in illusive rhymes;
Our hearts feel weak and powerless,
and even prayer seems merely jest.

But then we look outside ourselves,
discovering others on corner shelves;
While hiding all the pain inside,
ashamed to let us hear their cries.

We know our plight can be the same,
and look to solve in helpful gain;
By reaching out to kindred souls,
while leading them toward hopeful goals.

Inspiring us to take the wheel,
the good Lord's promises thus reveal;
That empathy's connection brings,
a healing voice that longs to sing !
294 · Oct 2018
A child of autumn lives next door,
her face glows with amber blush;
Her lovely voice floats through the air,
so soft and tender is her touch.

Just sweet sixteen with freckles,
and bright ribbons in her hair;
With a flouncy skirt of gingham,
as she prances across the square.

She gathers leaves in woven baskets,
then brings them back to me;
This gesture always warms my heart,,
as we share some cinnamon tea !

Her smile is quite infectious,
as she munches on a scone;
But soon she rushes off to see,
her mama and papa at home.

Endearing child of autumn,
forever close in my aging heart;
Your life holds years of happiness,
when from this earthly world I part.
292 · Apr 2018
Private Worlds
The mind is like a private world,
that spins within a sphere;
Of engaging thoughts and mystery,
with ideas not always clear.

It's a place we can always call our own,
unique in its expressive ways;
Sensitive and sweet yet often cold,
like a record that continues to play.

Frequently it lets someone in,
to share an opinion or two;
But sometimes it just closes up,
when it doesn't like the view.

Creative forces always at work,
to free it from despair;
Disruptive as they may often be,
are imbued with fresh, clean air.

We'll never know the strength within,
this quizzical part of man;
It's a game of chance to let it go,
to follow a life-long plan.

But wherever we go our minds evolve,
reaching out towards a treasured world;
With the privacy of self-indulgence past,
emitting echoes that shape and swirl.
290 · Aug 2016
Summer Splendor
In sunshine's rays the flowers bloom and sway,
from warming breezes blessed in sweet array;
The turquoise sky alert with wondrous sheen,
as tiny wisps of clouds float through the scene.

And on the hill a group of maple trees,
show off their velvet green in bundled leaves;
While lilies' solemn dance compels our eyes,
to smooth and gentle grasses where we lie.

A wicker chair of white sits in the meadow,
a parasol of lacy pink creates cool shadow;
And in a basket filled with hearty treats,
are fruitful gems just ready for a feast.

How ever-pleasant are the solstice days,
their moments of delight in cheerful ways;
And when the sun has lowered past the hill,
myriads of twinkling stars embrace us still.
289 · Aug 2018
Relentless Pursuit
In the deepest canyons of the soul,
there's a burning torch of revelation;
That life can give us what we need,
if we look toward sweet salvation.

Seeking to traverse the obstacles,
those sins we've all committed;
We climb over rocks of redemption,
when angels deem to permit it.

Soon God releases us from pain,
with the promise of forgiveness;
As destiny grabs our aching hands,
to show us through the darkness.

This pursuit of love quietly continues,
along the many winding paths of life;
Relentless forces fuel eternal hope,
inspiring us to look toward heaven's light.
287 · Aug 2018
Gone Astray
The streaming light of evening filters,
through the gauzy curtains hung above;
My day was restless and filled with pain,
the emptiness inside replaced past love.

I watch the curtains flutter like eyelashes,
as rainbow colors streak against the walls;
An old armchair embraces my wounded body,
the doorbell rings as someone comes to call.

No movement from my solitude to answer,
the wretched sense of loss has overwhelmed;
My mind and heart with tortured loneliness,
no other man would enter this vacant realm.

This grieving happens when lost love erases,
the humanity and wholeness of our being;
I pour a drink with hopelessness and sadness,
without him there's just no one else worth seeing.

