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A warm breeze blows a warm greeting
Inhale, exhaust
Choke the way you did looking at your father's shoes
After the game
Magma runs over your feet but you think about those days
And say, "I'm not miserable"
My love for you is heaven loose
Chasing me like a tempest breeze
Chasing feverish clime as a quiet sand
I am into you like moon in the sky

Bid and bond me in a blurred by
So I see the star that stir your heart
As I climbed the stairs ignition start
revving the engine of my heart

To publish your thoughts
As it looms me as ghosts
The holy grail thrill my soul
Like pomegranate I need you

Written by
Martin Ijir
does it scare you
that they might leave
that you might go

and that you might not finish
your last wor
17.12.17  /  18.58  /  my eyes are the colour of these awful hospital walls
Winter days have come
Where in the lack of sun
Your happiness fleets
And your depression eats
It's way from the pit of your mind
Leaving you lost and blind
Trying a new structure to this while keeping it short and simple. I wanted to focus on S.A.D. in this poem also known as seasonal affective disorder.
Through the ashy clouds, what can I see deep in my eyes,
Feelings of old, times of new, sounds of truths shading shadows of lies.
A moment in a heart to cause a second of earthly breathe,
To hear the sounds of regret, yet to see beyond that, flashing lights of new hope in depth.

As the stars shine across a thousand galaxies, planets and worlds a like,
Men and womenΒ Β would shine across each others lives for the mountains we all must hike.
Give them hope to themselves you shining star of a glowing wonderous night.
For who truly sees any man's foreshadow lest they shinning in your one true light.

Cast the shadows of this world to the places far beyond.
Free from what our hands can grab hold to reach, farewell my troubles, best be heading along.

Yonder as far as your mind could take you, get lost in your dreams,
Get back to the place back to where it all began, close your ears from the sounds of all your doubtful screams.
Tell us what you've found, show us all your blessings and greatest wins,
Shall we all celebrate with you as you complete your journey, celebrating our humble glories as if we were humble Kings and Queens.
This is not the first
Not even the second
Honestly I lose count
So can I count on you

It's like we used to
Had a conversation
Calm and **** one
Yeah I'm into you

The grass turns greener
Everytime we're together
The cloud looks prettier
When your head's on my shoulder

I miss this
I miss us
I miss everything
Includes the taste of your lips
I am looking for something in this world that will reduce me to the smallest me I have ever been.

Chop me down to a stump.

After I am cut down,
will I blossom bigger and more full?
Wiser and more humble?

The old willow everyone sits underneath to find their answers.
Ever been through hurt and the culprit pretended as though it never happened?
Ever had someone lied to your face or better yet, lied on you and swore it was the truth?
Ever had someone mentally abusing you and made it seem as if you were the one with the problem?
And you ask yourself, are they for real?!
Then you find yourself thinking that it was your fault, believing the lies, or maybe you overreacted...
Nah... It's them... Not you...
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