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12.8k · Aug 2014
Emily Marie Aug 2014
Society sells beautiful lies,
Emphasis on the beautiful,
They sell you the definition of beauty in
small pictures,
small ads,
small sizes.
Spinning the world on a string,
They've got us all fooled.
Telling teens they don't need to eat,
"Skip the food today,
be beautiful tomorrow".
Selling the idea that beauty can replace sorrows.
Society sells the idea that beauty is empowerment.
Society sells the idea that if you are beautiful,
then you could have the world on a string.
These lies lead our leaders of tomorrow into disarray.
Sell us the idea that if we are beautiful
today will be better than yesterday.
But the empty promises lead us all astray,
Abandoned on street corners begging for scraps,
because we didn't think we felt empowerment.

Society sells small,
Society sells beauty,
Society sells small.
Small models,
Small manikins,
Small sizes.
Spinning the world on a string,
Society sells the idea that the size of your waist,
defines how beautiful you are.
Society sells the idea that beauty
is empowerment.
Society sells small.
Society sells the idea that if you are not small,
you are not empowered,
waste of space.

Society sells small.
Society says beauty is empowerment.
These lies lead our leaders of tomorrow into disarray,
Too many teens today are to prone to facings their problems with razor blades,
Because today was not better than yesterday.
Then tomorrow won't be either.

Society sells small,
small pictures,
small ads,
small manikins.
Society sells protruding plastic ribs,
ribs sharp enough to cut paper.
Society sells the figures of the sick and dying.

Society sells small.
Small enough to be drop dead gorgeous,
Emphasis on the drop dead,
Society sells women who are severely underfed.
Society sells women suffering from malnutrition.
Since when did this become tradition?
Since when was fragile stature empowering?
Society sells skin and bones.
Society sells so small,
**women are literally dying to feel beautiful.
Society has given the world un-realistic proportions to try and shape our bodies into, and it *****.
4.8k · Nov 2014
Emily Marie Nov 2014
If you ask me how I am doing
I will always reply,
"I am tired".
Every breath I take wastes the energy
I don't have.

I wake up in the mornings
With imaginary chains pulling me down
Into a comfortable wave of blankets,
Demanding I stay for a little while longer.

My eyelids don't get any heavier,
They get lonely.

They spend their nights kissing my cheeks,
And during the days they only get swift visits.

So I stay in my bed as long as I can to make them happy.
As the world goes on,
And I am here,
We seem to forget about each other,
And that makes me happy.

The anxiety they give me is being washed away
By the softness that surrounds me,
And I am not tired.

I am not wasting my energy on
Fake smiles,
Or talking
To people who don't know what is actually going on in my mind.

I stay in bed as long I can.
I was lonely anyways,
Atleast this way I can insure
A part of me
Would never be.
954 · Aug 2014
Love is not Respect
Emily Marie Aug 2014
Your "treatment of me is not a direct reflection of my value as a human being", so what is it?
Maybe it's because you're surrounded by people and still feel alone.
But it's probably because of your daddy issues.
You've forgotten what it was like to be respected by a man, so you went searching to fill the gaps;
But all you found were empty promises.
You got tempted along the way and somewhere you lost your self-esteem;
Self-Respect turned into Self-Hate, and your bitterness grew bigger and bigger.
You're losing more and more each day,
but you lost your innocence a long time ago so its okay.
Your daddy used to tell you that Respect was love;
But somewhere along the way you tried to replace it.
You confused yourself by thinking that Love was respect.
You've lost all respect for yourself,
and tried to tear me down so I'd take myself down too,
And I'm glad to say that I may be a stranger to love,
But I know respect.

So I'm here to tell you that you don't need a man to give you respect,
as long as you love yourself.
Not the kind of love you buy on a street corner,
or find in your bed,
But the kind that you feel in your heart,
and know in your head.
*Quote from John Green*

First attempt at spoken word poetry. First poem ever, right here. There's a girl at school who walks around like she's better than every one and she's not afraid to let you know it, and she bullied me alot through junior high and elementary school. This is my response to her.
Emily Marie Dec 2014
Does any of this actually mean anything?

These jokes,
   My blushing cheeks,
The time we spent together.

  This feeling is completely foreign, it feels like a flesh eating disease my stomach.

Every time I see you I can feel the oncoming zombie apocalypse that lives with in me, begin to stir.

Staring into your eyes makes my chest beat so hard they can feel it in Alaska.

Which is where I want to honeymoon with you, because I figure by the time we are married we will need an isolated bunker, far enough away from civilization so we won't become zombies too.