Gone astray again but given a second chance,
to show remorse and pledge his love once more;
But this time there'll be no waiting at the altar,
he'll never walk again through my front door.
284 · Jan 2022
Holding On for Too Long
Goodbyes are apt to set the record straight,
as if we've stumbled through an iron gate;
Correctly now we take the hint from above,
there's nothing left for us not even love.
284 · Oct 2019
Long Way Home
In miles of ancient depths beneath the hills,
we scurry past a starlight vision's beam;
So fierce and bold in undiscovered corners,
they still release a somber, sober gleam.

Running through the maze of discontent,
emotions rise along the lengthy journey;
As victims of the holy battle's charge,
we capture what we need from memories.

And with the stream of notions so described,
we fill our cups with waters rushing quickly;
Decisions made in sudden bursts of strength,
can only serve to change our lives distinctly.

Yet wearily we've arrived to shake the past,
ending all the fuss and awkward cravings;
We find our way along a pristine path,
believing even now that life's worth saving.
279 · Jul 2021
The Face You Can't Erase
Through your vision of lightness,
a miracle glows with brightness;
A collection of hearts define it,
reminding you who's behind it.

A ladder leads up to the sky,
you climb it as if you can fly;
Yet this face is a mere illusion,
so why deal with such confusion ?

Gone away in cloudless moments,
still haunting your memory's torments;
Of pain recalled from past times,
soon erased with poems that rhyme.

And all along this path to glory,
that measures a worthless story;
The face becomes an invisible token,
of fragile words no longer spoken.
279 · Mar 2019
In Totality
Haunted faces from past sorrows,
deflect the pain of new tomorrows;
Which build historic ties with vanity,
while exposing dark tales of insanity.

Already feeding emotions' loss,
the timeless urge sustaining cost;
Of shuttered walls closing in on fate,
as their hallowed halls reverberate.

With every reckless movement seen,
our curious eyes caress the dream;
That powers strong and ruthless take,
whatever evil hearts can break.

Take it all in and breathe a sigh,
like children do after they cry;
The world is numb to wanton fears,
along the path which fire sears.

When in totality discovery reigns,
despite the lonely mountain range;
Which towers above in gilded edges,
yet wields the magic of future pledges.
Wherever one goes, the curious future follows, often quite strange in its revelations !
279 · Oct 2017
Every Moment Glows
Reaching out and calling your name,
each moment without you is such a shame;
In my 'heart of hearts' the memories arise,
As I look around with tear-filled eyes.

The moments past when romance glowed,
the kiss, the touch, the feelings showed;
My mind is spinning throughout the night,
as I dream of holding you again so tight.

Why it all ended, such a mystery !
we had so much, the sun and the sea;
Your eyes were bluer than the skies,
but you left me alone against the tides.

Love is eternal, so the prophets say,
with spirits flying like children at play;
Yet often when the nights are long,
I still can hear our mellifluous song.
279 · Sep 2017
Hope in Solitude
The clarity of thoughts perform,
a service to the coming storm;
Steady hearts and minds awaken,
before the trees of life are shaken.

As howling winds perpetuate,
resounding forces of nature's fate;
Colossal dreams and visions soar,
from drifting leaves in endless swirl.

How lonely is the purple night,
with hopes of stars in gentle flight;
The willing soul with deep resolve,
reveals relentless grace from love.

Now in the quiet of the sky,
when raging storms have passed us by;
The glorious dawn is in our sight,
with peaceful fortunes shining bright.
275 · Aug 2016
Lingering Shower
A lingering shower streaks the day,
in running waters' remnants;
As rainbows color cloudy skies,
with magical enchantments.

Then as the coral sun appears,
in luscious illumination;
All elements from God's own hand,
the mystic wonders of creation.

The emerald leaves drip crystal tears,
from every oak and maple tree;
But soon the sun will dry their eyes,
in its warm serenity.

Behold, the delicate, shimmering rain,
that feeds all life below;
And tends to earthly gardens 'fore,
the drifts of melting snow.
273 · Mar 2019
Remembrances of Him
An image of strength and courage,
from a man of lowly means;
Taught me so much about life's trials,
and how music can wash it clean.

