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My words fall upon deaf ears
I might be blinded by my love for you
but you are deafened by your love him
I write you poem after poem after poem
and you are his after just a few words

I could tell you in ten words,
what he couldn't in a thousand
and I could write a thousand words for you
in the time he could barely say ten

but you are his, and he is yours
and I just sit here, an observer
You are my muse and perhaps it is for the best...

that I sit here, the lonely wordsmith
until the day I give up and become just another lost soul
wishing things were different

and so here I am, the lonely wordsmith
writing yet another poem you will never care to read
I believe in Bigfoot
I believe he created us in his image
I believe that Little Bigfoot died on a cross and became a zombie on Easter
I layed down for a nap
and took a coma instead.
I fell asleep on your face
and woke up dead.

Jumped out of bed
at almost 5:30
and started putting on my work clothes
even though they were *****.

Flew down the stairs,
still totally impaired,
and the realization struck me like lightning
setting fire to my hairs.
Wait, when the hell am I?
He smiles like sunshine. And I smile that he's mine. And I'm happy. Finally..I'm a ray of sunshine and he's a ray of sunshine but there's no rain clouds. And maybe I'm still deaf from when the thunder roared loud. And now...there's no warmth only heat. ******* HEAT And I don't know if you'll understand this statement but no matter how perfect your pavement there's still blood on the concrete..somewhere. but there's those of us who stare right through it and walk past like it's not there but we leave red footprints everywhere. And you were a rain cloud that followed me like depression. And I guess you finally taught me my lesson it takes more than sunshine to make the flowers grow. They need the rain and the skies of gray. And all these bright smiles can take a flower and force it to wither away. But somehow the weeds have grown. I need the rain to fall on me. So I don't have to cry Alone.  

© copyrighted Nicole Ann Osborn
I'm the song in the car
you have to turn up the volume to .  Because like some songs are meant to be played loud,
Some people are meant to be loved hard
Like a broken bottle's Glass shard  
broken pieces of my heart
puncture my soul
and rupture the parts of me
that are more soft grunge than rock n' roll.
and I no longer have control
of my feelings
so if you're  leaving,
take a little piece of me.
A lock of hair.
Tie it around your finger.
This isn't fair
For just a little while longer I'd love to linger.
He mounts me
And for once, I actually let him take control
As our skin meets
And around and round we roll

I let him slide right through
And together, we make art
Something so strong and true
Not even my hatred can tear it apart

Speeds change, love is made
This isn't just *******, this is real
I roll him on his back and moaning fades
As I tell him for once how I truly feel

And as I feel human- so small and and weak
A tear falls from my eyes and lands on his cheek...
When I meet her gaze,
it rips the soul from my body
and ***** it through time and space
into her hollow and vacuous eyes.
Into the vacuum of her being.

I find myself in her mind
and step tentatively over the creases
and folds of her grey brain,
avoiding the beehives hanging like grapevines
from the ceiling of her skull.

But my eyes adjust to the light
and I see that my fears are misplaced,
it's not hives hanging inside her mind
but a series of dark rainclouds
behind black and blue skies.

It's too dim in here, thinks I,
where's all the sunshine?

If it's true, and her sun has died
I would douse myself and burn alive
just to provide her a little reading light,
just to dry out her rainy skies and
maybe brighten up her nine lives.

If it's true that her moon is hollow and dim
then I would be proud to fill it up again,
I would be happy to reinflate it's craters
with my final dying breath,
with all the essence of my being.

And I would hang it there in the night,
surrounded by the hole-punched skies.
So maybe when it reflects my self-immolation,
light would shine down through her beautiful eyes
and into that long-neglected mind.
Over two thousand miles stand in the way of something I need
Behind a million different roads, and without a map to lead
Across dozens of mountains, and through thousands of trees
He is there.
out there
hiding in these

The distance hurts, it cuts so ******* deep
I think about the words he writes while I'm counting sheep
Staring at nothing and trying to sleep
And there is something wonderful about this pain
We're both so delightfully weird and insane

This hole in my heart
bleeds his name
through my shirt
leaving a beautiful stain
Reminding me of him and our adventure in space
The stars in the sky left a shadow on his face
When we made it through that heap Jupiter and had coffee on Saturn...

I love this pain
and adore this ******* burn
*******, Justin.
I will not ask you to stay

If you must go, go
I don't need you
I will breathe (carefully) without you
I will smile (slowly) without you
I will go on (eventually) without you

I'd be much happier
If you chose to not leave,
But if you must let go, let go
And I will too

Hopefully one day
I will teach my heart to not break
Whenever everyday thoughts
Lead to you

I'm afraid I'm much too weak,
I'm afraid we'll always be
A book with the end pages ripped out,
I'm afraid I'll always wonder,
Always ache,
Always place everyone second to you

I'm afraid I'll always love you,
But I will not ask you to stay
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