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Eric Martin Jan 2020
I would give my blood for love
Happiness for the stars above
But there is only so much mud I can take
And so my scars before I break
Eric Martin Dec 2016
Ignorance is bliss
Thats what some say
But after watching true ignorance
You may feel the other way

This is a true story
It happened while I was young
It was about my puppy
But it didn't take away how much it stung

My family had a dog
Rocky was his name
But one day we got a new puppy named Jamie
And soon they were playing games

Rocky was getting old
My parents said to heaven it would be said
It made my older brother cry
But I didn't know what it really meant

I loved both of my dogs
We had a pretty good bond
But they could speak a language
That only they could respond

When day I came come home
To find rocky wandering around like he was blind
My parents called the vet on the phone
and left me and Jamie behind

That night i had felt some thing
That I had never felt before
I finally understood why people were crying
But Jamie just waited at the door

Ever single day
At the door she would stand
I tried to explain it every way
But she just would not understand

Imaging waiting for a friend
One who would never come back
Never knowing it was the end
And having your heart stay cracked

I think it was all that heart break
And all the fearing
That gave her cancer
Because she wanted the end to be nearing

It was sad to watch
Having her go through so much pain
It felt even sadder
Knowing Rocky went through the same

Soon they came to pet her to Down
My brother held my hand
But in fear Jamie looked around
She did not under stand

It must have bin frighting
What a way to go
To feel your muscles tithing
But still having one thing you needed to know

If only some one could tell her what we all said
You will never ever again see your friend
And soon you will be dead

There is no more to the story
Nothing left I have to say
But I would rather die knowing
Then ever having to die that way
Eric Martin Dec 2016
Never see
Never be seen
Never be free
Never know what it means

Never touch
Never feel
Never know too much
Never know whats real

Never ****
Never make war
Never let blood spill
Never have a fire burn to your core

Never listen
Never hear
Never know whats missing
Never know who's near

Never ending
Never let some one close
Never start mending
Never know who loves you most

Never be good
Never be bad
Never reach adulthood
Never be sad

Never Cry
Never die
Never ask why
Never say good bye

Never ever
Never ever again
Never ever forever
Never ever forever again, let Never End
Eric Martin Jan 2017
Venom and lies
Lonesome lows, heavenly highs
Love based on lust
Too bad theirs no trust
This love will be my demise

I love it when your here
Really I shouldn't want you near
But I love the way you stare
And the way you pretend to care
To bad are fights are so severe

I hate how you shout
I am so full of doubt
Who are we trying to convince
Look at all the evidence
This will never work out

I should break up with you today
It's going to **** me if you get your way
But I will wait and see
If you can make it up to me
Then maybe I will let you stay
Eric Martin Aug 2019
I open my eyes to the open skies
The wind blows away my tears as I cry
I am horrified of the highs and all the times I died
But my fears shed away as I arise
I break away from my mortal ties as I begin to fly
My nightmares are gone and my dreams again comprise
No longer will I meet my demise
For once again I am free to fly into my sunrise
I know the rhyme scheme might be a little shaky but I just woke up and wanted to get out the feelings I have a being able to fly in my dreams again because I no longer wake up before I die and to me this is the most real thing in the world and I have missed feeling the excitement, physics, panics from close calls and being able to live a false life that means so much to me
Eric Martin Dec 2016
Oh ****
I'm out of luck
This really *****
I am stuck
how did I get here?
In my own muck

I am held down by locks
But my mind is still sharp as a fox
But I think instead I'll rub my *****
To get off my Rocks
And then wonder if I am queer?
Because I like the look of my own stocks

Now all there is left to do is cry
And wonder that this is what I do instead of try
While I am asking why
Even though I got here with my lies
I wonder if any one will hear?
My rattle as I die
Eric Martin Jan 2020
I feel like I'm dying
My blood is aflame
I can't stop crying
Wondering if I'm to blame?
It's terrifying
Will anything ever be the same?
What ever is wrong I have to keep on trying
Because there is so much to reclaim
Eric Martin Dec 2016
Death I am you're son
Help me I can no longer run
my hearts become to heavy
I feel like I'm the only one

Farm my soul
Stop my weeping
give me peace
give me what I'm seeking

I feel you near
but I want you here
I want to feel the cold as I slip
and then your warm kiss on my lips
Eric Martin Dec 2016
I feel the grounds dispersal
Jump every hurdle
Keep on running
This is infernal

How is it possible
How can life be so fertile
A reappearing obstacle
I'm running in a perfect circle