He stood on our sidewalk's corner,
while he played his saxophone;
Sometimes walking through the streets,
on a mission he followed alone.

A former soldier who'd lost his sight,
in his service during World War II;
And as folks would drop coins in his cup,
he'd often play their favorite tunes.

I watched him hold his head up high,
as he sported the red, white and blue;
His soulful melodies made me teary-eyed,
through his heart so clear and true.

'Back in the day' there was little relief,
for returning soldiers hurt and maimed;
I'd like to believe we can do much more,
to put an end to our country's shame !
Hail all veterans...may your recovery be swift and rewarding !
270 · Aug 2016
Dispelling Darkness
In contrast with reality---thoughts fade to black,
in hidden corners of the mind which sanity lacks;
Away from fondest hope to salvage memories,
deep within the screaming cries 'til eternity.

Yet forces pull each vision towards the colors,
that brighten up the world in mystic wonder;
And with that glorious rainbow shining full,
the dark relents aligned with nature's rule.

Greens and blues bring peace to heavy hearts,
brimming with softened hues that set apart;
Dissolving pinks and yellows in their wake,
as kaleidoscopes release in constant quake.

Like a painter's brush creates an artful scene,
which spreads its magic wand in luscious gleam;
A mosaic filled with lightness soon remains,
to rid each desperate mind of blackened reign.
270 · Jun 2019
Masks of Pretension
The subtle art of pretense mars the state,
of holiness alive at heaven's gate;
So proceed with precious caution if you dare,
cloaked in a banner sewn from angels' hair.

Beside the raging waters thus renewed,
a flowing arc of lies are heavily spewed;
With wasted moments sullied in contempt,
now all eyes open wide in grave dissent.

The face that amply covers its own style,
whether rows of tears or even robust smiles;
Falls away in bleak and haunted blend,
as fading images seek only to pretend.

The scorched and cursed mask of tragic scenes,
can quickly melt away in horrid screams;
While in the burning days of daring sun,
the guilty then repent for innocence undone.
268 · Aug 2021
A Natural Thing
Once I passed by a child who was crying,
an ocean of tears dripping down her cheeks;
I had no way of knowing her dilemma,
she touched her lips as if she couldn't speak.

We wandered down the street to the bakery,
where I bought some milk and chocolate cupcakes;
Her ragged dress was smeared with oil and dirt,
she finally smiled when gobbling down the cake.

How many other children lay in wait for us,
to help them get their daily needs attended ?
We went to a nearby Thrift Store for some clothing,
and I found a little dress that needed mending.

I took her to my home and fixed the dress,
by that time her eyes began to shine;
I'd never seen such a look of gratitude,
and she took her hand and placed it into mine.

By now, this young lady is back with family,
the poorest of the poor they certainly are;
So when you see someone whose needs are ample,
please lend a hand and be their "superstar" !
"People, who need people...are the luckiest the world."
267 · May 2023
The Sands of Time
Each day seems as if it's been here before,
evoking memories which play on emotions;
The years fly by without reason or rhyme,
standing cold and still--like a frozen ocean.

Yet through it all we stake our claim,
and wonder if life's quandaries are real;
Like a carnival balloon floating on high,
we let loose with our conflicting feelings.

On the beach we lie on our sands of time,
without noticing the cosmic effects;
Of the burning sun on our oiled bodies,
when our minds and souls seem to connect.

Then as the rain falls down in sheets,
with the sea now tossing and turning;
And lost in one overwhelming wave,
the sands of time have begun churning.

Safely landing among the rocks and gulls,
a clarity of thought arises within us;
In heavenly bliss we've come to know,
that the answers were always within us.
266 · Aug 2016
A Cosmic Tale
Surrounded by natural forces that bring,
the sensitive, lonely stars to sing;
Erasing all the boundaries of shame,
promoting cosmic energy's hefty gain.

