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  Apr 2014 Emma
“It was a question I had worn on my lips for days – like a loose thread on my favourite sweater I couldn’t resist pulling – despite knowing it could all unravel around me.
‘Do you love me?’ I ask.
In your hesitation, I found my answer.”
-Lang Leav
Not my poetry, but I related so much that I wanted to post it.
  Apr 2014 Emma
She lends her pen,
to thoughts of him,
that flow from it,
in her solitary.

For she is his poet,
And he is her poetry.*

-Lang Leav
  Apr 2014 Emma
Joshua Haines
You stab me in the back with a knife,
and I apologize for bleeding on it.
Emma Apr 2014
Hay una triste
Escondida detrás de tus ojos
Que sólo se ve con claridad
Como la luna
En los momentos
Cuando la oscuridad
Gobierna tu alrededor

Friend, I'm glad the light has returned.
This is for the boy who got his heart broken by his girlfriend but now has found a love stronger than his past love.
Emma Apr 2014
Quien soy?
          La pregunta
              que flota
          en mis labios
                 Sin descanso
           sin respuesta
I'm Hispanic and I love the Spanish language, so don't think this will the last time.
Emma Apr 2014
Let me in
Or let me go
Mindlessly select
What you've to show

Let me in
Or let me go
The darkness within
I want to know

Let me in
I won't let go
Let the trust begin
And let it grow
For the guy in Washington DC. Just give me a chance.
  Apr 2014 Emma
Trying on my sister’s makeup at six years old,
Seemed like the coolest thing,
Using all sorts of crayons for your eyes in different colors,
Like the ones included in my $1.75 coloring book,
I was trying to be beautiful,
But I knew I didn’t need it,
Using mascara on my hair,
Using extensions to make my hair longer,
Using blush as eye shadow,
Drawing on red cheeks with lipstick,
Taking her size B bra and stuffing it with toilet paper,
Trying on heels because I want to be taller,
Putting on a dress and finally be able to fill it out with my stuffed bra,
I thought I was beautiful,
Even though I probably looked like a carnival clown,
10 years later,
I know how to use makeup,
I use mascara on my eyelashes,
I use eyeliner for my eyes,
I use blush for my cheeks,
I use lipstick for my lips,
I have a double D bra and fill it without toilet paper,
I own heels but I can’t wear them because I am too tall,
I have hair to my waist,
I’m still trying to be beautiful,
But I now won’t show my face without makeup,
I wear a mask hoping someone will remove it,
To tell me I don’t need it,
But they don’t because I do,
Because in my eyes,
I still look like a carnival clown.
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