Here comes another rehearsal
But nothing comes out verbal
I don't under stand
I am just a mere mortal

How can it be possible
There is no reversal
Its all so universal
I just keep running, in a perfect circle

I slip inside
I have a place to confide
A place I can hide
A place I can enjoy the ride

How is it possible
That no one see the portal
We are all standing on a marble
In a perfect circle
Eric Martin Dec 2016
My feeling used to freely flow
Like a exquisite fountain
But now the water doesn't flow
emotions piled up with no place to go
It makes me feel like I'm carrying a mountain

Over life I used to take things in stride
But life slowly wore me down
I have become so dead inside
I wish I still cried
The only feeling I have is that I am going to drown

I wish I had some who was there
To stop my heart from turning to stone
Some who would care
And treat me fair
But it looks like I will forever be alone

I have had my heart broken so many times
With every time my heart decreases
Now life is no longer a joy but is a place that confines
I have to learn to avoid lifes cruel crimes
But all I can do now is take my heart and start picking up the pieces
Eric Martin Mar 2017
Pinch me I must be dreaming
Hurt me until I am screaming
My nerves are twisting and teeming
I forgive all your torturous scheming
You gave me something worth feeling
In my eyes there is nothing more redeeming
I am going through a twisted faze of writing to help keep things interesting a moving forward so don't mind too much of my latest poems. Its not like people reading them any way so I shouldn't care.
Eric Martin Dec 2016
Poems and pain
For the mentally insane
Fires started
For the broken heated

Minds reformed
To the deformed
Problems immense
Released in violence

For the institution
No evolution
Just hate

With the pollution
Bring desolation
Never create

Many maggots roam
Together alone
Separate piles fed
Together blood shed

Always avenge
After anothers revenge
A never ending schism
To bring the cataclysm
Eric Martin Feb 2019
I pray to the dead and the rotten
For they are truly free
I pray for the lost souls forgotten
Because that's where all my friends may be

I pray for them so often
That I hope I pay my fee
Because one day I'll be rotten, dead, lost and forgotten
And I hope some one will pray for me
Eric Martin Mar 2017
Fingers wither right when they started to slither
A tongue ready about to sung gets a stung and turns into a lump down the throat and forces a patter in the lung
Eyes cry and quickly dry as if to put on a disguise
The tunnel to the brain turns to a funnel from the pain; bundling all the thoughts again
A mental blister getting crisper being forced from a boil to simmer, sending the body into a shiver and after letting out a whisper
I won't write about that today
I don't care if this isn't perfect, I know the structure is flawed.
Eric Martin Aug 2019
When you look at me
Just another person is what you see
But there are thing you don't know
That people are more then they seem to be
And when you think I am alone with no place to go
That's when I am truly free
Eric Martin Dec 2016
Let me tell you a story
About the boy I loved so
Its not always pretty
But thats just how life go's

It all started at a party
I met him through my friend
It didn't take long
For our hearts to blend

He called me is little dove
He made my heart glow
My mother called it puppy love
But what would she know?

I tried to be careful
But it all happened so fast
I finally felt special
I wanted it to always last

He showed me his favourite songs
We loved to sing along
Some times he would sneak out
And we would watch the stars on my lawn

One of those nights we took it
To a place never before
We were both so nervous
But he left me wanting more

A month later
Nothing felt the same
He start leaving me alone
And treating my heart like a game

One cloudy night
He ended it at the park
He said I just wasn't right
He left me in the dark

It took some time
For the pain to end
But then he committed a crime
And dated my best friend

Over the time I would heal
And all my wounds have sealed
It was just puppy love
But the love I have now is real
This is not from my point of view and is just a story.
Eric Martin Jan 2017
Excuse me

I feel the need to interject
You better show some respect
Your just a miserable little insect
Looking to infect

You minimal power has gone unchecked
Your so intoxicated your lost
Time to be rejected
Time to pay the cost

You flew to high in the sky
Living off the tears people cry
Time to say bye bye

Now that the end is nigh
Ever word out of your mouth is a lie
Time to put this to an end
Time for you to die

Excuse me

What is it that you said
You didn't mean to leave so many dead
Yet on their corpses you fead
This is where your actions have led

I feel the need to turn you into a wreck
To show you some respect
Use this time to reflect
On every little aspect

You minimal power has gone unchecked
Your so intoxicated your lost
Time to be rejected
Time to pay the cost

