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You smiled at her and kissed her
like she was saving you
when we both know
you never needed saving
You held her hand tighter
than you held onto your pride
and we both know
what that means to you
When she walked into the room
it's as if everyone else was invisible
and we both know how you loved
the spotlight
She made you happy
She made you complete
Why couldn't I have been that for you?
We broke up, and you found somebody new.
She's beautiful, she has everything that I've ever wanted... you.
She is pretty and smart. But she doesn't go fishing
she doesn't go muddin'
she doesn't go camping,
she doesn't go huntin'
but you had to have her so don't come crawling back
you wanted her well now you got her.
You're stuck with the little preppy princess sorry.
I'm not taking you back.
At your funeral, everyone that I passed said that I looked beautiful.
They said they were so happy to see me but so sad that it had to be this way.
They even said how my bloodshot, tear stained, tired eyes looked pretty and that they'd never even noticed how green they were.
But I couldn't thank them. & yes my eyes looked more green, but only because of the purple bags under them. & I wasn't glad to see them if all that came out of their mouths' was a shaky & mumbled, "I'm sorry," because they knew I was sorry too.

Come let’s follow the path
to a heart beat in blossom
Dance in the streets
of a new foreign town

Drink to the evening
with moon beams now swaying
Under the stars
when there’s no one around

Singing a song
to a melody’s whimper
Sigh on the eve
of our first kiss delight

Walk hand in hand
down the road to forever
Sit by the ocean
be one with the night

Cling to a dream
we’ll relive in the morning
Capture the breeze
that does tickle your hair

Swim in the love
that now washes our bodies
Find everyday
*is a new one to share

Is this thread
Thin but very strong
Holding through the years
Tied around your heart and mine
Becoming shorter every passing day
Closer and closer we are, guided
Eventually bringing us both together
Revealing our waited destiny
Reducing this distance
Until finally we are
Joined as one

How did this happen,
amidst words, phrases,
stones skipped on poetic ponds
Not looking for or expecting
a touch to the heart, a caress,
yet it came

I fell, head first into a joy,
a blissful feeling
I had not felt before
You said the same,
wishes made on coins tossed
had finally come true

Holding hands without touching,
kissing over counted miles
and borderlines of snow flurries
We sang together, harmonies,
lyrics of love from our hearts,
melodic compositions formed of dreams

Picked flowers, daisies, tulips
from the gardens of pure affection
blooming all around us
It seemed no walls,
barriers could hold us back
as we ran towards each other

Then appeared a river, wide, deep
A chasm of worry and fear
was flowing across our paths
Now a deluge of falling tears
filling, overflowing its banks
making footing uneasy, difficult

And we sit on opposite sides
staring at each other, reaching
for something that seems so far out of reach
Dark clouds roll in, threatening
but we stay, standing on the muddy shores
wondering what will become of us in this flooding

I shout, “I will swim to you!”
But your eyes are too wet
and your heart is a breaking levee
Diving in anyway I am swept away,
pulled under, unable to breathe, choking
watching you fade in the distance

Hope is gone, fears have overshadowed desires
drowning in what is lost,
trapped in the rapids of disappointment
When a hand grabs me, lifts me, saves me…
I open my eyes now on the other side to see,
it is yours

I placed on you a necklace
of white gold star dust chain
A heart shaped emerald locket
within a moonbeam frame
To glisten as you kiss me
a gleam before my eyes
As brilliant as your smile
beneath these midnight skies
And there inside the locket
engraved for all to see
The words I whisper every day
*“Forever, you and me”
I'll wait for you forever
till stars forget to shine,
and oceans become puddles,
words no longer rhyme

Till deserts turn to gardens
where flowers go to bloom,
the grass is red, the skies are green,
the dawn brings out the moon

Till rain is something very dry
and butterflies drive trucks,
when every pond is chocolate sauce
with candy coated ducks

Till basements have a penthouse view
with windows three floors high
and stairways are a place to swim
no matter how you fly

Till mountains are a level path
that you will go to walk
and silence now becomes a way
for every one to talk

Till everything we've ever known
is gone and disappeared
The world does end, there's nothing more
just like we always feared

Till broken hearts are happy,
tears a welcome site
Night comes at the break of day
and daytime looks like night

I'll wait for you forever
until the end of time
It matters not how long it takes
if I can call you mine
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