In universal power's reeling stance,
the shadows of the moon in vibrant dance;
Permitting the many galaxies to wander,
in ruminating voices' endless wonder.

Beyond the expanse of purple skies,
are mysteries and miracles that gently lie;
Above random dreams of mere desire,
which penetrate clouds in lightning's fire.

A clear cosmic moment can unveil,
a pathway to the skyline we assail;
And arriving at the steps of heaven's grace,
those singing stars will glow in space.
266 · Aug 2016
In the Meadow
The dawn-filled meadow always gleams,
like a glistening light upon a stream;
Its daisies yellow, warm and sweet,
with jade-green grass rising up to greet.

As I lie in sunshine's clearest sky,
a golden bird soon catches my eye;
His home sits nestled in the maple tree,
while he chirps a song of purity.

My basket filled with fruit and cheese,
a luncheon that is sure to please;
I spread the quilt my mother made,
and feast on scones and marmalade.

With thirst now quenched by ginger tea,
my soul's replenished most naturally;
And in my heart I'll never leave,
this place of peace and harmony.
264 · Oct 2017
The Parting Clouds
The heavenly sight of whirling clouds,
makes one ponder the sky's delight;
When fluffy pillowed pinks and grays,
converge and float away from sight.

In autumn one sees changing skies,
that cover the earth in violet hues;
Cool rains often energize the air,
so fresh and crisp from harvest's muse.

But the simmering sun soon finds its way,
shining on pumpkins like topaz stones;
And while the clouds have sifted past,
a pure aqua sheen recovers its home.

The russet days of October arrive,
in their vastly uncommon elegance;
While the winds begin to scatter leaves,
as purple clouds invade their presence.

The velvet canopy of autumn's sky,
refreshes our life on earth below;
And breathing in the cold night air,
we watch in wonder of nature's show.
261 · Aug 2016
Evening Shade
The wide umbrella of graceful trees,
covers us well with its lustrous breeze;
When temperatures have quickly soared,
each oak and willow are greatly adored.

Each day a blistering sun arrives,
with alabaster clouds that gently rise;
In puffy swirls which skip on by,
and lovingly adorn the heavenly skies.

We swim in the pool that nature provides,
by a lakeside cabin where we can hide;
And seek some shelter from sudden rains,
which attempt to drown our summer dreams.

Kicking back we watch the grey dusk fall,
on huge cotton blankets embracing us all;
As evening shade turns into velvet night,
the angelic stars creep into our sight.

Behold ! The majesty of changing hours,
the heat from daylight's surging powers;
Now cool and calm in serene delight,
with peaceful sleep under soft moonlight.
257 · Aug 2021
Mysteries surround me everywhere,
those incomprehensible puzzles;
Which take me to the oddest places,
in my mind, I'm quite befuddled !

Throughout my youth I was lonely,
hiding away in the attic with books;
And music that would assuage misery,
every evening I crawled through nooks.

I recall how mesmerized I could be,
by the power of the written word;
I sought to write about my torment,
but was afraid I wouldn't be heard.

With the wafting of each musical strain,
it was easy to imagine and pretend;
I'd hum along with pristine tunes,
sending my heart into such a spin !

I'm still that shy person who wanders about,
with visions swirling through my head;
Yet somehow despite my complex existence,
within me, there's no fear nor dread.

Befuddled as I may always be,
the language of love and life will endure;
I'll see a sign posted on the road one day,
beckoning me toward an open door !
255 · Sep 2021
Clear Eyed in the Cosmos
While losing a sense of inevitable discovery,
and wandering from the galactic ambiance;
I paint a portrait along with the waning stars,
which guide me into a cosmic trance.

White light pierces the hectic scramble,
of planets divulging their intimate secrets;
And asteroids crash into the sea of silence,
where an unworthy moon reveals its regrets.

Calming the chaos within this mystical space,
bringing forward a myriad of sins not forgiven;
The sun delights in a showering of angelic force,
which commands the light of day to enliven.