You flew to high in the sky
Living off the tears people cry
Time to say bye bye

Now that the end is nigh
Ever word out of your mouth is a lie
Time to put this to an end
Time for you to die

To bad for you I was the next one for you to bite
My delusions of granger give me the right
To smite you like a mite
Say your prayers before I say good night

Excuse me

But this feeling has got me effected
All this power has bin redirected
I will be your god that no one has elected
To my wills you will be subjected

My power has gone unchecked
I'm so intoxicated I'm lost
Time for most of you to be neglected
Time for the others to pay my cost

I have flown so high that I have become the sun in your sky
Living to see the tears and to hear people cry
And to stomp out those who try

Now that the end is nigh
Ever word out of your mouths will be why
Time to put this to an end
Time for you all to die
I deleted this song because I thought no one would like it but I actually like it so I am going to put it back on here so I can find it easily
Eric Martin Jan 2020
I have bin taken
By the seductive sounds of Satan
My mind has bin awaken
At the cost of forever being forsaken

But don't pray for me
For I am finally free
And when I pay my fee
All of hell will see
I will meet my doom unshaken
Eric Martin Dec 2016
No one is ever free from the things they do
And for me that is very true
Every time I fail
My skin grows a scale

I feel like the really me is no longer shown
I block people out with a wall
I feel so alone
I as deeper I fall

Some people see some thing reptilian
Some people see a villain
But the one person people no longer see
Is inside to me

I build an building my self a shell
That is escaping me from its hell
But running away from all my fears
Makes so no one is letting me near

I can no longer shout
I can no longer run
I must get out
And pick off every scale one by one
Eric Martin Dec 2016
I feel like I am going crazy
because all I can see
Is artists being lazy
But thinking they are better then we

They write poems on how they are the only one
They can't even poke fun
They take every thing so seriously
And attack every one furiously

I want to write a nice comment for them to see
But to them you're nice comment is just you paying a fee
They just see the comment section as their personal fleet
Who are just their to grovel and kiss their feet

They are a bleeding heart artist
And every one should know
They are the smartest
And we should all tell them so

No one will ever under stand them
No one will no their dream
But I just say **** 'em
Because they don't under stand, they're more pathetic then they seem
Eric Martin Dec 2016
Over my life I have tried to pay my toll
I have tried to achieve my goal
I have tried to crack the codes
But I decided to sell my soul
Thats why I have come to the cross roads

As I got here
I felt his presence near
I am already going to hell
So I had nothing to fear
Of giving my soul to sell

He appeared in a flame
But before any thing I had to speak his name
I said it with glee
He said I should be saying it with shame
But still I paid my fee
And to him it was all the same

I felt an emptiness inside
But with a tide it turned to pride
He gave me all I wished
But he told me as soon as I died
It would turn to anguish

I knew this was shameless
But I would soon be famous
A bright shining star
But I knew some thing was amiss
As I was hit by a car

What a ***** cheat
But still I was fairly beat
I became a never ending dish
I was famous for my sweet meat
So at least I still got my wish
Eric Martin Jan 2017
I'm so cold
My heart has troubles beating
I am still waiting for happiness to unfold
To stop it from feeling like I am being restricted while breathing

I am so jaded
I would be happy with just feeling fine
I don't even feel anger I am so faded
Would you lend me your eyes to see sunshine

I wish I could get out of my head
But there is only one thing that I fear
That people already see me as dead
And that I will have to die with no one near

I should just except I am a goner
I am of no use to any one
I wont be here much longer
For life it is just another day and I am its setting sun
Eric Martin Dec 2016
Can you even see me?
Do you know I'm here
I peek my eyes through the shadows
Can you feel them as I peer

I have bin hiding so long
I no longer know why I fear
but still I feel some thing wrong
when some one steps near

I am growing slowly stronger
I can't take it any longer
I step out of turn
And again I feel a burn

I don't want you to see me
I don't want you to know I'm here
I slip back into the shadows
And stay close to all my fear
Eric Martin Dec 2016
My heart stops

You are so sure of what you say
Why are you making me pay?
When did you stop loving me?
I want to know the day

I'm Sinking

I have never felt so alone
We used to share a home
I want to to know what you were thinking
You wont even answer your phone

I'm Sinking ever deeper

What do I have left
My life is a mess
I pray for the reaper
Or at least a little rest