But if we do, and if you have to be the one to **** me ,spare my eyes,
   So I can always remember exactly what it was that ended the world.

For you, my darling, I would start 10,000 apocalypses.
   To keep you, my darling, I would end of the world.
This is a part of my series of proses "The Well-Written Thoughts of a Teenaged Girl".
569 · Feb 2015
Emily Marie Feb 2015
Sometimes I like to pretend that I don't exist.
   I like to look up at the stars and ignore them.
      I like to listen to the silence for fun.

I pretend I don't exist because practice makes perfect,
   So I just keep practicing
      And practicing so one day I can just stop.

   Stop acting.
   Stop worrying.
   Stop pretending.

Sometimes I like to pretend that I don't exist,
  Because that means my problems don't exist,
      And there is no one waiting for me.
Like I'm floating deeper into oblivion.

But then my silence is broken
   And I am alive again and reminded that someone depends on me
      And I can't leave just yet.
Like its inconvenient for someone else that I leave right now.

But practice makes perfect
   And I can't stop practicing.

I like to pretend that I don't exist
   Because it gives me hope that someday
      I won't.
466 · Nov 2014
My Muse
Emily Marie Nov 2014
Oh! Creativity,
Why do you  runneth away from me?

You tempt me with your golden locks,
and knock my head on every surface when I attempt to understand you.

My poor mind is restless,
I'm rushing through my poetry
So I can take my time and figure out who my muse is meant to be.

But right now,
My dear,
My head hurts.
I have no clue.
Emily Marie Nov 2014
Suffocation ; family, friends, work, school, work some more
Just to be thrown out the door upon my return because
I don't fit in.

Everyone has something that defines their life, their choices, and their sins.
That smothering factor that plays into every second.

Something's sometimes affect little things,
But I assure you that nothing will never affect anything.

So instead of sitting around,
Being suffocated by your fears;
Face them.

Only you make your choices.
Only you can effect you.
Emily Marie Nov 2014
It seems like so much is made from masks.
From the propaganda we breathe, to the people around us;
Everything is made from plastic that makes our lives easier to stand.

We don't realize our liberties are being taken away,
what's with all the fuss about the next big thing
if we can't even safeguard our future?
Emily Marie Nov 2014
Great men used to walk this earth.
Taking strides with their wide girths, they were willing to loose everything to save the world.
But as time passed, so did they.

Leaving it to the history books to say what legacy they left behind.
Whether or not they were good men is what we're taught,

But  nothing on what they actually said
And nothing to tell us where they were heading
Except for where we are.

Can you imagine if we were the people of the past?

No one says anything important anymore.
The human race wouldn't last for sure;

With out our iPhones and iPads.
Without someone telling us what to do, we wouldn't do anything.

We used to spend our days using what we had.
We had two sticks and made something thing incredible.

We used our innovations to create something edible,
Because we were so invested in each other.

Finally though our own decendents became dependant on the things that other people grow,
But we still can't feed the world.

We should be able to save the world.

Without the people of the past, we wouldn't have what we do now.

But, they say, laziness breeds innovation.
434 · Nov 2014
Murderers of the Future
Emily Marie Nov 2014
Staying  stagnant ruins laundry,
and lives.
Being set in stone skewed the visions and values of our own children,
And crushed the hopes they insured.
Stillness can destroy a country;
Or a world.

This stagnancy,
Held leaders captive just long enough to be too late,
This stillness took the past and murdered our future,

Giving us no chance to move on.

The past protested but was silenced by the overwhelming percent of people who
Just didn't care.
Politics and hypocrisy went hand and hand
and grew together.

1% pushed the dreamers down while only .5% of the population of humanity
called them out,
while 98.5% of people tried to ignore it.

The future is screaming for peace.
Dreams were killed,
Values were skewed,
And there was no hope to be felt.

The future is screaming for peace,
But it was already too late.
We need to be careful of what we wish for. We may be ruining our lives. Look to MacBeth, this has been a warning blunts toy presented to us, by us, and we're ignoring it.
Emily Marie Nov 2014
Tell you children about mental illnesses that run through your family and reduce teen suicide rates.

They more they know, the less isolated they will feel.

Tell your children about mental illnesses that you or your relatives have had and you might not need to know how to live with someone who can not live with themselves.
Not a poem, just an important message I believe everyone needs to hear. Spread the word, spread the love, spread your arms and share a hug!
360 · Nov 2014
A Whole New Me
Emily Marie Nov 2014
Someone told me that I am the same as I was a year and a half ago.
   Am I that plain?
Science says that my skin is completely new every 27 days.
   I have to wonder, does my brain do that too?
And if so, why don't I?

— The End —