Clear eyed yet wondering how all this matters,
when the rain and wind can disrupt the visions;
Of celestial peace which appears to scatter about,
the revelations rising from fear and delusions.
253 · Jun 2018
When life's entanglements wear you down,
and chaos seems to reign in every town;
Just breathe a sigh towards heaven's holy face,
and God will wrap you in His warm embrace.

It seems quite simple and most clear to me,
we only have to pray to be set free;
As heartened powers rest within our souls,
encouraging us to reach our spirit's goals.

Take another breath and join with kin,
to move us all away from hateful sin;
And with the sunshine showering its rays,
the flowers bloom toward everlasting grace.

Yet when rain falls the meaning of it lies,
within a world of wonder from the skies;
While cleansing every soul of bad intentions,
brings boundless gratitude for spiritual redemption.
Something we truly need in this troubled world !
251 · Jan 2018
February Twilight
Tiny ripples in ocean's cerulean mist,
rolling under a sky of amethyst;
The biting air permeates the night,
with an icy haze from pale moonlight.

And on the sand a bonfire's heat,
wraps 'round our bodies like a sheet;
The whispering voice of seaside bliss,
touches our lips with a gentle kiss.

While dampness rises in the air,
we huddle together without a care;
Our bright wool scarves fly in the breeze,
as a sailboat appears upon the seas.

Yet in the twilight stars' array,
the schooner seems to float away;
Perhaps our eyes have been deceived,
by winter's mystic scene perceived.

A smile caresses your windburned face,
in the salty air we both could taste;
With one last glance at February's sky,
we lovingly embrace and wave goodbye.
Dedicated to my sister Marie who turns 81 on February 6th !!
242 · Oct 2017
The Lilting River
Under the spreading clouds on high,
inside my skiff I gently glide;
Watching the calming water flow,
while golden skies put on their show.

As I lazily recline inside my boat,
my thoughts and worries seem to float;
While drifting on as in a dream,
my soul connects to this quiet stream.

The lilting river seems still as air,
and peace embraces my heart so fair;
I've carried onward through the day,
and stop where children come to play.

Reflections of my one true love,
which shines in waters of the cove;
Mirrors my life as it should be,
as I set upon the restless sea.
242 · Apr 2019
Wrapped in Mystery
Conspiring to expel the varied notions,
which tear us apart without emotion;
This energy that steals away our souls,
leaves mortality to feast upon the whole.

Mysterious flights of fancy take their aim,
deterring wishes to arrive in hopeful gain;
And sensing all emotions which arouse,
by exploring every truth in future's vows.

While cloaked in purple shadows' wrath,
the strong will seek a never-ending path;
Which prevents all doubts of everlasting light,
to invoke clear answers to anxieties of the night.

Distant voices carry on relentless rhymes,
as disappointments mount in forward time;
Each soul will suffer all its lonely wants,
when searching in a field of garish haunts.

If only we could see what lies ahead,
perhaps the days would pass without the dread;
Of life completely wrapped in mystery,
the terms of which are guarded preciously.
241 · Aug 2018
The Crossing
There comes a time in every life,
when shadows form from dust;
And ideals seek to be renewed,
before they fade and rust.

So many feelings left submerged,
like oysters crowded in the bay;
Can profit well from sweet release,
into the mist of ocean's spray.

As voices' resurrected rhymes,
in hymns of Nature's essence;
Their inspiration carries forth,
to hearts seeking spirits' presence.

A coastal chill awakens all,
who gather for the missive;
While dappling stars in amber light,
spell out each truthful vision.

And mindful of the world sublime,
all shadows leave in vain;
As faithful souls' reflections,
revive rhapsodies of falling rain.
240 · Sep 2018
Beyond the Silence
Vacant sounds of emptiness,
fuels within a deep desire;
To reach beyond the galaxy,
and seek what we require.

