dagger stilettos sever
the head off a clove cigarette
fallen from blushing plump lips
in a sharp, slightly stubbled face
so you hate him
because that's what we, humans,
golden ankles shine
from under a cloud of black
a flash of lightning blue in her gaze
intensity that frightens you
so you hate her
because that's what we, humans,
we spout that God is love
God is good
and perfect
and outside of time
not human
yet somehow
the Creator of countless suns
and sons
who shaped them in the womb
hates what he made
my bloodied, beautiful God
who made water into sweet red wine
who let ****** rub oil on his head
who creates, forgives, loves
does not despise anyone
humans do that
how convenient
to somehow believe it true that
God hates the same people
as you