She is Sinking

He woos me with his Charm
How could any one do him harm
I love what he's thinking
In his arms I am sinking
**** what the **** does the last line mean, I forget my own narrative of my poem. Is this poem from a girls perspective or a guys perspective. I think its from a guys prospective and his ex is with her new lover but any ones guess is as good as mine. (LATER) ok so this is really bothering me, I am about to edit some thing to make it make sense in the way I want to it to now but I now I think that the last line if from a new girl who is with the narrator. I am big on punchy endings so I know this ending is probably punchy some how but in what way who knows.
Eric Martin Dec 2016
I am for ever alone, Sailing out at sea
Until I heard a beautiful song and it was directed out at me
I never felt any thing so strong, I wondered who it could be
I slowly saw her sitting on a rock and I was about to pull out my ****
Until she started to flee

I have never seen any one so beautiful and yet so strange
She had a fish tail that helped her get out of range
She was so lovely and frail that it made me feel deranged
Then I saw her bare **** that sent me into a fit
Until she turned around to make an exchange

She sang to me that she would no longer flee
But if I wanted to hear more of her song, she wasn't going to come to me
She wanted to make my **** long but I would have to come with her under the sea
I am not as stupid as I sound, I know I would drowned
But right now there is no where I would rather be

I said we could take it slow as I started to dive
She said you must not know, if you love me down there is a hive
I said lets go, even though I knew I might regret this shrive
She took me down and more swam around
But then they started to eat me alive

As they fead I started to dread
I started to bled and knew I would soon be dead
But then my first mate pulled my out and my wounds he started to med
And slapped me and said "thats what you get for thinking with the wrong head"

For ever after that day I was never the same
I will never for get her song, or her game
I knew she was wrong but my heart she did tame
I feel so defeated and beaten, I would have rather bin eaten
Then to ever have to feel this pain
Eric Martin Jun 2020
No need to fear
Death is here
Bringing nature to an end
So we can begin again
Eric Martin Dec 2016
Im slipping away
Restful, at peace
It is so wonderful
To finally calm the beast

It's deep inside
I hope this subsides
I hope its not just resting
because its full from its feast

Im happy, no fear
I feel like I can let you near
But when ever love plants a seed
I bite the hand that feeds
Right side because all you punk *** ******* are to scared to
Eric Martin Aug 2019
Oh sweet princess of the queens
You teem in my thoughts and in my dreams
I would kiss you by any means
But all we have are our distant screams
Eric Martin Dec 2016
He is my star
Our ever lasting Inferno
His heat travels so far
But its always a fair dispersal

I can see that every one is infatuated with his ways
But I know that every one is jealous
because it is I alone that holds his gaze

Looking at the stars
We stay up all night
He thinks this make him not special
But no one else shares his light

His heart is so full but not of me alone
But that's why I love him
Because he cares for every one in his home

Over the years planets were gone
But in him I saw the biggest change
He couldn't help all of them
So he increased his Range

Over time he burnt me
But I could stand the heat
I was with some one who could preform an extraordinary feat

Soon his eyes started sinking
His body started to collapse
But he never made a whim
He would not let him self relapse

If only will power was all he would need
But soon he was a Black Hole
And he needed to feed

I was the first to go
And I saw it in his eye
That it destroyed him
It was hard to see him cry

He killed us all and even though it sounds sad
He shined his light upon us
And made our lives not so bad
This was a poem where a bunch of people gave me different topics to write about and I had to combine them into a poem. It was my most liked poem on that site but also I think it might of bin because so many people where involved in the game.
Eric Martin Oct 2017
Can you feel me
I'm shivering
Because of your heart
Your delivering
I hope that this is love

Is this what you see
I never thought some one could feel this way about me
I think this must be love
Because it is setting me free

I can feel you
I'm listening
Because of your heart
I'm blistering
I want this to be love

I wish I knew you were always the key
To these feeling warming me
This must be love
Because for it I will pay any fee
Eric Martin Dec 2016
You kick started my heart
When we made eye contact from afar
I knew it was just the start
I had to know who you are

Courting started slow
I didn't want you to know
It was going to be a surprise
I wanted to see the look in your Eyes

I took you to my home
I shut off my phone
Nothing was going to stop us
From being alone

I started with your neck
You turned away
I like it when you play hard to get
But I always get my way!

