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 Oct 2019 Emma Sims
the fall
 Oct 2019 Emma Sims
you convinced me
to fall for you
and then you
watched me
hit the ground
 Oct 2019 Emma Sims
I don’t
think you’re ready
for how much
I’ll love you or
how much
I won’t show it right
And I don’t think
I’m ready for
how you will
think I don’t
love you at all.
 Jan 2019 Emma Sims
Dr Peter Lim
Over-optimism--it could mislead
  it's wise on some pessimism to feed
 Sep 2018 Emma Sims
I am the dandelion.

I was a useless ****.

Now I am a fluffy force.


I sail on the wind.

I begin again.
Wasn’t sure if I should share this because of the “*******” part.
I’m a girl, btw :D
 Aug 2018 Emma Sims
Julian Delia
The sound of silence.
Peace after violence.

A mother’s browbeaten servitude.
A child’s coerced gratitude.

The world’s most prosperous nations.
Architects of the most dangerous machinations.

Economies like never before;
A life that still leaves you wanting more.

The embezzlement of public finances.
The settlement of a case’s nuances.

Two colluding entities declaring each other free of ******;
With ease, starving YOUR wallet until YOU are down on your knees.

The oath: ‘to protect and serve.’
The reality? ‘To suspect and unnerve.’

A cartel that’s in charge of the guns;
Like leaving a brothel in the hands of Huns.

The lie of representation in government.
The election, expectation of endowment.

Spending your life washing your master’s feet,
Then somehow being surprised by their trickery and deceit.

The mistake of prioritising convenience.
The finalising of our own, eventual obsolescence.

We are a species that will die
Clueless of our role in it, desperately asking ‘why?’
When it’s way too late.
Trying on a new style in terms of venting vexation.
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