Silence stems from raging storms,
with lightning bolts of terror;
Confusion reigns until they end,
in thunderous claps of wonder.

Then all is quiet as we take,
a chance to capture grace;
Within the confines of new worlds,
transcending time and space.

Glory showered from the sky,
renews our faithful journey;
And solitary as the moon,
brave hearts beat with purity.
this is an older poem I wrote some years ago. I think it has potential to grow into something more profound but for now, just re-typing it, I've discovered what I meant when it was first conceived. Thanks for reading it !
235 · Apr 2023
Boiling Over
Some say the promise of love provides,
a sacred bond existing side by side;
And when our souls return each sign,
we find emotions where heaven resides.

A touch is like the wonders of Spring,
with an ache of passion that Autumn can bring;
A wintry night keeps us close and warm,
by the hearth where loving charms are born.

When summer arrives with ocean's roar,
and boiling over with heat we run to the shore;
Where we hold hands and splash into the sea,
as a myriad of waves catch us in reverie.

The sunlight dims as we lie on the sand,
again, we take one another's hands;
Then just one kiss awakens us again,
to share each moment which God has given.
235 · Feb 2019
In the Distance
Off in the distance the sun is setting,
while here on the porch I sit regretting;
Each moment that slipped through my fingertips,
especially when I last kissed your lips.

I could have begged for you to stay,
letting my love shine in every way;
But off you went in a misty haze,
leaving me stumbling through the maze.

Not knowing what truly pulled us apart,
and wondering why you broke my heart;
Perhaps life's foibles are a mystery,
with answers buried far beneath the sea.

While watching the colors of a summer sky,
I finally decide to say goodbye;
My eyes are moist from latent tears,
as I vow to conquer lingering fears.

Everlasting love seems hard to find,
with someone who'll live inside my mind;
To grow with me as years move on,
and share the setting of the sun.
233 · Dec 2023
The Sky is a Melody
Blue, pink, purple, songstress of the heavens,
I hear those tantalizing notes in mystical colors;
Framing each phrase with softness and wonder,
every sound rises with an exceptional allure.

Black, gray, tumbling and grumbling tunes,
explode with awkward but powerful precision;
The wetness of the heavy rain embraces the earth,
as if the sky's mellifluous flow reaches a decision.

Yellow, amber, golden hues glancing through life,
singing their way along the channels of secrecy;
Yet burgeoning with wholesome welcoming sighs,
brightly shining for everyone to hear and see.

The sky's melody rings throughout castles of time,
built strongly with lingering hope and inspiration;
And when the breezes of changing seasons fly by,
we're protected and enchanted by their glorification.
231 · Aug 2016
Inspiring Moods
It's written in the vastness of the sky,
heroic signs that glimmer like the stars;
And stories old--and told--that signify,
each fortune won and lost within the hours.

Look closer as the trees lose all their buds,
and wither in a night which never ends;
Autumnal forces energize then wilt,
like shadows of a heart that cannot mend.

Seasons fly with sudden windswept tears,
and revive the days once long--then brief--then long;
We gather strength to fight the weary hours,
recalling summer's breath in perfect dawn.

Come hear the angels singing at the door,
sent by the moon to penetrate our souls;
Sweet freedom flows within their heavenly song,
and creates another place where we are whole,

And with the guiding hand of Nature's Will,
we wander through the lanes of childhood's ways;
An ever-changing world before us now,
releases memories of struggling through the maze.
231 · Aug 2016
What Lies Beneath
When human hearts are shattered and lost,
and wonder why there's a higher cost;
For wanting lives to be settled along,
the corridors of a streaming song---

The poets ponder deep desires,
as captured souls stick in the mire;
While days diminish through the dark,
of purple nights where fears embark.

What lies beneath in spirits' land,
will comfort all in life's demand;
And when released the hopeful dwell,
on magic dreams that cast their spells.

We'll surely win this race for time,
to see a world which reigns sublime;
By simply looking down below,
where roses climb through winter's snow.
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