Oh the months we spent
You don't know how much they meant
But you wanted to go home
And I would not let you leave me alone

It ended with your neck
So pretty and long
I gave you one last little peck
Such a beautiful Swan Song

I drove to the river with my car
I watched you drift away afar
Lost in the black
My own little shining Star
Eric Martin Jan 2020
Sweet sensual singing
The melody sways while I am slowly sinking
Put to ease my erratic thinking
If only time had no end
Swiftly I descend
From caressing to stinging
I can't defend
Pulled away from the pillowy breast I was clinging
To the sea I am condemned
Needs work but I deleted some line while trying to cut and paste them around but i can't remember them so I'll leave at is unless I come back to make it better
Eric Martin Dec 2016
My brain withers away
As my soul slithers out my mouth
My eyes set for another day
As I Fear of wealth
Fear of what to say
Fear of finding another way

Courage to find whats deep inside
Courage to break through the bind
I Prove I don't have hide
From whats in my mind

My heart liquefies
My eyes melt under the sun
My body synthesize and crystallize
As I slowly become one
Eric Martin Aug 2019
I love you
and care
I love you too
We just have to rise from this despair?
I hope it can be true
Or els life isn't fair
                                      (Maybe one more line)
We will make it threw
Don't worry I'll always be there
And with a love so true
There is nothing we can't bare
Eric Martin Dec 2016
Stars in the sky exploding
Space and time folding
Bombs going off as the galaxy rips
Flashing lights fight to eclipse

Visions full of fluorescence
At the sacrifice of a solar systems essence
Shooting stars cry across the skies
Puncturing planets as they pulverize

Swirls of liberation
Celestial bodies melting in devastation
Swarms collect and deform
Exploding into storms as they transform  

The aura of the aurora bleeding like mascara
As if the planet is crying at the end of an era
Watching as black holes fight over vibrant sights
Pulling it apart as it ignites

What a wonderful curse
To befall the universe
It's so beautiful its cryptic
God bless a life so apocalyptic
Front Page!!! I hope to god this poem becomes more popular then "chorus of a love song" because that does not deserve to be my most popular poem.(Later) **** The Daily...Well that was my first wish that has ever came true and then some.
Eric Martin Dec 2016
She begs me for mercy
But I don't hear her pleas
She sees I am blood thirsty
She falls to her knees

I love to watch them squirm
I love the way they are dominated
She wants it and it will be on my term
I love how much I am hated

In her mouth outlined with tears a put my ****
She looked so hungry that I just had to let her start feeding
But she must of bin because she Chomped down on my stock
All I saw when I looked down was a stub that was bleeding

The End
Eric Martin Dec 2016
I want to be the fuel to light your fire
I want to be the drug that gets you higher
Grab your soul
Make you have no where els to go

I want to slit open your chest
Use you as a test
Use you're heart as a machine
Then blow it up with nitroglycerine

We are all empty
But we need some thing to inspire
Lets start the assembly
Lets explode into a fire
Take what we require
Fill every desire
Let this all conspire
And Get a little higher
Eric Martin Dec 2016
I have always bin running
Running to be free
I can feel death hunting
Hunting for me

I run for my friends
But now my friends are no longer mine
I will keep on running until this ends
I know I am close to the end but I just need more time

I feel so alone
I want some one to lend me a hand and tell me its ok
I wish I had a home
I wish I had a place to stay

I can always feel him
Feel him one step behind
I know he's on the brim
He's on the brim and soon he will find

I feel him, I'm at the end
He sticks out his hand like a friend
I asked where my soul would send
And he said "on me that would depend"

I knew all along but I didn't want to see
I saw death coming and ran from his spell
But I was really running because of me
Because I knew if he took me I would go to hell
Eric Martin Dec 2016
Is it really a plague?
Just to be a ***
For them to get peoples pointless destain
When the bible is so Vague

Believe in what you want
But before you taunt
Remember every sin is the same
So you have nothing over them to flaunt
Eric Martin May 2016
Her looks were perfect and left with me with nothing to say
Like the feeling of being melted on a hot summers day
Her voice and words were as soft as a breeze
But she could run cold and make my heart freeze

I couldn't help but think about her every single day
And when we were apart I couldn't stand to be away
Finally one day I was able to tell her my love for her was like a flame
And I couldn't have bin more joyed when she told me she felt the same

Soon we were together every day and night
Holding each other in embrace and holding each other tight
But over time she started to leave me out of sight
I started to feel like things were no longer all right

Finally I grew the courage because some thing was wrong and I had to know why?
She looked me coldly in the eyes and told me "there was another guy"
My heart was destroyed, my feelings weren't there to play
She looked me coldly in the eyes and this is what she had to say

"Do you think you are special, do you think you are alone
Heart break is a feeling that every one will have known
You are not the first and you wont be the last
I have done it to you like some one has done it to me in the past"

