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Nov 2014 · 639
Puff and Dream
Puff that smoke and soar up high
The world below us says goodbye
Swinging out the hues and blues
Lay out those plans and clues
Smile and let the stars know
You’re a spark, fire that grows
Sail on, the universe is waiting
Spread the love, cease the hating
Night’s are dark and endless
Eyes wide open, senseless
Consume the madness and burn
The ashes gone and will return
Mind’s spinning, barely breathing
Inspire the pain, heart’s freezing
Open up, embrace the liberty
Revive the light, save the mystery
Chase your dreams and the sun
Let go, forever has just begun.
Nov 2014 · 329
You're the sun that makes me shine
I'm wondering when will I call you mine
You're the rain that left me cold
Endlessly pouring as our fate unfold
You're the clouds that makes me sigh
Telling me that it's already goodbye.
Nov 2014 · 370
Found myself scribbling again. Thinking. Turning poetic, artistic, again. A thing I thought I have lost a long time ago. My frustrations, resurrected. So much trouble. Sweet trouble. You are a star. Something meant to be always looked from afar. You inspire me. To be better. To be free. To be me. This is just a fleeting emotion, unintended. No doubt I am but a vulnerable fool. A crass who got high and will definitely fall. Fall into the mosh pit of your calm and silent waters. This, too, shall pass.
Nov 2014 · 767
Blue Sky
Call me heartless, I couldn't care less.
Tomorrow is new, I know what I'm bound to do.
I could be sad, I'm about to get mad.
I could be fine, I'm not crossing that line.
Dark clouds ahead, filling up my bed.
Wish everything's a blue sky, where I could just drown and fly.
Scribblings from 6-29-2011.

— The End —