What a cold hearted *****, what horrible words to say
But soon I had a new girl to make me feel ok
Sadly my jaded heart wandered and I made that poor girl see
That I broke her heart just like it happened to me
I really like the list of words they have on this sight, I saw breeze and thought how I don't think I have every rhymed that word before and it slowly turned into this poem. I am really starting to like this site. I can also honestly say this will be the first time I have ever used a hash tag.
Eric Martin Jan 2017
At the end of autumn
When all the leaves have fallen
Turning the trees into twisted pillars and columns
And the ground looks sick and rotten
All I feel is melancholy and solemn
As I wonder if this winter I will be buried and forgotten
Or if this spring I will blossom
Eric Martin Dec 2016
I am not opposed
To being exposed
I just don't want people to go ballistic
Making me feel enclosed

I am not trying to be sadistic
I am just trying to be realistic
But my heart is unprotected
When I am being artistic

Their words got me effected
But without them I feel neglected
I feel like it is all worth my time
When some one says they feel connected

It is a rough climb
Through grime and peoples slime
I will still work on being respected
While I am still in my prime
Eric Martin Dec 2016
The truth is sadistic if I am being realistic
I will never be able to pay my fees
This passion is parasitic but still I stay optimistic
I should flee before my dreams eat me

I don't under stand the logistic but really its simplistic
And thats I have nothing any body wants to see
Its statistic that there are lots of people who are artistic
I will never unlock the key to make people want to read any thing by me
Eric Martin Jan 2017
In me there is a scourge
That I have tried to purge
But instead of fighting its evil urge
I become one with it and merge
Hoping it will never again diverge
Or take me over and reemerge
Just some rhymes I wanted to write down in a stanza so I could save it and maybe delete this and use them later.
Eric Martin May 2016
I feel my wheels turning
I feel my heart on fire
But why am I still waiting
For events to transpire

I'm torn between my spirit
My need to be a machine
I have so much passion I can feel it
But it is still left unseen

What am I missing
Why can't I crack the code
I hear my self hissing
Why wont I just explode

Maybe I should just rest
And let my passion go
Maybe I should stop being compressed
And just let my spirit flow
Using writers block to write a poem
Eric Martin Jan 2017
Can some one kiss me
Wake me from this dream
I want to be set free
For all I want to do is scream

Can some one pinch me
Wake me to some thing real
I want there to be something beautiful to see
Something that can make me feel

Can some one help me
Show me what is wrong
Help me find the key
Because I haven't bin happy in so long
Eric Martin Dec 2016
It hits me like a blast
Theres a ringing in my ear
Nothing good can last
But how could you no longer be here

I was the last one to see you and remember
The 24th of December
You said you were "sick of living like this"
but I didn't see any thing amiss

How could I be so stupid
How could I be so blind
I didn't do a thing
It's so clear as I look behind

You're cousin called me from your'e phone
Told me about your nose and ****** foam
All this misery wasn't suitable
I'm sorry but I could't bring my self to go to you're funeral
In a repost honour of my best friend Adam
Eric Martin Dec 2016
In this world we are tossed
Some of us found
Some of us lost
But we all have to bear our fathers cross

In this world we survive
Some of us starve
Some of us thrive
But we all have to pay with our lives

In this world we are one
But yet we still fight
Some of us start Wars for greed
And some just for fun

In this world we have nothing to fear
For if you are healthy or in pain
The punishment is always just as sever
Because Death is always near
And to him you all look the same
Eric Martin Jan 2017
Sitting in the rain
Why is this a life worth living
All I feel is pain
I have nothing left worth giving
I could end it all in one quick fall
All I feel is pain
Would people understand if I gave up on it all
Eric Martin Jan 2017
Stepping through the mirror
To see what there is to see
What is there to fear
What is there for me

I step in a puddle as it makes a splash
That floats up into rain
Non of this is rash
Non of this is sane

I saw a girl who was lying on the ground
She said "dead be both will we els or run"
I couldn't under stand a sound
I couldn't help but feel a stun

She floated back up too her feet
Her face was beautiful after it contorted
I thought she looked pretty and sweet
But it wasn't long until those thoughts were thwarted

Then blood from ground went into her chest
Then from her back came a bullet spray
I was not going to stay and see the rest
So I ran back the other way

I started to cry
I didn't know I was in pain
I didn't know I was going to see some one die
But I never noticed the tears because of the rain

I ran back into the mirror
But all it did was brake and bend
Now the way I should go is no longer crystal clear
Do I find out how it started or do I find out how it will end
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